Chapter 10: What's up with all the couple names?

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I watched with big eyes. That couldn’t be possible right? I looked around the clearing, searching for more of these special… powers?
I squinted my eyes when a ball made purely of light came our way, before redirecting and hitting one of the people in the back. I rubbed my eyes. Did I really just see that? Was I imagining things?
‘This is not normal. Why do those wolves have powers? I want those powers!’ I heard Jules whine in my head.
‘Stop being childish and observe our…’ Yes, what were they? ‘…rivals.’ I decided.
‘Back to business-Lexi or just trying to annoy me?’ I chuckled, and I was glad I managed to keep it in my head and not out loud.
‘Probably both.’ I answered, the smile still on my face. Then I continued watching the clearing. These guys were amazing. I found myself lost in the colors of light and fire, even some lightning. I saw someone who could run so fast even a werewolf in its wolf form wouldn’t be able to keep up with her. Hell, even a train or a plain or a sports car wasn’t faster than she was. I watched mesmerized as I saw things that –even though I’m a werewolf– only existed in fairytales.
‘Boss,’ Did Hunter just call Alpha “Boss”? ‘don’t you think those vampires have something to do with this?’ I frowned. Although I shouldn’t be surprised that he knew about the vampires that visited this territory.
‘I don’t know. That could’ve been business too.’ I nodded without saying something, my eyes still glued to all of the magnificent things we saw.
‘No.’ Jules said, I could hear she was in her stubborn-mode. ‘No those blood-suckers have something to do with this.’ Blood-suckers? Where did that come from? Didn’t she like them after their visit? ‘They are healers, and now that they stopped visiting, the wolves all have super powers.’ Even though her voice sounded angry, she still managed to whisper. I nodded once again. I saw a point in that too.
I suck at discussions. I listen to one, completely agree with him or her, then hear the other side and agree again, and so on.
‘It doesn’t prove anything, they could have gotten those powers way before the vampires came.’ Rose has a point there. Now, what can I say that would sound a little clever? And I had to admit, I was kind of on Jules’s side with this.
Wasn’t I always?
At least when there are bigger groups. We have countless fun arguments.
‘The point is,’ I started, ‘that they have powers now, and they didn’t before.
‘How do we know?’ Rose asked.
‘Quiet!’ I immediately felt like I had done something wrong. After a few more minutes of observing the group, we went back to the dorms. And that’s when the questions flooded again, without finding any answer.
‘But how?’
‘Why do they have powers?’
‘Can they fly, or do you really need wings for that?’ We heard Trace sigh angrily, and that made us all fall into silence.
Trace ran his hand through his short, dark hair before he said: ‘Let’s call it a day and head back to our rooms.’ We all spread out, like a fan, and headed back to our own rooms. My mind flew from one place to another. What just happened? What exactly did we see? I was confused to say the least.
And it didn’t help that I just remembered that I had to cook that night.
My planning sucks too.
I opted on linking Jules, but I didn’t want to bother her. Maybe she still had some homework to do? I contemplated the whole way to my room, and finally decided I could always ask. Maybe she’d love to help me.
‘Jules?’  I whispered through our link.
She responded immediately: ‘Detective Hunt, at your service.’
I chuckled. ‘What’re you doing?’
‘Just some math homework I forgot to make for tomorrow. Why?’
I started searching through my bag for my keys. ‘I forgot it was my turn to cook again, but I can ask Momo to help me if you’re busy?’
‘You and your bad memory.’
I swear I could see Jules smirk. ‘But I think I’ll pass for now. I should really get this done, sorry.’
‘That’s okay.’
Something clicked in my mind and I sighed.
‘What’s up?’
‘I just remembered I gave Momo my keys, so I have to go to her anyway or I can’t get in my room. Good luck with math!’
‘Thanks! See you!’
I was already on my way to Momo’s room when I waited until Jules would cut the conversation. I don’t know why I did that, maybe because I wanted Jules to think –know?– she could always talk to me?
I tapped my knuckles against Momo’s door four times, and when Momo opened the door, she already had my keys in her hand.
‘Hey there! I just knew it was you.’
‘Maybe you’re psychic.’ I offered grinning. ‘Say, I forgot that I had to cook tonight. Could you help me?’
‘Of course! Not a very big meal again, right?’
I chuckled. ‘No, not a very big meal.’


