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High // 5 Seconds of Summer


"Not tonight, dude." Jeff slides his phone back into his pocket. "Citizen One has too many riders and the biggest one is security. After their last tour fiasco, they don't want fans within fifty feet. No exceptions."

"Shit." I pull my hair. I remember the images online when that happened. Somehow, one crazy guy got through security and tried to beat the shit out of the drummer. It was buzzing on every site for weeks because the drummer had to bow out of the rest of the tour. I think I read he's still going through physical therapy or something because they're touring with some new guy. No wonder they don't want people too close. "I really thought this could work."

"It still can."

"You just said it was impossible!"

"It is, for tonight. But there are two more nights of this thing. Tye and my dad are looking through the list and brainstorming which band would work."

"Why the hell would your rich dad and the guy who owns this resort, even if he is my uncle, spend their time doing that?" I really don't think my uncle Tye gives a shit about my love life. I figure he's using my desperation to his advantage getting my physical labor for practically free. I begged him for months to let me work up here. He told me he didn't want my relationship drama to drag down the resort guests and wouldn't budge until I told him I'd work for room and board.

Jeff smirks. "Are you nuts? Tye said this is publicity gold. Do you realize how many people in the audience are posting things to Tik Tok about this festival? To get something like a fan interaction would be pure boosting. Think Harry Styles. The guy gives fans a platform to come out, to propose, to ask someone to prom...social media eats it up to the point it makes national headlines. The Moonlight Music festival would be on everyone's feed."

"Ah. My life is a marketing dream come true. Too bad it's all been my worst nightmare." I slink down in my seat on the couch, wanting to crawl under the thing and hide. I've fucked up before, but this is next level. Needing to find a band who'll let me onstage to win back the girl of my dreams? When in life does this happen? Only me. I'm the only idiot who'd wedge myself into a corner like this.

"Nah, it'll be fine."

I give Jeff the stink eye. "Have you ever met Charlie? She's given me the cold shoulder for a year. And even my apology didn't thaw her out."

Jeff shakes his head. "That wasn't an apology."

"Were you out there with us?" I brush him off because he's a know-it-all boy scout. Always has been. Well, until he got tangled up in that doping scandal. Even that was just because he was trying to be a nice guy and got sucked into their underworld.

Whatever. No one understands.

"No. I wasn't out there. But I didn't need to be considering the results. An effective, sincere apology wouldn't have resulted in Charlie storming upstairs for a rag session with the girls."

"Eff you."

"Yeah, that's fine. Eff us all. You keep wallowing in your muddy bog of disappointment."

I look at him. "Muddy bog? I think you're spending too much time with Misty." She's the only one who talks like that.

Jeff shrugs. "Whatever gets the job done? Are you finished with your pity party? Ready to tackle this, yet?"

I clench my teeth one last time before shaking off the frustration. Then I sit straight up, crack my neck and lean forward.

"Fine. Let's do this."

Jeff stands and comes over to clap my shoulder. "Let's take this down to Tye's office and see what he's found out."


Jeff follows me to the main lodge where Tye has his office. The place is a log cabin on crack. Cozy fireplace in the winter and a cool place to relax in the summer after hiking or mountain climbing. I've always loved hanging in the big room—the nickname for the grand sitting room in front—but this time I've got my mind upstairs in my uncle's lair. A single step across his threshold and the man is trying to talk you into one outdoor adventure or another. He's your textbook adrenaline junkie turned entrepreneur when he decided to invest in the Salt Creek resort. It used to be the town eyesore after the last owners walked away leaving an abandoned mess. He's a hero in the eyes of most business owners up here.

But he's been a pain in my ass most of my life.

Once we reach the end of the hallway on the second floor of the business wing, I knock on his door and enter to his gruff 'come in.' Tye looks up from his desk with a shit eating grin.


"Micky! I was wondering when you'd crawl yourself up my stairs. Here to have the day saved and I'm your superhero." He lifts his arms and crosses them behind his head.

He talks like he's the answer to everyone's problems. I love the guy, but he usually causes more problems for me than he solves.

"Micah." I correct his use of my childhood nickname. "I haven't gone by Micky since I was ten." Pre-pubescent boys can be brutal. Micky had to go if I was going to survive middle school.

"Meh. You'll always be Micky to me. I changed your diapers, remember?" He slaps the top of his desk. "You got yourself into a fix this time, I tell ya. But I think we can make someone a very happy fan, and get you the girl, if we play our cards right."

I rub my face. There's not enough caffeine in the world to prepare me for Tye's energy. Plus, I read too many energy drinks can actually kill you, so I'm shit out of luck.

"This is a bad idea."

"Nah, it's the best idea. Win-win for all of us."

I don't bother correcting him again. It wouldn't work anyway.

Jeff pipes up from next to me. "Did you have luck on any of the other performers? We'd take one of the minor stages, too."

Minor stages are B and C acts, bands trying to make a name for themselves somewhere other than only social media. Most of them have cult following and those fans have come through so far this week. But would it have an impact?

I almost wish the Circus Killers were performing this year. It could be a do-over. I could recreate the night that broke us.

I suck in a breath. Simply thinking of that night is a blow. Physical pain.

No, I don't want it to be anything like that night. I want something completely different. A one-eighty redemption.

"I think I have just what you need," Tye says, a shit-eating grin once again spread across his face.

"Really? Who?" Jeff's voice rises an octave.

Glad someone's excited about this.

Tye beckons us closer with a side-eye and a wave. He leans across his desk as we mirror his movement.

"Brianna Royce," he whispers before leaning back in his chair, triumph in his eyes.

