Ch. 4: Lucius

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I burst into a vacant back room of the institute. The door slammed open with a loud bang, shaking the room. I staggered to the nearest table and hunched over it, gripping the edges until my hands strained white.

My senses were ablaze with fury and my primal wolf roared within me like a tempest threatening to engulf my rational mind. I had to quickly get as far away from my mate before I accidentally hurt him during my fiery craze.

My chest tightened with a mixture of rage and fear. A mix of emotions that threatened to consume me whole after witnessing the brazen attempt on my mate's life.

Just thinking about Donavan slicing the knife through the air made my muscles tense, and every tendon felt like a tightly wound coil ready to snap and unleash its pent-up fury. I wanted to rip out Donavan's throat for daring to hurt my mate.

In the mirror across the room from me, my eyes were a red haze, gleaming with a dangerous glint, reflecting the turmoil raging within my wolf. Each breath was a struggle, the air thick with the scent of blood, fueling the fire burning deep within me.

Blood. My claws sharpened at the sight of the red handprint on my white dress shirt.

Nate's blood.

I knew it.

I knew Nate was my mate. I'd sensed it for a long time. From the moment I first met him, I knew it was him. Which was why I was momentarily shocked when I felt the mated bond and feared for a second that it wasn't him.

I don't know why I couldn't recognise his scent when I first felt our mated bond, but the second the knife sliced through his hand, I instantly recognised the scent of his blood.

My mate.

The rage and desire to protect Nate consumed me and the beast within was terrifyingly angry. Exactly like that night over five years ago, when Nate was attacked by his ex-boyfriend, Sebastian. I'd almost lost it then too.

"This had better be important!" my sister and beta, Isabella, exclaimed, her sudden entrance jolting me as she burst through the door, holding a clean shirt in her hand. "You're putting a damper on my evening."

I snarled at her and sensing the impending storm, she moved swiftly to my side. Isabella placed a steady hand on my shoulder and soothed me with her calming words.

But my wolf's instincts were on edge. My body trembled with the need to lash out, to protect what was mine. Isabella's voice, normally a calming presence, was a distant echo in the roaring storm of my mind.

Yet, through the haze of anger and desperation, a flicker of reason remained. If Nate saw me now, he'd think I was a monster. Deep down, I knew that succumbing to my primal urges would only bring more pain and suffering.

With strenuous effort, I forced myself to take a deep breath and to rein in the savage beast that threatened to consume me.

Slowly, almost reluctantly, I began to regain control. My breathing steadied as the storm within me slowly subsided. My sister's calming presence was like a lifeline in the chaotic sea of my emotions.

And as the rage receded, replaced by a semblance of calm, I knew that the battle with my beast was far from over. But for now, I was grateful for the reprieve.

"You good?"

Isabella withdrew her hand from my shoulder. Her hazel eyes shone with skepticism, signaling her readiness to tackle me to the ground if I made even the slightest move towards her. Despite her petite frame, she exuded a fierce aura, her strength surpassing most of the other wolves in my pack.

Which was why I made her my beta. Isabella was strong, smart, reliable, and loyal.

"I'm fine," I said, gruffly.

Releasing my claws from their grip on the table, I straightened my posture and rolled my shoulders to ease the tension in my back. Swiftly, I ripped off my mask and gathered my loose hair into a bun, seeking relief from the warmth gathering at the nape of my sweaty neck.

"You don't look fine," Isabella emitted a faint scoff, emphasizing her disbelief.

With a doubtful arch of the brow and a subtle tilt of the head, Isabella crossed her arms firmly over her chest. Her eyes narrowed slightly, scrutinizing me with a penetrating gaze that sought to unravel the truth. Her lips twitched with a readiness to challenge or counter any further claims that didn't align with her own.

Which was why, as I sought out the nearest vacant room, I had called my sister for help. Her mere presence would bring me solace. And without hesitation, she'd hurried to assist me.

