Mikoto Explains: The Party Screen and Who are the Best Servants to look for.

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Okay everyone, Mikoto Misaka here..  looks like it's my turn to explain things. Now You may have already figured out how the party screen works. You can pick which servants to put in each slot by tapping on them, and then tapping on the servant you want in the collection.

However, I'm going to briefly highlight the stuff you might not have noticed in the tutorial. Now.. look at the screen I'm about to show you.

Well, we've got Mash, Mama's er... Roman look-a-like... Jeanne and Elizabeth Bathory.  Now it's important to note that there's a cost to each CE you equip to a servant (Craft Essence), which is what you see on Liz over there.. the little picture below her portrait.  CE grants stat bonuses to each servant, and like servants they can be leveled up and such.  CE can be game changers, so don't neglect to equip some.. however,... see that total cost icon on the right hand down side of the screen?  28/30... that's the total cost of the servants and CE in the game.. if you wanna use this party, it can't exceed this total cost.  and the rarer the servant and the CE, the higher their costs..

Cost totals will get larger as you level up, but considering five star servants like Jeanne cost like 12, you won't be putting in an entire party of SSR servants anytime soon.

(Not that you're typically lucky enough to have 5 SSRs this early in the game in the first place.. unless you feel you can afford to spend a 100 dollars rolling a couple billion times.. which I don't recommend.)

Now it's important to note that Support Servants and Mash herself cost 0 all the time.. so when you are about to get into a fight, feel free to pick any Support Servants available to you without worry... and always have Mash somewhere in the party to fill it out while keeping your party from getting overweight... (of course you don't have to, but it's good for early game).

Support Servants, are servants you use from friends. It's pretty much the Multiplayer aspect of the game. Whenever you start a battle, you get an option to select support servants from groups of players. Support Servants are GOOD.. many times they are from super strong high level players, which means their servants on the support list can be high to max level.. allowing them to carry you plenty during early game... much like how Kuroko tends to grow at least 10 times in strength whenever we walk by a lingerie store... ugh...

If you aren't friends with the person though, you won't be able to use the servant's Noble Phantasm.. in order to friend the guy, use their support servant first, then at the end of the fight you can get an option to send a friend request. More often than not, they'll accept your request. FGO players are very friendly, and they're nice enough to let newbies feed off their hyper strong servants.. plus they get friend points every time you use their servants.. so it's a win win.

Now here are the stuff players tend to MISS.

First go back to the image.. (here I'll post it again so you don't have to scroll up.)

 On the bottom left are options that new Masters tend to miss until a little bit in mid game. First there is the Master Equip. This allows you to change a Master's Clothes.. or Mystic Codes as they are called. Mystic Codes are pretty much how you customize your avatar, PLUS each type of Mystic Code has skills like Servant Skills, that can be accessed on the battle screen under an option called "Master Skills on the right side of the battle screen (Momo didn't seem to point that out, but okay..) 

The typical Chaldea uniform has an attack buff skill, HP recovery, and just basics really. But if you want a uniform geared towards offense, you can use the Combat uniform, or if you want a Quick Cards oriented one, you can use the Swimsuit (obtainable during the Summer Events, which should have a rerun next year), or you can try your hand at an event Mystic Code from the Rare Prism shop, which is Mama's Casual Clothes..  either way, you can change which Mystic Code you use for each party formation you make, and some of these Mystic Codes are pretty key to team building.

If you want the Basic Mystic Codes, you can find the quests to obtain them in your Daily Quests tab. They can be tough to get for new masters with low level servants, so be sure you're careful while doing so.

Lastly, the option that escapes masters many times, is the "Line Up" option, next to Master Equip. That option is pretty much the easier way to switch your Servant positions on the screen. Just tap the option.. and you can drag the panels around on the screen with your finger.  You may notice that Support Servant panel is like.. the third in your Party lineup.. meaning it is one of the 3 servants that are out first before one of them dies and is replaced by one of the three back line servants.  But the Lineup can switch that around. As you can see in the image, the support servant Liz is sitting pretty in the back line position.  It's pretty much the only way to switch around the position of your Support Servant panel.