I would have never made dinner in time if Momo hadn’t helped me and Jules appeared too. Jules and Momo started setting everything up in my room as I finished everything in the kitchen. This time, the meal wasn’t very “restaurant-like”, like it was the last time. I just had a normal meal, like any other day. When I walked out of my little kitchen, I saw Momo and Jules had found the folding tables and chairs again. I nodded, before going back to the kitchen to get the plates, together with Momo and Jules, food already on it. Then I went back to get the cutlery. Jules took the forks from me and Momo the knifes when there was a knock on the door. I hurried to open the door, revealing my pack. Of course, Alpha was the first to come in, followed by Beta Harry –Helmet– Gamma Matt, Delta Mick, and finally everyone else. The pack sat down, and I was just in time to see Jules blush when Trace whispered something in her ear as she gave him his fork, the last person that still needed that, or a knife.
I sat down next to Eva, with Jules on my right. Alpha gave his little before-dinner-speech before everyone attacked their food.
Momo, who was on the other side of Jules, started talking about one time when she was in Paris.
‘The food here is so much better than in Paris.’ Adrien commented. He sat in front of Eva, Rose next to him and in front of me.
‘Why?’ Eva asked. ‘The food is good.’
‘Oh come on!’ Adrien exclaimed. ‘You pay a fortune and all you get are two little pieces of shit!’
Eva kept her face neutral as she commented dryly: ‘Those are snails.’


The next day in school flew by, but we finally got to meet the mysterious Charlotte. She wasn’t exactly mysterious –she was kind– but she was mentioned before, and she finally joined us today. It was Friday today, the last day before we finally had another weekend. It appeared that Charlotte knew some of her new pack members already, and she was immediately accepted in our wonderful family.
Gotta make it sound great to newcomers right?
I guess she didn’t really need that though. Sasha, Irene, Matt and Charlotte looked like they had been best friends for years, so it wasn’t a surprise that when we finally had our last class –English, and our teacher decided that because it was the last class before Saturday, we didn’t have to do a lot– Charlotte sat next to Matt in the middle of the classroom with Irene and Sasha in front of them. Even though we didn’t have to do a lot, it seemed that Matt was too busy with Charlotte anyway.
‘Matt, stop touching Charlotte.’ The whole pack burst out laughing when our teacher said that. I had missed what happened before, but it became clear with that sentence.
Matt grinned, but something about him still made him look like he wanted the ground to swallow him whole. ‘I know it’s very hard to control your hormones,’ the teacher continued, ‘but please, not in my classroom.’ Snickering sounds came from all over the classroom, and I couldn’t help but grin.
‘Say, Lexi?’
‘Hmm?’ I answered as I turned to look at Jules, who was grinning too. She pointed to somewhere on the other side of the classroom, where I saw Adrien and Eva discussing something that was probably  useless, but seemed important to them whatsoever.
‘We should make up a name for them.’
‘Adrien and Eva…’ They would so become a couple soon. They already had their mind link. ‘Adra?’ I suggested.
‘Evrien?’ I nodded. Jules scanned the classroom. ‘And Harry and Lyla? They don’t know it yet, but it won’t be long before they cross the line from hate to love.’ I grinned back to Jules as I agreed that we should ship them too. ‘Lyrra?’
‘You’re on fire Jules!’
‘I know! Let’s see, who do we have next…’
‘Momo and Jeremy.’ I grinned evilly as I glanced at my friend behind me. She was too busy chatting with Trace, who was on the other side of Jules.
‘Momie?’ Jules suggested, I silently applauded her. She grinned and wiped some dust that wasn’t there to begin with off of her shoulder.
‘And, of course, my favorite.’
Jules frowned at that. ‘What favorite?’
‘Truliet of course.’ Jules’s cheeks turned pink in an instant. ‘So, we have you and Trace as Truliet, Momo and Jeremie as Momie, Adrien and Eva as Evrien and Lyla and Harry as Lyrra.’ I summed up.
‘What’s up with all the couple names?’ Jules and I quickly turned around to Trace.
‘Oh, er…’ Trace gave Jules a crooked smile, and for a second I thought she was going to faint. ‘We just… thought it would be fun?’ Jules finished, although it sounded more like a question.
‘Do we have one?’ He asked.
‘Yes, Truliet.’ I answered, since it looked like my friend was lost in his eyes or whatever other lovey dovey stuff people talk about.
‘I like it.’ Trace said, grinning at Jules. ‘‘Cause we’re true.’ I see what he did there! Because the first part, of you leave the ‘-liet’ away, sounds like “true”.
That’s just adorable.


