4. New Girl!

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The new girl in this is IJBHfrags, so go check her out. She has I think three books. This is for you. (I hope you like who I gave you.)

Ty's POV

I can't believe she would do that. Jocelyn... Cheated. Ugh, even thinking about it gives me a headache. I just need some air.

I walk outside and sit down. I watch the cars drive past. One thing caught my eye, a girl struggling to carry some stuff. She looked Asian and had long wavy ombre hair. She looked about 5'3 and she was tanned. I decided to help her.

"Hi." I said, making her jump. She turned around and my chocolate eyes met with her hazel eyes. "I'm Ty. I saw you from across the road and you looked like you were struggling." She smiled a beautiful smile. "Yeah, I could have some help. I'm Iris, by the way." We shook hands and I took one of the bags.

Iris, huh? That's a pretty name. "So, what are you doing here in LA?" After I said that, her face dropped. "Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't of asked." She shook her head.

"No, it's fine. I'll tell you later." I nod and we head back to her house, which was only a few blocks away from my house. We set the bags in the living area and sat down on the couch.

"So, I'll start from the beginning." She started. "It was about 2 months ago, I was in a car with my dad." Tears swelled up in her eyes. "We was talking about something, until he turned to me and disagreed, not watching the road. We slammed into another car and that person and my dad... Died." A tear flowed down her cheek, I wiped it away. "I kept it a secret from my mom as long as I could. I joined a dancing club, 'cause my mom signed up for me. After my mom found out, she went insane. My dance teacher, Mrs. Green, lent me a place at her's. After about a week of being there, my mom found me and, and... Beat me. I ran away from there and saved up money to buy a ticket to here. And, now here I am." I was speechless, I couldn't say anything so I hugged Iris, who was now quietly sobbing.

"I'm sorry, here." I gave her my number and stood up. "Call me if you need anything, I live down in the villa a few blocks away." Her eyes widened. "You live there?!" I nod and smile. "With a few friends. Okay, see ya Iris." I opened her door and walked out. "Ty!" She called me. I turned around to see her there. "Yeah?"

She stood in front of me. She stood up on her tip toes and kissed my cheek lightly. "Thank you." She hugged me. "No problem." I felt my face get hot. We broke apart and she walked back into her house.

I walked back to mine and closed the door, leaning against it slightly. I think I'm in love.

So, do you ship #Tyris? I do. IJBHfrags, I hope you enjoyed this. Thank everyone for reading this, and I'll update later. See ya!

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