WoF OC inserts

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Totally didn't procrastinate on posting this

I have a Wings of Fire fanfic that I'm currently planning! Hopefully I'll actually finish it, but I need a couple characters, so why not have a couple of your ocs in the story?

Just a small form to fill out so I can write in your character. I'll allow you to add two characters maximum at the moment.


Age (mainly adults, but I'll let a couple younger dragons slide):

Tribe (this mainly focuses on IceWings, I may let in a hybrid):

Abilities (please don't make any animus or empowered dragons):


Brief Personality:


Occupation (no royalty):

Alliance (do they agree with IceWing society, hate it, or neutral? This is an important aspect of the story):

Relationships (mother, father, siblings, or girl/boyfriends. will probably make a cameo appearance):

Brief Backstory (optional):

Other (anything I may have missed):

Are you okay with me possibly killing/injuring or your oc?:

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