👨‍⚕Dr. Monami : 2👨‍⚕

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Next morning,

Doctor Monami reached her clinic and asked her appointment list for today.

Monami usually treats only 5 patients in a day.

Receptionist : mam, we have 5 bookings for today and one of them is prepaid booking from Karan, rest 4 are ladies only.

Monami : okay and did he told his problem?

Receptionist : yes, it's related masturbation.

She was surprised when the appointment was made of 22 years old guy for masturbation issue.

In her career, she hardly deal young guys because she is herself 24 only.

Doctor Monami walked to her clinic.

Doctor Monami (in mind)

Even after being a doctor of sex related issues, I still feels so awkward to deal with gothic mens.

I deal with middle aged mens in past few years. But never had a young patient.

Anyway, I hope the patient wont be a fat or pervert guy. Oh, stop it! Monami right now you must sound desperate.

After this thought, she scold to herself. And think to be a professional.

But my mind really want the patient to be decent guy, as I never hired male helper because my 99 percent patients are female.

And, she mentioned on her board that she is female specialist.

But, my mind debate with my heart today thinking about this patient.

My mind : yes, yes, I know, give me a break, I'm good at my job!

My heart (replied to my mind) : Uh huh, right, but you have to admit your judgement can get a bit blur when mens come to you to deal.

My mind : Hey, I'm human, all right? But that never has led to any real trouble.

My heart : Oh? Please it's just because that no one hot ever came to you, Monami.

Monami shouted on herself,

Monami (to herself) : Okay, conversation over, I don't have time for this!

She gave herself the once over in the mirror one last time before she calls to receptionist that she is ready to meet the patients.

The clothes of doctor, she had to wear there weren't exactly glamorous, but she managed to avoid looking boring in them.

Stay tuned

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