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A Day Off This Week


"Do you see that too?"
"Yes, Master I see it too."
"She is wearing a Miraculous...!"

"Did you see the fight yesterday!?"
"The newbie's name is Moonlight!"
"She's hot!"
"They make a good trio!"

Everyone's subject today in homeroom was about the fight yesterday. And even Alya posted the interview she had with me on her Ladyblog! Not only the interview was shown, also the part Chat Noir carried me!


Some people were showing it to their seat mates. Even Nino! He showed me the video, and Adrien had to scoot closer to see it too!

I wish Marinette is hereeee not meee....

My heart was beating fast in nervousness, because look, they're so close!! I wasn't able to put on perfume!

But that's not important! Anyways, I'm taking a day off this week, and I won't fight no matter what! I can't stand on what would happen between me and Chat Noir!

Going back, I feel like someone is staring at the back of my head.

Ohh, bad feeling.

I sink in my chair, and the video just finished. "Dude, what are you doing? Sit up!" Nino laughs, and I sink lower.

"Sinking in your place won't do you anything good, Louisa!" Adrien laughs along.



A Day Later...

"So, the formula of water is H—"

A car came bursting out on the wall!
Some people screamed and scurried out the classroom.


I evacuate too, and go outside to see the villain up close. Now this may be stupid of me, but I'm just trying to see!

I was about to have the view when someone scooped me out of the crowd!!


"What are you doing in the middle of the fight, Miss??"

It's Chat Noir!

"...you should be somewhere far from here."

"Well, thanks for saving me but Ladybug needs help!" I say to him.
"As you wish, I'll come back for you, though!"
He states as he disappears.

Wow, way more different than the flirty one days ago....Hmm.

"Aren't you going to transform, Louisa?"

Shimmer says. I open my bag and she looks up at me. "No, Shimmer, I...just wanna not do it this week."

Minutes later, I decided to walk back home. I stand, and pat the dirt off me if ever, and begin to walk.


I turn my head.

"I told you I'd come back for you, didn't I? And what might be your name, beautiful lady?"

Ahh, here it goes. I knew it would show soon.

"I'm Louisa. You?" I say, pretending to not know him at all.

"Hmm? I'm the one and only Chat Noir! How do you not know such handsome superhero?"

I snickered. "Well, I'm not sure if you're the most handsome I know. I know someone better." I smirk at him. "Huh?! Who?! That's impossible!"

"Aww, is he jealous?"
"Of course! I should be the most handsome in your eyes! Who is this boy?!"
I put my index finger to my lips. "That's a secret, Chat Noir. Hihi."

He walks toward me, and press our bodies together, a hand on my lower back. And pressed his clawed hand on my cheek.

"Or, purr-haps you are only saying that to make me jealous? I know I'm the most handsome, you know."

Too close!

I look away. If I were Moonlight right now, I wish Ladybug would arrive soon and see what's happening...

He holds my chin with his forefinger and thumb. "Ah-ah~ My eyes are right here. If you don't want something to happen, I advise you to look at me~" he purrs, smiling seductively.

Ugh, yuck! Why did I use that word?!

Then as if my prayers have been answered, something was whacked on his head, making him stumble.

His grip loosened and I managed to back away. The thing that was whacked on his head was Ladybug's yo-yo!

"Oh my gosh!" She stormed to him, and pulled his hair. "Ow, ow, ow, ow!!! My lady!!"

"Why are you harassing a civilian! And plus, a pretty girl! You're a hero, stupid!" She drags Chat Noir and releases him, him again stumbling in the process. "Owieee!"

"I'm really sorry about him! What's your name?"


Wooow!! It feels so cool meeting them in civilian!

Your eyes were sparkling from delight.
"You're Ladybug, aren't you!?"
"Sure am!"
"Heyy!! How come you know her!???"

Nobody payed attention to Chat Noir.

"Now, Louisa. If he does that to you again, shout my name and I'll be there to whack his head again!" She glared at the cat.

A beep was heard. "Oh! I gotta go. Nice to meet you Louisa! Til we see again!" She takes her yo-yo and does her thing.

"Oww..." Chat Noir rubs the back of his head.

Man, I can't help but feel a pang of guilt too.  And he still likes her even if she treats him that way at times...

"U-Uhm, sorry about that...I uh, was about to explain b-but...yeah..." I finish in a lame way.

Chat Noir laughs. "Nah, it's cool." He smiles widely while rubbing his head. I worriedly approach him. "Did she pull it hard?"

"Well, yeah, sort of...why? Are you gonna kiss me to make me feel better~?"

He strikes again. Jeez.

"Well, that might do it too." I kiss his forehead.

Wait what?





I just pressed my forefinger and middle finger on his forehead, and I was sure that it felt like a kiss.

To make it not obvious, I tiptoed and leaned on his forehead a bit.

Hmm, I wonder what kitty might be feeling. Hehehe.

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