Now.. onto a larger topic.. and by far a more important one. Which Servants should you be gunning for? Which ones, (fan loves aside) are best to get, IN SPITE OF RARITY!!

Okay everyone! Truth time!! As much as I LOVE Momo and Mama and their Five Star glory.. and as much as gold looks good!! And as much as I sometimes feel overjoyed and shoot sparks out of my hair every time I manage to roll a four or Five star... RARITY ISN'T EVERYTHING!!

Take Stheno for example.. she's a four star and yet for the longest time she was so horrible, she had her own tier called the Stheno tier..

There are Bronze and Silver Servants capable of matching 4 stars.. and there are 4 star servants who are so exceptional, they blow several low tier Five Stars out of the water.

Lot like that Idiot that I know.. their bronze to silver rankings can give a Level 0 appearance, when in reality, they have the ability to even Right Hook their way out of the deadliest situations.

So Right now.. I'm going to give you a look at several Servants you will probably roll early on.. and probably should focus on getting leveled up thanks to their low costs and low costs of leveling.. as well as any of the high rarity Servants that should definitely be acknowledged.

Silver and Bronze:

Has Christian Anderson:  Other than the fact that he's adorable!! Yes he is! This kid's called the Budget Zhuge-Liang for a GOOD reason. And when you're the budget version of the currently highest tiered five star in the entire USA version of the game, you BETTER pay attention to him. His skills provide some immensely good effects, and so does his NP.. he's well oriented as a Supporting Buffs role in your team, and can give your Damage Carrier some love.  He's also suited in Crit teams, and can give hyper powered Five Stars like Jeanne Alter some insane power.

Mash: Love Thy Kouhai should be scripture. I might know her as one of my former power developers.. but you should know her as the giant wall that never comes down. Her defensive skills give one of the TANKIEST team supports in the game.. and can give squishy servants lots of lasting power.  Plus she costs 0, so she can be put in any team to allow high cost CEs to be used.  She also get's a buff after the Camelot singularity, turning her into a Four Star servant with an attack buff effect from her NP that's one of the best in the game.

Cu Chullain: Uhh.. okay.. Mordred hates this guy because she kept spooking him on every roll, but in spite of his sort of mediocre offensive power, his skills allow him to last on a battlefield longer than most, and he's good for long drawn out fights. 

Euryale: She's basically Budget Orion. Her NP is ST and does extra damage against males.. she seems like she's generic and not too insanely good... but in Camelot you're going to be fighting Gawain who is the stuff of NIGHTMARES as a game boss.. YOU WILL NEED EURYALE!! TRUST ME!!

Robin Hood: Like Euryale he seems insignificant at first... but if you use his NP in conjunction with his poisoning skill, he does some horrifyingly powerful damage.

Bedivere: My Mama's former attendant's centered ALL around his NP.. and for good reason..out of all Silver ranked servants, his NP does the most colossal damage, however he's not as good as the others on this list because as a story locked servant, he doesn't become available till super late game..  but if by then you still don't have a rare saber, he's a good place holder as you do get him for free at the end of Camelot.

Four Star Gold:

Sakata Kintoki Rider: The  GREATEST of Four Stars should be celebrated as a hero to children everywhere... and the one guy who has a motorcycle so cool, it makes Momo drool. I can even admit I wanna take his bike for a spin. His immense NP damage puts him past even some of the strongest Five Stars, Hes exceptional.. plus he's a Welfare Servant obtainable during an event, so instantly getting him to NP5 isn't tough.  Sadly his event's over. BUT THERE WILL BE A RERUN NEXT YEAR.. best not miss it!

Heracles: He's one of the 7 Four Stars you are possibly able to get when you get your free gold servant at the beginning of the game.  If you're lucky enough to get him as that freebee.. CHERISH IT.  He's the best at what he does.. which is basically a Berserker designed to take boss enemies.. and smash them till they die. His evasives and guts skills also make up for Berserker tendencies to have very low durability.

