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I'll admit, this one was a bit hard because I couldn't really think up something that would be good for a random book. So I decided to just make four random covers and hope you like one! If you want a re-do I'll re-do it! 

This one was more like an experiment of a softer cover, because the other ones are more bold. I did the pink and gold color scheme inspired from your current cover, (with the pink flowers and all). 

Now you may be thinking, why oranges? And my answer to you is: I don't know. (You kinda got the short end of the stick here because I was sick (still am) when I made these, so my thought process is all jumbled.) I actually think this cover isn't that bad, it was a big step out of my comfort zone because I usually like making bold covers and making something a little more whimsy was hard, but also fun!

This one I went for more calm, forest vibes. I adore the girl sipping coffee and I edited her colors to match with the forest-y scene around her. I also added some paper and cardboard pieces on the title to make it look, well, I don't know exactly what I was going for but they don't look bad and that's all that matters! (Once again, sick girl thought process) 

And for this one, I present to you, one of the brightest things ever to be found. Looking at it again, I just realized how bright it is, but oh well. I'm really bad at saying these descriptions of covers, especially now, so I'm just not gonna describe this one. 

I hope you enjoyed at least one of these covers!

If you use a cover: Please give me credit in the description!

Thanks for visiting this graphic shop! 


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