Book Covers #3

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So I started to learn more, and use all sorts of apps, and I managed to create these!

I think I'll replace the old ones...

The new drafts I wrote hinted that Grimm Secrets is steampunk...

So it turns out I really like colourful flashes of light...
Amd swirls
And smudges...

These are just some random stuff! (●´з')♡

Sorry for anything, I'm a bit busy with a big exam this year...

*rant below*
(And it turns out it's Hank McCoy I love, not Nicholaus Hoult. I mean, he's okay and cute... But still. Sorry, I mean, it turns out I still not have a single real person crush. They're always fictional, like Millard Nullings or Percy Jackson or Eight/Naveen or Dorian Havilliard or Augustus Waters or Gideon Smith..)


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