Moonlight Howl

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A/N: This is just a oneshot. A very looonnnggg oneshot. Hope you enjoy!



Third Person's POV

A certain scarlet haired girl looked at the raven haired girl beside her and smiled. The older girl was sleeping so peacefully on the younger girl's shoulder. They were on their way to a camping site where them and and the other members of μ's will practice for Love Live. Eli Ayase was the one who suggested this so that the girls can focus on working hard for Love Live.

"Are we there yet, Eli-chan?" Complained a ginger haired girl sitting in between her two childhood friends, Umi Sonoda and Kotori Minami.

"Stop complaining, Honoka. We'll be there soon." The dark blue haired girl said.

"But Umi-chan!"

The red head is starting to grow irritated by Honoka's complaints. Maki gently placed Nico's head on her lap so that she won't disturb her senior's sleep.

"Keep the noise down, Honoka!"Maki snapped.

"Yeah, Maki's right, Honoka. Nico, Rin, Hanayo and Kotori are all sleeping so keep quiet. Try and get some rest." Eli said in a low voice.

The ginger haired girl just pouted and rested her head on Kotori's shoulder in order to get some sleep.

Maki stroked Nico's hair gently and a smile formed on her face. The red head slowly drifted off to sleep.


Maki woke up a few hours later and learned that they already arrived. It was late in the afternoon and it seems like it's dusk already. The chilly winds blew forcing the red head wrap her jacket around her tightly.

"The first thing we need to do is to pitch the tents and prepare for the night. After pitching our tent, Nico, Maki and I will take care of our dinner." Eli instructed. The other girla nodded and started working on pitching the tents.

Maki and Nico seemed to have a hard time trying to pitch the tent they're sharing with Eli. Even with the help of Eli, they can't get it right.

"Geez. We'll never finish without Umi's help. I guess we might need her help." Nico murmured.

"Don't worry, Nico-chan. We'll get this right without her help." The red head said using her sweet voice to Nico. In response, the raven head blushed and continued doing her work. Maki chuckled a bit after seeing her senior blush.

It took a while to pitch the tent and after that, the trio gathered the cooking utensils. Nico instructed the other two on what to do and helped Maki in cooking.

"What are you cooking, Nico-chan?" Kotori walked up to the duo.

"Of course it's Nico-nii special potato soup and omelette!" The raven head said cheerfully.

"Really really? I want to taste it already!" Kotori said. Nico smiled at her and said, "It will be done soon, Kotori."

After a few minutes, their food was ready. All nine of them sat around a campfire that Umi made earlier and they all happily talked amd laughed with each other. But, Maki noticed something's off with Nico. She decided to confront her senior about it.

"Is something wrong, Nico-chan?" The red head asked. Nico didn't even looked at Maki and just said, "It's nothing." Then she stood up from where she was sitting.

"Hey, where are you going, Nico-chan?"

"I'm just gonna take a walk, that's all. I'll be back after 20 minutes. I promise."

"But it's already dark. You might get lost."

The raven head smiled at Maki. "Don't worry. I can take care of myself, Maki-chan. After all, my instincts at night is much more better than day."

The scarlet haired girl tried convincing Nico but the raven head didn't listen to her. As Maki stood up, Nozomi stopped her.

"Let her go, Maki-chan."

"N-Nozomi?!" Maki exclaimed.

"I can sense that Nicocchi has something on her mind. Or she's hiding something from us." The violet haired girl whispered to the junior's ear.

Maki grew anxious when Nozomi told her that. Was Nico really hiding something from them? Hiding something from her? Maki couldn't find the answers to these questions. She decided to ask Nico in the morning. Or maybe when she comes back later.

"You two seem to be deep in thought there. Anything on your minds?" A new voice spoke up. When Maki and Nozomi looked up, they saw Eli.

"Ah, it's nothing, Elicchi. We were just talking about Nicocchi." Nozomi said. The blonde raised her eyebrow at the spiritual girl.

"Oh, is that all?"

The two girls nodded their heads. Eli sighed. "Okay then. Better get ready for bed. It's getting darker. Maki, make sure that Nico gets back before you sleep."

Maki let out a small laugh. "Eli, we're sharing the same tent. So, we should wait for Nico-chan. Together."

The blonde scratched the back of her neck and chuckled. "Hehe. You're right."

The other girls started to clean up and got ready for bed. They all said good night to each other and headed towards their respective tents.

Eli opened up her flashlight even though Maki left the flap of the tent open to let the light of the remaining campfire inside the tent.

The red head glanced at the the blonde searching through her things for something.