"Whoa," Jeff says, grabbing his chest. "Are you for real?" His hands fly to the top of his head as he paces. "I mean, I knew she was performing, but you talked to her? She agreed? We're going to meet her?" He bends at the waist, practically hyperventilating. Tye busts up at the sight.

"Boy, you got it bad. What would Alison think?" He shakes his head. A perpetual bachelor, he has no idea how to navigate a relationship. I'm surprised he even thought of Alison's feelings on the matter.

But who am I to talk. I got myself into this fix for the exact same reason.

"Nah, it's okay. She's got her own obsession with a nature photographer. She gushes over his art and I gush over Brianna's music. It's a fair trade."

I shake my head. I'll never understand those two, but it doesn't matter. I don't even understand myself.

"Apparently, Brianna is very sympathetic to star-crossed lovers who have the cards stacked against them." Tye explains. "Her manager was all over it. She agreed it could be amazing publicity for Royce's camp as well. She'll be backstage tonight watching Citizen One. The new drummer is one of her good friends." He tosses two lanyards with passes attached at us. "Talk to her. Take the opportunity to come up with a plan together."

Okay. I can do that. I can talk to a world-famous pop star about my messed-up love life and all the ways I screwed up. I can beg for her help getting Charlie to at least forgive me and accept my friendship again, even if I long for more.

"This is unbelievable." I slide into a chair, not able to hold myself up anymore. "How the hell did I get here?"

Jeff stands in front of me, gripping both of my shoulders and leaning down to look me in the eyes.

"You fell in love. Happens to the best of us. And once you get it right, it's the best thing in life."

Tye coughs. "Okay, you two. I've got work to do. Time to mosey. Tonight's show starts in two hours so you should take advantage of the passes I gave you. VIP early entrance and a meet and great with the band."

"Looking forward to it," Jeff says. "Thanks again, Tye. You really came through."

We won't see how clutch his efforts were for two more days when Brianna takes the stage and whatever plan we come up with is put into motion. Can I last that long?

Jeff and I head straight to the cabin to get ready and head to the venue. The rest of the group is lounging around eating snacks. The plan was to eat a quick dinner here and then head down the hill for the openers. Our seats are decent. We don't need to line up early to snag spots in the pit. I'm not sure how we're going to explain leaving before them without giving it all away.

Jeff clears his throat before speaking to the group. "Tye asked Micah and I to head down early and be his eyes to make sure everything is smooth. We'll see you guys at the seats."

I've got my eyes on Charlie, like always, so I see the second her gaze snaps up to mine. There are a million questions in her eyes. I wish I knew what they were. I wish I knew the answers. Charlie looks away sooner than I like, but I'm not pushing her. Not again.

I just hope this crazy plan works because I'm out of ideas. I'm out of chances. I'm almost out of hope.

So instead of working to get her attention or get on her good side, I follow Jeff upstairs. I get ready for the concert and grab my wallet. Then I walk out the door behind Jeff with the tiny shred of hope I still have left. Hope I've got wrapped up in the sympathetic ear of a pop star.

I'm screwed.



I watch Micah go. The vibe was off when he came back with Jeff. I can't put my finger on it but something's changed.

Isn't that what I wanted? For him to give me space and forget about me? Why am I questioning this? He ruined everything. I've told myself for a year that I can't trust him. That he's not the person I thought he was. That I don't mean enough to him for me to allow him back in.

For the first time in twelve months I'm second guessing that decision. Seeing him up here this summer is one thing. I've kept my distance even though it hurt. I told myself nothing he could say would change what he did. And it hasn't. What he said this afternoon did nothing to break through the wall I've put up with him.

It was different this time. This look he just gave me. Like he wanted to hear every hurt he'd caused me. Like he'd turn back time to fix it if he could. He's said those words but just now I saw it in his eyes. I haven't let myself look until now. I haven't been strong enough.

"We should get ready," Alison says as she clears the coffee table of our snack tray. Pete and Frank are talking on the deck leaving Misty, Kyra, Alison and I in the front room. "And we need something more than cheese and crackers if we're going to last the night."

"Rocking out to Citizen One is going to be epic," Misty says. "Frank's brother is their new bodyguard. Those guys are so nice."

"You've met them?" I ask. "I thought you were into the harder stuff." Harder stuff being The Circus Killers we saw last year. I'm into that stuff, too, mostly for the Cosplay. Citizen One is okay but I'm not a big fan.

"I'm into whatever is playing," Misty says. "But it helps knowing the band is actually cool and not full of themselves."

"These guys don't have enough of a following to have big egos."

Misty laughs. "You'd be surprised."

"Do tell." I raise a brow at her teasing statement.

She laughs again. "Story for another time, girly. Come on. We have some fits to plan." She rubs her hands together before grabbing Alison and I by the elbows to drag us upstairs. "I know the perfect look!"

Oh boy. Is this what I've been missing from having a group of girl friends? It could be a disaster, but I'll go with it to take my mind off look on Micah's face before he walked out the door.

They're back!! And YES Brianna Royce (the pop star from Dating The Diva) will have a cameo. I've got some ideas for a story with Citizen One - the band performing first- that would be a crossover with the Diva story but it will take a while before I ever get to it. I'm building a universe 😉

The salt creek series (Moonlight, Sunlight, Firelight and Candlelight) will also have stories for Kyra and Pete, Tye and a woman who shall be named later, and one other story for Micah's brother that is TBD.

High is the sound to accompany the looks Micah and Charlie give each other toward the end. Did you feel it?


Thanks for reading, voting, commenting and supporting my stories!

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