"Where did you find a shirt this quickly?" I hastily took it from her hand and began to peel off my dinner jacket and unbutton my shirt.

"Rafael always has a spare shirt handy at the council."

She locked the office door and perched herself on the desk.

"Do I even want to know what happened to you?" She gestured towards the bloodstains on my shirt.

My muscles tensed as I unfastened the last button, inhaling deeply as the vivid image of Nate under attack surged into my mind, haunting me.

I'd felt his cry of pain, the all-consuming fear that had gripped him when he believed he was going to die. It was a connection of unparalleled intensity that had compelled me to rush to his defense—my mate.

Before I could fully comprehend the situation, my inner wolf had taken charge, and I had instinctively snapped Donavan's wrist like a twig. A dangerous reaction that could put me in deep water with the Elders if I didn't learn to control my wolf when around Nate.

"Just a minor incident," I replied, continuing to unbutton my shirt.

I discarded it and pulled on the clean one. It fit slightly snugger than my previous shirt, and the cuffs were too tight around my wrists. I unbuttoned them and rolled the sleeves up for a more comfortable fit.

Isabella ran her fingers through her flowing brown hair and let out a lengthy sigh. It carried the weight of her frustration as she removed her blue mask. "You wouldn't need my help if it were just a 'minor incident.'"

"You can go now," I splayed my hands behind her back and firmly pressed them against the tense muscles of her shoulders as I shoved her towards the exit.

"What is wrong with you?" Isabella planted her heels, anchoring them firmly into the ground and refusing to budge. "You've been acting strange ever since we arrived at the Elders' Ball."

Heat swept across my cheeks as my thoughts drifted back to that fateful moment when Nate stepped into the ball. At the time, I hadn't known it was him. But instantly, I thought he was a vision of ethereal beauty that ignited a spark deep within me.

My heart quickened at the recollection. The memory vivid and intoxicating. He was radiant, standing confidently in his form fitted suit and mask. His presence cast a spell that I couldn't resist.

The connection was instantaneous. A bolt of lightning that jolted through my veins, electrifying every fiber of my being. In that moment, I knew with absolute certainty that he was my mate, that our souls were bound by an unbreakable bond.

"I'm fine," I cleared my throat, though Isabella didn't seem convinced. "I had a little scuffle with a wolf, you know, the usual pack rivalry stuff."

"I thought the only wolf you considered worthy of your time was Nate Silverman."

My jaw twitched. Isabella's eyebrows furrowed slightly as she shot me a questioning glance before settling back down on the desk. She rummaged through her purse, eventually retrieving her lip gloss and using her phone as a mirror.

She gazed into her selfie camera and began to apply her lip gloss, which carried a faint hint of blueberries. "I noticed you chatting with a stranger at the bar."

I shrugged, preferring not to delve into the topic.

"He's quite attractive, isn't he?" Isabella grinned, clearly picking up on my discomfort with the subject, and proceeded to tease me further. "He's like a supermodel, tall and lean, with that faint stubble on his jawline. He's your type." Isabella hummed in amusement. "And you can tell he takes good care of his hair. Those black curls are absolutely gorgeous and silky smooth."

The thought of his lustrous locks tempted me to slide my fingers through his silky hair, coiling them into a firm grasp from behind, gently tilting his head back as I claimed his mouth. A fantasy I'd dreamed about for years, and which could soon be a reality now that we were mates.

I turned away from Isabella and sighed, a deep, lingering exhale. I placed my hand against the wall for support, steadying me when an unexpected surge of desire tightened my pants as explicit images of myself and Nate together in bed raced through my mind.

"Feeling okay?" Isabella giggled, pushing me out of my intrusive thoughts.

"Perfectly fine," I gritted, pausing to compose myself before turning back around to be met with her wicked smirk.

"He's a beautiful wolf, don't you think?" A sly glimmer shimmered within her hazel eyes. "He reminds me of Nate." Isabella paused for a moment as I gave her a look.