"What are you looking for, Eli?" Maki asked.

"Just a lamp."

The scarlet haired girl bit her lower lip to prevent a giggle from escaping her mouth. "You're still afraid of the dark? You know, if you leave a lamp on inside a tent, you could burn the whole tent down." Maki said.

The blonde didn't answer but continued searching and found nothing. Maki just sighed and looked up to the stars. But looking at the stars didn't make her feel better because Nico is still out there.

"Eli, let me borrow your flashlight. I need to find Nico-chan."

"W-what?! No way! Don't leave me here without any light, Maki!"

The red head grabbed the flashlight from Eli and grabbed the blonde's hand and dragged Eli towards where Nozomi, Umi and Rin were sleeping.

"H-hey Maki. Where are you going?" The blonde asked as she let Maki drag her.

"Nozomi." Was the the red head's only answer. When she got there, she opened the flap of their tent and shone the flashlight beam at Nozomi's face. The spiritual girl slowly opened her eyes and covered them.

"Nozomi, please take care of Eli. I'm going to find Nico-chan." Maki said, pushing Eli into the tent.

"Wait, Maki. It's dangerous to look for her now. And besides, it's a full moon. Wolves might be lurking around at the woods." Eli said.

"If I don't come back after 20 minutes, try to find me." Maki said. She left after saying that to Nozomi and Eli.

Maki scanned their camp quickly and felt that someone's watching her from behind. She beamed the flashlight behind her and was relieved that nothing's there.

She continued walking by the long stretch of trees. Maki's very afraid that something might jump out and eat her. She shook that idea off of her head because she only needs to find Nico.

"Nico-chan, where are you?" She called but no one answered except for the wolves howling. The howling seemed to be so close and Maki grew even more afraid.

She heard rustling on a nearby bush and beamed the flashlight there. Maki froze when a low growl came from behind her. She slowly turned around and nearly fainted because there are two wolves growling at her.

Her two feet remained rooted to the ground as the wolves took a step towards her. She finally found the courage to run. The wolves ran after her, almost catching up to her.

Maki tripped over a few times but still continued running. She lost the flashlight and now she's running in darkness. The only light she could see is the moonlight.

She came to a stop when she almost fell down a cliff. She turned around and saw the wolves.

Maki felt tears forming in her eyes and decided to let it fall because of the fear surrounding her.

"Nico-chan, please help me." She cried, her face buried in her hands.
As if response to her cry, a lone wolf jumped out and stood in front of her. Maki slowly raised her head and saw the wolf in front of her.

The lone wolf let out a long howl, causing Maki to cover her ears. Growling and yelping started and the red head looked away because she doesn't want to witness what's happening.

It stopped after a while and this time, Maki opened her eyes and was shocked that the bodies of the wolves chasing her were all bloodied.

The wolf that protected her was also bloodied. But this wolf is different from the other two. This wolf have black fur unlike the two which have grey fur.

When it stared at Maki, the red head noticed that this black wolf has red eyes. Its gaze is somehow similiar to Maki. Like she's seen it before. No. That gaze belongs to Nico. Maki's sure about that.

"N-Nico-chan, i-is t-that y-you?" Maki stepped forward and reached out to the wolf. She recieved a low growl from the wolf and showed its teeth to her.

Maki took a step forward and again she recieved a growl. As the clouds covered the moonlight, the wolf let out a howl.

It slowly became human and Maki recognized the girl as Nico. She ran to catch Nico's body. Maki cried as she hugged the unconscious body of her senior.

Maki felt Nico's hand on her cheek. "M-Maki-chan... I'm glad.. that y-you're safe."

"You idiot, why did you do that? You scared me almost to death you know." Maki cried softly.

Nico let out a small cough and chuckled. "Hehe. S-sorry about that, M-Maki-chan. A-at least you're safe."

The red head smiled at her and wiped her tears. "Come on, Nico-chan. Let's go back to camp and let me treat your wounds there."

"You lost your f-flashlight, right?"

"How did you know?"

"I was following you all the time you were looking for me."

Maki brought out her phone and turned on the flashlight. "See? I'm prepared. Get on my back. I'll carry you."

The scarlet haired girl carefully carried Nico on her back and walked slowly to prevent Nico's injuries from becoming worse.

"Hey, Maki-chan?"


"Can you keep this a secret between us? I don't want the others to find out about my dark secret."

Maki stopped and gently put Nico down. She then kissed the forehead of her senior.

"Of course. Anything for my Nico-chan."

The raven head blushed and said, "Geez. You don't have to do that, you idiot."


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