Third Date

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Thanks for the request, weird_blueberry . This takes place in my Female!Red AU. Enjoy!

“I don't know about this, Silver," Red said nervously. “Last time I went on a date was two years ago, and it was with Chuck."

“That reminds me, what happened between you two?" Silver asked curiously as she did Red's feathers.

“It was after our third date, he told me what three dates means, and I worried it would ruin our friendship. Plus, he always drove me nuts."

“He's been driving me nuts since the moment I hatched," Silver pointed out. “You know, technically, this is your third date with Leonard."

Red raised an eyebrow. “What are you talking about?"

“Red, you said you guys shared two other moments together," Silver explained. “The first was in the submarine when he offered a refreshment and you accepted. The second was when you had a bit of the bubbly after Mighty Eagle and Zeta's wedding, and you confessed your feelings for each other. Those count as dates."

“I never thought of it that way," Red said nervously. “But tonight, we're just having dinner and a movie. Nothing more than that."

Silver put Red's head feathers up in a bun and tucked a sparkly comb in them. Before Red could leave, Silver whispered, “Have fun tonight."



“Ready for your date, Leonard?" Courtney asked excitedly.

“When it comes to dating, Courtney, I'm always ready!" Leonard answered, wearing a tux.

“Breath spray?"


“Lucky hanky?"


“Giant rusty anchor?"


“I'm just messing with you," Courtney laughed. Leonard scowled. “You got nothing to worry about. You love Red, and Red loves you. Just relax, and have a good time!"

Leonard sighed. “You're right. I got this."

“And remember what we talked about," Courtney reminded him. “Be attentive, confident, and chivalrous."

“I can do that," Leonard said, confidently stroking his beard with his hoof tips. “And Courtney? Take care of those files."

Courtney rolled her eyes as he left.


Red took the slingshot to Piggy Island to meet with her date. Luckily, her head feathers stayed intact... except for the two on the top of her head. When she landed in front of a restaurant called “FANCY!", Red tried to readjust them, but they just kept popping back up.

“Good evening, my dear."

Red turned around to see Leonard standing in front of her. She tucked her feathers back in and smiled nervously. The two feathers popped back up and she felt her face heat up.

“You're too adorable," Leonard chuckled, and opened the door for her. Red frowned at him and went inside. The maitre d' showed them to their table and offered them a bottle of wine, which they accepted. Once he left, Red felt as though she had to say something.

“This is nice," she said before thinking, That was stupid.

“Nothing's too good for you, my love," Leonard replied, smiling at how flustered she was.

A waiter gave them a bottle of red wine and took their orders. Once he left with their menus, Red subconsciously scratched at her own wrists. She always did that when she got nervous. Leonard looked closely at them and saw numerous scars underneath her bright red feathers. Red looked up and noticed he was overflowing his glass of wine.

“Um, sweetie?" she alerted. Noticing his mess, Leonard put the glass and bottle aside and cleaned it up the best he could. “Are you okay?"

“I'm fine, it's okay," he replied awkwardly. Red cautiously poured herself a glass and eyed her boyfriend suspiciously as she took a sip. Leonard knew he shouldn't ask, but couldn't help it. “Have you always been alone?"

Red was confused, but answered anyway. “Well, not always. Now, I have Chuck and Bomb, Silver, Courtney, Debbie... and you, of course. But before that... I've always been alone."

Leonard watched as Red looked down at her wrist sadly, and she attempted to look happy (even though happy and Red don't quite mix).

“So, what movie are we seeing after dinner?" she asked as a waiter handed them their meals.

“I was hoping something not too scary or depressing, but I thought you should decide," he answered.

“I've never seen a scary or depressing movie," Red admitted. “Most of the movies are Bird Island are way too happy."

“I don't think you wanna see one..."

“No, let's do it!" Red insisted. “How bad can it be?"


Leonard decided Red should see something scary, even though she'd probably have trouble sleeping. But he didn't want her to feel any more depressed than she already did. Red was so terrified, she nearly jumped out of her seat and hid her face underneath Leonard's arm for the rest of the movie. She didn't care if anyone noticed her. Leonard just smiled at her and ran his hooftips through her feathers, whispering soothing words into her ear. It didn't help much, however. Red was still shaking by the time Leonard took her home.

“You doing okay, darling?" he asked cautiously. Red just nodded quietly while trembling. She tried to unlock the door, but couldn't get the key in due to how much her body shook. Leonard just grabbed it and unlocked it for her.

“W-we p-probably sh-should've s-s-seen s-something d-dep-press-sing," Red stuttered.

“I know," Leonard admitted. “I guess after I saw your scars, I just didn't want you to feel any worse."

Red's eyes widened as she looked at her wrist. “Oh. I thought no one would ever notice them. Especially after ten years."

“Why did you do it?"

“I heard that birds who try to hurt themselves just end up hurting those who care about them," Red answered. “When I thought no one would ever care, I thought I could... You can't tell anyone about this. Especially not Silver."

“Cross my heart, in hope to roast," Leonard promised. “I'm sorry if I ruined our first date."

I can't believe I'm about to do this, Red thought before saying, “Actually, this was our third date."

Leonard raised an eyebrow.

“Date number one, we were on the submarine and I told you a little about myself. Date number two, we shared champagne all alone, you told me you love me, and I said I love you back."

“I didn't think those counted," he admitted before giving her a smirk. “You know what happens after a third date?"

“I'm willing to learn," Red answered, attempting to be seductive, but ended up sounding very weak. Leonard found her lack of experience adorable.

“Then I shall teach you," he purred as she pulled him inside and locked the door. Leonard began to kiss Red passionately, from her beak to the back of her head. He slowly pulled the comb out of her head feathers and took off his tux, so he'd feel her soft feathers against his skin.

“You... sure you... want this?" he asked in between kisses, his hot breath heavy on her feathers.

“I-I'm sure," Red moaned. She was nervous, but felt plenty ready.

Having her permission, Leonard scooped Red up in his arms, carried her to her room upstairs, placed her on her nest, and crawled on top of her. He kissed her wrists while whispering in a low voice, “I will never abandon you," and began making love to her.


Red wasn't quite sure how long it took to catch her breath, but when she did, her half-closed eyes returned to the pig resting next to her and smiled at him. Leonard saw that sparkle in her tawny eyes.

“That was wonderful," she panted as he pulled her close. “I love you, big guy."

Leonard kissed her forehead. “I love you, too, little woman."

My next Angry Birds one shot may be my last. I think I should probably move on to write fanfics for another franchise. Plus... y'all barely give me requests. I may eventually return to writing about Angry Birds, though.

It'll take place in my Female!Red AU, it'll be Christmas themed, and y'all will love this character I created named Harmony (but mostly because she'll exist).

If you like this, please leave a vote. 🌟

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