Gentle giant

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Tryna make my vents more polished

Ahaha, get it, river of tears

I won't get into it in full, but for context, despite my height being one of very few things I like about myself [especially rare with physical appearance] I sometimes feel so damn,, enormous. My shoulders are broad. I weigh too fucking much. I'm clumsy and clueless and I wreck everything I touch. I'm a sack of flesh jus sloshing around, big in all be wrong places. I got a hit box the size of my self hatred. Most of my friends are hella short and I'm a monster next to them. I'm not even that tall, only 5'10", but, god,, I dunno, it still hurts

I'm so trapped. So claustrophobic in my own body

So yea, sometimes I feel like a big, destructive giant, but I hate how much I destroy

Sorry for the vent

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