Chapter 54: Starting Again

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The farmhouse is nice for a place that hasn't been lived in permanently for a while. Destiny feels weird walking inside, having only ever lived on the streets, in the sewers, or a house that's far tinier than this one. She wishes she could feel more excited.

The other turtles carry Leonardo into the house and up the stairs, where April runs a bath. They take off his belt, wrappings, knee pads, and mask before lowering him into the warm water and resting his head on the ledge of the tub. April kneels next to him and dabs at the bruises on his face with a sponge while his three brothers watch over them.

"This will keep him hydrated, help him heal faster," Donatello says, unable to keep any positivity within his voice.

Michelangelo sniffs and rubs his eyes, his usual smile gone from his face and making him look unnaturally sorrowful. Destiny appears at the doorway, staring at the quiet bathroom, unfocused and looking slightly dazed. Donatello, April, and Michelangelo slowly trickle from the room, until Raphael is the only one remaining behind.

Destiny walks inside, her feet nearly dragging, and Raphael looks up at her as she passes him. She sinks to her knees next to the tub, Leonardo's barren features occupying her attention.

She slumps against the porcelain rim of the tub, her heart feeling like it's been torn out of her chest and stomped on repeatedly. Her fingers dip beneath the water, just able to touch Leonardo's bicep, and she shudders when she realizes that his skin is far colder than she remembers.

I could've stopped this.

Raphael's hand falls on her shoulder and she flinches, his fingers tightening slightly before she looks up at him. His face is as, if not more, heartbroken than hers. He takes one look at her, his eyes softening, and it's like he knows that the tears she's been holding in are getting harder and harder to hide.

"I don't usually say this, but it's okay to cry," he says softly.

She nods as the dam holding her emotions at bay collapses and she breaks down, tears running down her face as she squeezes her eyes shut. Raphael kneels down next to her and she throws her arms around him, crying freely into his shoulder. He looks taken aback by the gesture, but returns the gentle hug nevertheless. He keeps her close, his gaze is switching between her and Leonardo.

"It's okay, Destiny. We're all gonna be okay," he whispers, stroking her hair and ears.

Outside the bathroom, Diaval leans against the wall with his arms hanging limply at his sides. One hand clutches a slightly reddened cloth, one he'd been using to wipe away his nosebleed.

He shuts his eyes, Destiny's sobs pounding in his ears like a bass drum. He's seen her break down before, seen her cry out of fear, out of guilt, but he's never heard her like this.

Diaval peeks around the edge of the doorframe. Destiny takes shaky breaths, her tear-soaked face against Raphael's shoulder and his cheek resting on the top of her head.

His gaze lifts to the door and he makes brief eye contact with the Foot Clan member. His hand tightens slightly against the small of Destiny's back and he looks away, but not before leaving a cold feeling in Diaval's stomach.


Destiny goes downstairs, gripping the railing for support as spots appear in her vision. She goes into the living room and flops onto the couch, grimacing as she presses her head back into the cushions.

Her ears swivel as footsteps come closer and closer. She waits for whoever it is to arrive.

"Now can you let me see?" Donatello asks from behind the couch.

She nods, wincing as she straightens up. He settles down next to her and flips his first aid kit open. She reaches down and peels her shirt from her stomach, revealing another set of claw marks that are nearly identical to the ones on her face, except these ones are thinner and not as deep.

"Great," she mumbles.

Donatello grabs a cloth and carefully starts to wipe away the blood. Destiny closes her eyes, her head swimming as she grits her teeth. Something cold brushes against the cuts—antiseptic, she guesses—before he gently massages some ointment on the wounds. A familiar, cold, burning sensation spreads through that small area and she looks down, finding that her new cuts have scabbed over with a thin layer of skin. She also notes the black around the edges.

"The mutagen medicine," she murmurs. "The one you made for me?"

He nods as he lifts her away from the back of the couch, starting to bandage her middle. "I'm sorry, I wouldn't have used it, but I don't want you losing any more blood." He finishes the wrapping and pins in in place, letting her tug her shirt back down. "Let me guess, it was Emery?"

"She caught me, and I was so busy fighting her that I didn't help Leo when I needed to." She bites her lip, swallowing the lump forming in her throat. "S-Stupid leopard. I—"

"Do not say that it's your fault he's hurt. It's no one's fault but Shredder's."

She buries her face in her hands, making a pained noise in her throat. A moment or so later, the couch shifts next to her and Donatello's arm surrounds her again, making her look up at him. His lip twitches up at the side into a sad little smile and she hugs him, listening to his heart and taking deep breaths.

"Everything is so messed up," she whispers. "Splinter...New York...L-Leo..."

"At least we're all alive and together, right?" he asks softly. He's trying to sound mildly optimistic, but it's flat at best. "Splinter's tough, I'm sure h-he's...fine."

"One can only hope."

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