When we all said our goodbyes, I watched as all of my friend were picked up by their parents. Jules left last, after we walked to the gates together once again, leaving with her mother. I waved at her one last time before I hoisted my bag further up my shoulder and started walking. I didn’t live that far from town, and that was a five minute walk from here. I think.
I made sure not to go near the Golden Path Pack’s territory, because I was sure that I’d trespass again. When I saw more and more people, I was sure that I was close to the center of our town. I’d have to cross it to reach my house.
While I was walking, I started thinking. Today we noticed there are actually quite a lot of couples. Or soon-to-be-couples, actually. Everyone seemed to be finding someone. And without meaning to, I observed the people walking around me.
I saw an old couple, walking hand in hand. It was adorable how the husband caressed his wife’s cheek when she sat down while he was getting her some ice cream.
Two couples, four teens, passed me on bicycles. On the first bicycle, the girl sat on the luggage carrier, legs to one side, her head leaning against the boy’s back and her arms wrapped around his waist like she would never let him go. The boy had his hands on hers, like he was never going to let her let him go.
On the second bicycle, the girl sat on some bar of the bike that only bicycles for men have. She leaned against his chest, carefully, and the boy held her as if he was afraid she would fall.
After a few more minutes, I saw two business people walking past me. A woman and a man. They both wore suits, a suitcase and a milkshake in their hands. The woman was talking with wild hand gestures, almost spilling her drink, while the man was listening to her with a dreamy look and a smile on his face. They appeared to be just partners now, but the look on the man’s face told me that –if it were up to him– it would soon grow out be more.
It all fit quite well with the song I was listening to, something about everybody having someone except the singer. I sighed at all the cuteness.
So many people, so many love stories, so many futures and so many happy endings.
But it seems like even Cupid doesn’t know what to do with me.
Maybe it’s because every time he comes near me, I’ll run away as fast as I can so he wouldn’t catch me. And he’s a fat baby with tiny wings, so of course he won’t keep up with me.
But I have Django and my cats.
And the first greeted me excitedly when I opened my door. ‘Hey bud, I missed you too!’ He slipped past me when I let one of my cats inside, but he came with me as soon as I called him.  Together, we stepped inside again, the warmth from inside welcoming me, enveloping me like a hug.
‘I’m home!’


‘Yeah!’ I called back from my room, making my way to the stairs so I could hear my mom better.
‘Will you and Mason walk Django?’ Don’t really have a choice there!
‘Sure.’ Mace came running down the stairs to the top floor as I made my way down to the bottom floor. We immediately started talking about what music we would listen to and how our favorite band would almost release a new album. As I opened the door, I asked him: ‘Do you have you phone?’
‘Yup.’ I stepped outside.
‘Yup.’ Mace followed.
I was about to close the door, when I looked around, missing one quite important thing: ‘Django?’
We looked at each other before bursting out laughing. Really, who would forget their dog when they’re supposed to walk their dog?
We hurried back inside, still not recovered from our laughing fit, as Django jogged over to us.
‘Hey boy! Come on!’ I called as Mace explained why we were back inside already.
‘Flee before they judge us?’ Mace whispered. I nodded fiercely and we bolted for the door, this time taking Django with us.


‘What do you want to hear?’
I looked at Mace with my best ‘are you serious?’ face. ‘Do you really have to ask that?’
Mace shrugged with a smile as he nodded, agreeing it was pretty silly of him. He had just put on the music when he started doing some silly walk, which made him stumble after a while.
‘Nice, Mace, smooth.’
‘What? I didn’t stumble, that would be silly!’
After a while, when Mace’s ego had recovered enough, he decided to do some other, even sillier walk. His arms and shoulders were broad, his steps wide, as he took these skipping-like steps.
‘Mace, why are you skipping?’ I asked with a smile. Django was walking right next to me, proud as ever with his he branch he believed to be half a tree – a twig.
‘I’m not skipping! I’m swagger-walking. I’m… I’m swalking!’
We once again burst out laughing.


Hey guys! So I have good and bad news. The bad news: Dreamyme1998 and I won't be continuing MSH together, so if you want to know how the story will continue, you'll have to do with just Lexi's POV. The good news is that I will finish MSH, and there's another chapter coming up right after this one. Thanks for reading and enjoy!
-XXX- RainbowRose8
PS: The song on the side is he one Lexi was listening to on her way home

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