What is it??

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POV: Thinking about the better half

I sighed and smiled . What was it that made me fall for you at the first place I thought.. there was no specific answer to it.. How is that ??? I wondered , Was it your beautiful eyes that expressed nothing but love ??? Or your nose that always turned red when you are angry?? Or the Sweet lips that spoke and uttered nothing but love and care to me??? hmm??? I wondered ...What is it?? that makes go weak on my kènes every time harder than before I see you I wondered..A smile creeping on my face as I imagine you in my eyes and mind , with utter perfection, It is as if I have captured every pixel of your face and ever inch was engraved in my heart. The picture of you in my mind is so clear , so vivid that pictures might fail sometimes to depict how beautiful you are..I sighed again with a smile and how much deep I have fallen for you and there is no coming back from this feeling and not that I want it also.

What is it? that me makes me  fall in love all over again with you more and more every time , Damn what is it?? I walked and stood near the window staring at the emptiness it had offer wondering how such a beautiful miracle walked in my life at the first place . Was it the warmth that you brought to my life?? Or was it the resilience that you taught me to hold on to my life?? What is it??Oh God !! The fact that I am falling for you even more thinking why I fell for you is so makes me feel hopeless and excited at the same time. 

I ran and fell over the bed and threw a pillow on my face to cover my face so that ceiling  and the rest of the items in my bed room would not see me blushing.. I think they would scold me for thinking so much about as they too knew every second every minute I think about you I get more captivated and immersed . But I still had not found my answers . Was it a decision I took to love you?? I dont remember taking one as such...Erhh??? What is it??I rolled over the bed in a little anxiety that I had created for myself now ..and started to think over..I finally lowered the pillow peeking as if someone would the ceiling would catch me cultivating more feelings for you and stared at the ceiling at the corner of the eye as if judging the ceiling for judging me...What am I even thinking?? I have gone nuts for sure??Or I just could not stop falling in love with every ticking second on the clock...

CLOCK??, Wait ,It has been ...I dont know...the last I saw the clock it had hit 12 midnight and now.... I stretched my arms and took the clock from the bed, DAAAMMM!! it was 4 'o Clock ..Its been FOUR HOURS of me blushing and intriguing my thoughts and falling for you even more and remising the lovely moments we had ..and yet I Still only can wonder how much you mean to me and how I am beguiled to you...


This is just a POV of Karan thinking about his/ her better half..

Hope you like it

Do let me know how it was 

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