Dark Winter

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It was a cold night.

Cold and lonely.

On that cold and lonely night, a young girl trekked through the freshly fallen snow, her brown hair stuck to her pale cheeks and her arctic blue eyes were stuck to the slick sidewalk.

Only soon she wouldn't be so lonely.

"Jody.. You can't run and hide from them forever.." spoke a male voice in the shadows.

The now named girl, Jody, lifted her head to look and probably see who had just spoken. "I can try" she retorted with ice in her voice as cold as the winter they were engulfed in.

A man stepped out, hair black as the night, eyes silver as the stars. "Maybe the less you run he more safe you'll be" he said, his voice was concerned for the young girl.

Jody frowned. "Terrance, I can take care of myself. I'm not a helpless little girl" she growled, and with every word, a fog trickled from her mouth.

Terrance was Jody's best friend, also an outcast of the dreaded cult she was running from, Animus Projects. He had helped her escape from the little experiment they exposed her to, Project Moonfire, where they gave her certain powers.

The powers I'm talking about will be clarified later, dear reader.

Those words hung in the air for a moment before Terrance replied, "I know.. I just worry." He gave a gentle smile.

Jody just rolled her eyes. "There's no need to." she returned his gentle smile.

Terrance looked at the sky, and Jody followed his gaze.

The bright moon was full, and it hovered like a big ball of light in the dark sky, like a big diamond, surrounded by smaller diamonds called stars.

Jody always thought the night was much more beautiful than the day. Not only that, but her power grew much more powerful when the moon glided in the black sheet of paper that was spread high up above them.

Jody reached to touch the pendant Terrance had given her when he helped her escape, a gemstone called the Moonstone. It was in the shape of a teardrop. She always found it beautiful.

"It helps your power become stronger, so you don't have to wait until the moon rises" he said as he handed her the moonstone teardrop that was inlaid on a strong silver chain. Jody rested her blue eyes on the stone as Terrance turned her around to latch the chain around her neck.

He turned her back around as he finished, and the gem rested on her chest, and she reached to touch it. As her fingers felt the smooth stone, she felt a power course through her body. She smiled at this. It was strange, muscle-ringing, yet satisfying. She nodded at Terrance. "Thank you"

Jody looked at Terrance, who quickly looked away as she turned to him. Had he been staring? Jody shrugged off the thought and began to twirl the silver chain and gem between her pale and skinny fingers.

Jody rested her arctic sky colored eyes on the silver orb in the air.

It was beginning to sink beyond the horizon, giving way to the day.

The sky had begun to be painted a salmon pink, blueish-silver, blackish, grey, and a few light blues. The stars were disappearing.

Jody looked at Terrance. She began to feel her powers grow weaker slightly as the moon disappeared beyond the mountains that studded the horizon way far off.

"Lets find a place to hide" Terrance said. Jody nodded and stepped into the shadow after Terrance as they set off to find a place to hide until night came once more.

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