Random TSA States Stories Because I'm Bored

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Still in a car!

Does anybody know what TSA is?

Random Audience Member: Technology Student Association!


If you are wondering what we do in it, we do...

Tech stuff.

Sooo... Since I'm bored, might as well tell you guys stories about last year's PA TSA States stories I have.

Here's an list of people's names I'm using:
Me: me

My 1 year older brother: Dreamcrusher - NightWing (it's better than Evil Snot Child)

My brother in college: Penguin - IceWing (or Dat Boi)

The twins: Pollux (Red) and Castor (Blue) - NightWings (They're identical, so they have to wear these things on their wrists so you can tell them apart. Seriously, it's evil. Like on spirit week, one of the days was twin day, AND THEY FRICKING SWITCHED THEIR COLORS. POLLUX WAS BLUE AND CASTOR WAS RED. IT WAS EVIL. LIKE APRIL FOOLS WAS EVIL TOO. Okay, I'm done.)

One of my best friends' older brother: Owl - SkyWing (He hates me)

Nerd guy in 9th grade and I have his friend code on my 3DS: Thoughtful - NightWing


The state conference was at 7 Springs (skiing resort) for PA, so we had to take a bus because it's 3 hours away.
26 middle schoolers.
All of them held their breath without telling each other to hold your breath.
One of the chaperones said to raise your hand if you're holding your breath.
I can't even.


I took a creepy picture of Castor sleeping for my friend who has a crush on both Castor and Pollux.
I also got Pollux, but he woke up before I got my phone out.
I need mental help.


Penguin got his toilet clogged in his room and it overflowed.
Ha ha.
The water reached the carpet in the hallway of our floor.
We got a janitor named Jim, and my brother's friend is named Jim and he was the one who overflowed it.
Penguin was the one who clogged it.


Dreamcrusher's roommates made coffee in their sink.
They then proceeded to try to feed it to Dreamcrusher, who was playing his 3DS and not trying to stop them.
We only managed to stop them by taking all of their coffee packets.


Pollux and Castor attempted to clog the sink FOUR TIMES last year.
They locked the door to the bathroom and used cups to clog the drain.
They do it every year and are doing it again this year. ;P
We stopped this by taking their cups.
Four times.


Owl was playing VERY LOUDLY the new Star Wars movie in his room.

Blowup Hammer: Check
Me: Check

I was ready for this to happen.


I'm not allowed into boys' rooms.


I got a moon airbrushed on my fore arm, while Penguin and Jim got the Illuminati symbol on their foreheads at the afterparty.



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