"Oh my Goddess, it is him, isn't it?" Isabella quickly tidied her makeup away, eager to learn more. "After all these years, you found him, your mate."

I couldn't lie to my sister. Not with something this important. So I told her everything that happened from meeting my mate at the bar, to fighting with Donavan. Then realizing my mate was in fact Nate.

"It's him," I whispered. "Nate's my fated mate."

"Do you know how incredibly lucky you are to have found your mate?" Isabella squirmed, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "You must be eager to see him?"

I smiled at her enthusiasm, but my smile faded. Now that we were mates, it wouldn't be long before Sebastian found out and he would do anything to make my life a misery and try to take Nate away from me.

At least now as mates, I could protect him from Sebastian.

"What's that look for?" Isabella's happy demeanor soured. "Did something happen?"

"Sebastian's back."

"I thought you ran him out of town five years ago." Isabella growled. "How long has he been back?"

"Since the last full moon. He has something to do with Nate's banishment."

"What happened?"

"I don't know." My face strained. "The Silver Moon Pack has been sketchy about the details."

"You need to tell Nate the truth about you," she exhaled heavily, massaging the bridge of her nose.

"He's not ready."

"You mean you're not ready to tell him the truth." Isabella pushed herself up into an upright position. "You can't keep it from him forever."

"I know."

"He'll find out eventually."

"I know."

"So would you rather he hear the truth from you, or that manipulative bastard?" Her long, azure nails rhythmically tapped against the table waiting for my answer. "Sebastian has already hurt him once. He won't hesitate to hurt him again."

"I know!"

I snarled, bearing my teeth at her to back off and she took a step back sensing the beast's anger.

"It's complicated," I muttered more to myself than to my sister.

"Then uncomplicate it."

"It's not that easy. I've not exactly been friendly to Nate since I came to town."

"But you did that to protect him, he'll understand."

"Will he?" I paced the room. "We're from rival packs. Sworn enemies. Nate has no reason to believe me. And on top of that the Elders would never allow us to be together, especially now that he's banished."

Was our relationship doomed to end in tragedy? Was that why I desperately didn't want to tell Nate the truth about Sebastian and our past? I was scared he would run away from me if he knew the truth.

"Who cares about the Elders?" Isabella threw her arms into the air. "It's never stopped you before."

"We're alive today because we abide by their rules."

"And if Nate finds out the truth about your past?" Isabella shot up from her leisurely position. "What's the worst he'll do?"

"Deny me as his mate." I couldn't bear the thought of not being with him.

"We both know that won't happen."

"But what if it does?"

Before I could say anything, she stood up and hugged me with a reassuring smile that everything was going to be fine.

"Then we'll figure something out." She stroked a soothing hand through my hair. "I'm your sister, I will always love and support you, no matter what happens. I'm here this time."

Isabella sighed, having had enough of me.

"You are two souls, lucky enough to have found each other, again." Isabella crooned with a long sigh. "You deserve to be happy, Lucius."

She then flicked my forehead and quickly left, chuckling when I growled at her to get lost.

I sat in reflection, thoughts consumed by Nate—his sharply defined jawline, those piercing silver eyes, and that elusive, feline smile.

I was well-acquainted with that smile; I'd witnessed it a hundred times. The same smile that stirred unfamiliar emotions, igniting my core each time it graced his lips... each time I caught sight of him.

I rolled my head around my shoulders as I felt my inner wolf trying to take over. The thought of my mate held in my arms, his lips on mine, between the sheets... I could feel my face burning now... it enthralled my inner wolf.

I retraced every interaction, every skirmish, and every conversation I'd ever had with Nate. Regardless of our clashes, arguments, and teasing, my heart consistently brimmed with warmth, and a smile remained on my face.

It was driving me crazy. My wolf hadn't stopped whining, begging for me to be with him. To find my mate and mark him as mine. To finally be with him after all these years.

"I won't let you die this time."

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