300 Followers! :D

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We did it guys!

We hit 300!

So, as a celebration, I will be doing an art raffle! (for real this time!)

No contest though, sorry. That didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. :/

ANYWAY! Here's the raffle info:

- You must be following me
- You CANNOT follow, and then unfollow after you are entered. You WILL NOT be put in the drawing, and you will not be awarded your art piece if you unfollow after winning.
- You CANNOT use alternate/backup accounts to enter yourself more than once. I am limiting the raffle entries to one per person!

I will have 5 winners in total.
1st Draw: Digitalized full body and headshot of an OC or canon character of your choice. See prize rules below.
2nd Draw: Digitalized headshot and traditional full body of an OC or canon character of your choice. See prize rules below.
3rd Draw: Traditional full body and headshot of an OC or canon character of your choice. See prize rules below.
4th Draw: Traditional full body of an OC or canon character of your choice. See prize rules below.
5th Draw: Traditional headshot of an OC or canon character of your choice. See prize rules below.

Prize Rules:
- No humans (sorry)
- Canon characters will be limited to Undertale (and AUs), FNAF,  Warriors, and BATIM, since that is all I am willing to draw atm
- OCs must have a reference sheet readily available! I would prefer digitals, especially for the top two prizes
- Please don't give me your most complicated OC! I don't want to hold off on everyone else's prizes so that I can do one drawing of a super-complicated character. Either that, or if you do give me a complicated character, expect that the prize might be the last to get done, regardless of which draw you got.

And I think that's it. Deadline for raffle entries will be June 1st, and the drawing will (hopefully) take place in a day or two afterwards. ;3

To enter, please type "raffle" in the comments section below! :D

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