Arturia Pendragon (Lancer Alter): The Alter version of Mama with Rhongomyniad (which the game Devs in the US mispell as Altria... damn terrible translations), has probably the highest damaging AOE Noble Phantasm of all Four Stars. She exceeds plenty of the AOE Five Stars even.. and can rip apart opponents like paper.. she can even do ST level damage if you put her with some good supports (cough cough! Hans!).

Arturia Pendragon (Saber Alter): Same story with the Lancer version, only she's got slightly less helpful skills and lower durability, so she's a lower rank, but still, extremely devastating.

Lancelot (saber): Before Lancelot went crazy and Darth Vader crunched him into a bleeding ball of flesh, he was an op knight. He can gather C Stars, generate C Stars.. and CRIT LIKE A FREAKING MONSTER... and his NP has slight spammability thanks to his fast NP generation. Look for him and use him well.

Five Stars.

Arturia Pendragon (Summer): Yeah..so apparently when Mama wears a swimsuit she turns into a freaking monster.. in other words, the Archer Version of Mama, if you see her in your friend's support list, you won't be sorry.  Her Np regenerates HALF to SIXTY PERCENT of her entire NP gauge after she executes it.. which means if you do a brave chain with her NP, or have a Support that can generate NP, you effectively have a Servant that can fire her NP back to back for 3 turns in a row!! OR MORE! plus her crits hit like a truck!! I guess it's true what they say.. fan service makes you stronger...  which explains Kuroko... a lot.. She's not good for you if you don't have an entire Arts team to support her spamming..  but when you do.. she's important to have for the Camelot Singularity when you have to deal with Gawain and the evil version of Momo..

Jeanne Alter:  Probably the biggest freaking Tsundere in Chaldea... (DON'T YOU DARE LOOK AT ME WITH WIGGLING EYEBROWS!! I KNOW WHAT PEOPLE THINK OF ME EVERY TIME THE WORD TSUNDERE IS MENTIONED!!).. she's also the future Meta of the entire game.  She's the strongest Buster Crit based Servant in the entire game, able to throw powerful crits and buster attacks, with a fast gain NP to boot..  She'll put the pain on any boss. Plus as an Avenger, she's got not almost no classes who are strong against her with the exception of the Moon Cancer class.. which.. there are nearly NONE of..  Her Banner's over for the forsee-able future.. so chances of getting her are dismal at best... BUT, PLENTY of  veteran players have her in their Support Lists.. so if you need her.. chances are you'll find her.  Next to Summer Mama, she's probably one of the best Limited Servants in the game.

Gilgamesh: UGGGH! Can't believe I have to say good things about THIS pervert. He's no less of an asshole in Chaldea, I assure you.  But he's strong. His AOE Noble Phantasm is one of the strongest in the game. Plus against Servants it does extra damage, so against multiple bosses that aren't Demon Pillars.. you'll do fine with him. Plus as an archer, his crits hit like tanks. However if you don't want an asshole on your team, I suggest you look elsewhere.

Zhu-ge Liang:  The best Support Servant as of now, before Merlin comes out soon.  His skills do everything from raise attack, defense, and crit strength, to filling your NP gauge so you can activate some devestating moves earlier. His NP doesn't do damage, but it's effects are legendary. A multi stun, coupled with a major defense lowering, curse effect, and boom, your enemies are pretty much both frozen and softened up for some major attacks.  He works with literally EVERY team, and most veteran players who were lucky enough to roll him have him in their Support List, so you won't be having a hard time finding him.  He's a demiservant like Mash by the way.. actually being a guy named Waver who got the powers of Zhu-ge Liang. 

Remember everyone.. you don't HAVE to have an entire team of Five stars.. in fact.. some Five Stars work better with some of the lower rarity servants supporting them.. I mean.. Jeanne Alter teamed up with Hans is pretty devastating... so just like a certain puncy Idiot spikey hair dude I know.. don't judge a book by it's cover!! You'll save money that way... (Though my Railgun move is probably the best way to waste money I've ever seen XD)

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