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This command game is set in the fictional city of Erydsburn, the most crime ridden city in the world (can you see the inspiration from Gotham). Murders and muggings are no uncommon sight, dead bodies abandoned on sidewalks barely a cause for a blink of an eye to the city's residents, and people are finally deciding to do something about it.

Enter your characters: a group of young people with or without powers determined to do right by the poor citizens of this city.

Hello! Basically I've only ever seen command games done with warrior cats (cough cough if you're interested in that check out my WC command game 'call to the forest') or adjacent fandoms. And I like superheroes so. I'm doing a superhero one which will be more work but have less cat limitations.

I know the rules look daunting but most of them are just me explaining stuff so please read through!


1. No OP characters. Having strong powers is fine but drawbacks are needed for every strong power (e.g. a character with fire powers may have weaker lungs from smoke inhalation, causing them to have a debuff to agility).

2. No discrimination/hateful behaviour of any kind. Any such behaviour will have your character removed from the game (randomly killed off) and yourself blocked by me.

3. You can enter as many characters as you want but also keep in mind the more characters there are the longer updates will take!

4. Each update will progress in a month of each year. There will be a summary of important events at the end of each year.

5. At some point your character can do important life events (like have a kid with another character if they're together for long enough, buy a house, get married etc) but keep in mind that the life of a hero is not a kind one. So, uh, don't get too attached to any NPCs.

6. Your character will need to have a job- there will be a command for that. They'll start the game out with $500 and that amount will go down each month. If they go into the negatives they'll be more likely to fail on patrols, get injured, get sick and have their identity revealed. Unless they have some Bruce Wayne type beat like my character Arlo but there won't be too many of those accepted probably

7. You can form relationships with NPCs but it will take longer to bond with them if you do that rather than with another player, who can bond both in one month

8. There are 4 ranks of heroes with their own sets of energy. Each command costs one energy unless stated otherwise

Novice (3 energy a month) (0-2 years)
Competent (4 energy a month) (3-5 years)
Proficient (4 energy a month, lesser chance of injury) (6-7 years)
Expert (5 energy a month) (8-9 years)
Master (6 energy a month) (10+ years)

9. You will have a fame level that increases or decreases based on your actions. On the bright side, higher fame means more opportunities at improving skills, forming relationships, getting access to privileges and worrying less about money. On the dark side, scarier villains, higher risk in everything you do and secret identity more likely to be revealed. If your identity is revealed at any point your close relations will all become endangered and you're more likely to suffer serious injuries while off the job

10. There are 5 skills:

Combat (fighting)
Agility (dodging)
Charisma (charming your way out of things/distracting villains/hiding your identity better)
Medical Knowledge (healing quicker after a fight)
Metahuman Control (optional) (controlling your metahuman ability)

11. There are 7 stats:

Job (making x amount of money per month)
Money (how much money you have)
Residence (where you live, how much it costs a month)
Fame (how well known you are)
Bills (this one's more of a list of your expenses. You can comment if you want to cut back on some of them but they may have negative consequences if you do)
Public Opinion (what the public thinks of you. This can impact interactions with other characters)
Suspicion (how close someone is to discovering your identity- this is only applied if you find someone who suspects your identity of being your hero. E.g:

Relationship with Megan Glover (0.5) (Suspicion: 4/10- Megan can't help but think Character acts a bit like Hero that saved her last month))

12. Positive relationship levels-

If you have 5 with someone they're considered an ally
If you have 10 with someone they're considered a friend
If you have 15 they're a close friend and you have the option to ask them out
If you have 25 you're best friends and close enough to get married if you're dating
If you have 30 with a partner you're close enough to potentially have a kid

13. Negative relationship levels-

If you have 0 with someone you're neutral
If you have -5 with someone you dislike them
If you have -10 with someone you strongly dislike them and have the chance of randomly getting an event of fighting with them and you are enemies
If you have -15 with someone you hate them and are very likely to fight with them
If you have -25 with someone you detest them and they are your nemesis, villain or hero
If you have -30 you have a high chance of killing or nearly killing them in a fight

14. NPCs can be randomly thrown into an event and you can choose to interact with them or ignore them. You can marry and have kids with NPCs and you can fight villain/nemesis NPCs but positive relationship NPCs have a higher chance of dying than player characters

15. Villains (generated by me) will randomly appear over the course of the game, probably after the first few months. They'll normally latch onto a player or two and you'll see them pop up more frequently as your relationship with them lowers, to the point where loved ones could be dragged into plans

16. If I don't accept a character please don't get annoyed. It's likely because i get overwhelmed easily and I already have what I consider too many characters going on and I'm waiting for things to chill out a bit. They may get added later or maybe not. This applies to my other command game too lol

17. I realise the concept of a command game may be confusing to some. Under very month, you comment commands- things that your character does in game. They have consequences like gaining fame or getting injured or getting a new job. They add up over time and affect new events

18. Most events are randomly selected. If your character or an NPC you like dies or if you get injured or if your stats go down from an event- please don't get mad at me. I'm just following The Wheel (I spin wheels to determine events)

19. Have your character be at least 20. Lots of real world adults problems will be happening and while I love a good teen doling out vigilante justice it's gonna be annoying to find workarounds for stuff like jobs and marriage and kids that aren't just 'wait a bit'

Commands and form will be in the next two chapters.

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