Introduction: We made a guide.. cause why not?

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Mordred: "HELLLOOOO everyone! I'm a very bored knight of rebellion here, so I've decided me and ma girl here here.."

Mikoto: "I didn't say I was your girl.."

Mordred: "But you are... and you will be.. cause.. MARRIED IN CAMELOT!"

Mikoto: "You don't have to keep mentioning that.. anyways, we understand that our story has started inspiring  a lot of people to start playing the video game known as Fate Grand Order. We like that, cause we play it.. cause.. er.. why?"

Mordred: "Cause Doctor Roman pays us to.. cause.. publicity I guess? Ahh whatever, it's still a fun game anyways, when I'm not trying to ROLL FOR GODDAMN FATHER WHO NEVER SHOWS UP EVEN DURING HER BANNER EVENTS!!!"

Arturia: "You rang?"

Mordred: "NOTHING! Eheheheh.. nothing at all.."

Mikoto: "So this guide was made by me and Mordred to give you and all the other new masters a comprehensive guide on what to do when playing this game. What servants to be on the look out for, what to do in certain singularities, how events work.. the basics!"

Mordred: "So without further ado.. uh.. let's get guiding I guess!"

Mordred explaining:

What is Fate Grand Order?

"Okay.. so let's see.. where are we? Oh right.. Fate Grand Order? What is it about? And what kind of game is it? Well you could probably consider it the sequel to every other Fate Game and anime ever made.  It's happened after everything else... it doesn't matter what was the route you chose at the end of Fate Stay Night (unless ya chose Heaven's feel cause apparently that's not counted as canon, cause.. er... Roman said Saber won.. so... that didn't happen in Heaven's Feel..)  Or wait.. was it actually a SEPARATE timeline? Well.. er.. I'm actually not sure.. anyways.. it happened after Fate Stay Night.. in a different er.. okay. "

"Wait.. what was I doing again? Oh right.. explaining.. and stuff. Okay so like, later the Mage's Association has this organization called Chaldea which ensures humanity's future survival by going back in time and solving problems back in time... so it's like.. Doctor Who, only our only doctor is a lolicon dork whose an idiot.."

(Roman: "HEY!")

"And to top it off, we don't have hard to understand spunky British accents.. wait a minute.. ain't I British!? Shouldn't I be able to talk in a British accent? Yeah.. I could.. but I don't wanna try it now.  Well anyways, a bunch of shit happens, you end up as the only master left with Mash, who becomes a demiservant.. which is basically a human whose also got servant powers.. and together, you two try to solve the mystery of why all of humanity is turned into a pile of ash a year from now... and as you do it, you can summon a bunch of other servants ta help and stuff.. including me and Father if yer lucky enough to roll some high rarity ones. "

Mikoto's Explanation:

"Now it's important to note that this game is a Gotcha Game.. That means you have to spend in game currency to roll for Servants and game characters like a lottery system.  The rarer the characters, the lower a chance you have to get them. and The odds are WAY against you.  Chances are you could spend 2 months rolling before you actually get your first Five Star Servant.  You can spend real money to buy the Saint Quartz currency necessary to roll .  Now.. here's the thing about lotteries.. THEY WILL DRAIN YOU OF YOUR FINANCES!! YOU WILL BECOME ADDICTED TO THE GAME.. AND YOU  WILL END UP BROKE BECAUSE YOU COULDN'T CONTROL YOURSELF CAUSE YOU JUST HAD TO GO APE CAUSE A KNIGHT OF THE ROUND TABLE BANNER WAS UP TODAY!!!!


"Other then that, this game is WELL written, well done, and extremely fun. Just learn to moderate and control yourself and you'll have a heck of a time."

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