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Haha, so I've kind of been semi-dead on here for a while

I have writer's block which sucks because it came out of nowhere. I've been wanting to write Hierarchy and maybe even start other project but I can't-

I'm struggling but I'm not going to force myself to write. I'll just produce crap and I don't want that. Sorry for delaying publishing a new chapter. However, I've been drawing and relaxing recently, so that has helped. 👌

Me, my mom and sister went to go look at dogs last weekend and we saw this cute Yorkie we named Teddy. We couldn't get the cute boi though :(

I also went to the FanWing Fest that celebrated the release of Dragonslayer! I got some cool stuff that I'll post in another chapter.

School has been a bit hectic because of the coronavirus, school has been closed for two weeks (maybe even longer) and we have to 'digital learning'. I probably have scoliosis from carrying so many textbooks lol.

I think that's all? Just stay safe with all this craziness about the virus! <3

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