1. Girl Talks

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Before we start this, I just want to say, thank you for actually clicking on this. And, I'm using my real name, 'cause I'm not creative. Dunno how that works, 'cause I made up the other three names. Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter! Bai!

Chloe's POV

I woke up, feeling hungry. 'Isn't that a coincidence! I'm always hungry!' I thought to myself as I slowly lifted up from my bed.

I looked into my wardrobe and threw on whatever I picked out. Which was, some ripped skinny jeans, a white tank top with the words, '2 Cool 4 U' on it in bold black writing, and my favourite leather jacket. I was too lazy to take my socks off, so I left them on.

I got my phone out my pocket and got the camera ready. First off, I combed my hair out and re-did the coloured curls at the bottom, which were a neon purplish pinkish colour.

Then, I quickly set out my makeup. Which was light mascara, light eyeliner, light pink eye shadow, and light pink lip gloss. The normal makeup you would have on a Autumn morning.

I took a quick picture, with me winking and my tongue out a little. I put the caption, 'Totally what I would be wearing on a Autumn morning. #JustWokeUp #NoFilters' I posted it on Instagram and immediately got likes and comments.
Such as,

OMG, she's so pretty!

Is she single?!

You're like my model!

Isn't she living with Team Crafted? If she is, how is she not with one of them? (All of TeamCrafted except Ian & Quentin.)

I laughed to myself as I walked down the stairs, checking Twitter. I realised only the girls were downstairs, AKA Abigail, Madison & Max. (Yes, Max is a girl.) "Hey, gals!" I said, catching their attention. "Oh, hey Chloe!" I smile at them as I sat down.

"Look, Chloe. We've been thinking, we need a girl talk." Abigail said. I nod. "Okay. By any chance, do you have a 'crush' on one of the guys?" Max asks, making air quotes around crush. "No, of course not." I lied. I do like one of them. "We can tell your lying." Madison always knows when I'm lying.

I sigh. "Okay, yes. So what?" They looked at each other. "Damn, that was a really good comeback right there. Um, we don't know. I guess, we were just curious." Max says. "It's fine, no biggy." At that moment, the guys come running through the front door.

"Holy, shit!" I yelled, making them all laugh. Jason & Jerome fall to their knees as Mitch stands behind them, then he falls to his knees with Adam behind him, Adam & Ty fall to their knees as the door's still open wide.

Abigail leaned over to me and whispered, "So, which one is it you like?" I chuckle. "Jason." She nods and moves back. I stand up and close the door. "Okay, boys! What the fluff?!" Max screams.

They stand up and screamed, "WE GOT FOOD!" Everyone cheered. I ripped the bag out of Jason's & Mitch's hands and ran upstairs. I locked myself in the bathroom and opened the bag. I ate one biscuit and went downstairs.

"Makin' my way downtown, walking fast!" I shouted as I hopped down the stairs. Everyone laughed. I threw the bags back to the boys. "Now, make me a sammich!" Jerome ran into the kitchen and came out several minutes later with a sandwich in his hands.

"Thank you!" I took a bite out of the sandwich. We sat around doing nothing.

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