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NOTE: Currently I am only making aesthetics and covers, banners will be coming soon! Sorry for the inconvenience! 

*= means optional but better if you put it! 

Books Covers: 

NOTE: If it is a cover for a fanfiction, please tell me the Fandom, and I will tell you if I can accept it or not, as some fandoms I am not a part of and it will be hard to make covers for them, unless you are very specific! 

Automatically Accepted Fandoms (please still tell me what Fandom it is, but these fandoms I will accept automatically): 

Keeper of the Lost Cities
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson/ Heroes of Olympus/ Anything from the Rick Riordan Universe 

SECOND NOTE: Please no horror or paranormal! I am easily scared and have a condition that makes it very hard for me to sleep, so any small triggers makes it impossible for me to sleep. Sorry if I disappointed you! 

Author/ What do you want on the book as the author?: (you can just put our username if you don't want a special pen name on the cover)
Book Summary: 
Mood (specific colors, fonts, etc.)*
Ideas?: (please provide any specific ideas you had for your cover) 
Anything else?*

I don't think I have the right apps to make them, so currently, banners are closed! 

Character Aesthetics: 

Character Name: 
Character Appearance Summary: 
Character Personality Summary: 
Specific Color Theme?*
Any Quotes?* 
Anything Extra?* 


VIP's are some specific people on Wattpad that I am quite close too, and I would want to give them some special priority! They get special priority and maybe some gifts during specific holidays! 

Here they are! New people will be added to this list as well, this list is NOT a permanent no change list! 

sunkissedfox- SilverBeams hello_fox314 lunalovegoodmolly TiniArt percabeth200718EmiAnimalLover

To the people above:
Thank you for being such good friends and so supportive for my stories, leaving such nice comments, and being just really good people in general to me. I wouldn't have made it so far on Wattpad without you!

So VIPS, you get first-priority for being such amazing people (ALL MY FOLLOWERS AND ALL OF YOU READING THIS YOU GUYS ARE ALSO AMAZING PEOPLE, but I just haven't gotten the chance to know you that well) and also maybe some Christmas presents! (If you want them, I mean, I know I'm not a pro at graphics) 

Thank you for visiting this graphic shop! 

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