Height chart concepts!!

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So ah

During my comic planning, I definitely knew I'd be doing a height chart but I figured I'd let myself be vague n jus say some time in the spring

The other day I thought 'why not sketch out some rough heights n body types n shit, n measure them?'

It is now over one week later
I went completely overboard
I sketched out the entire rough draft for the chart
The main cast
They're all there


This should be pretty accurate too! This isn't the OC intros [I'm trying for this weekend I think aaaa!!] but they should give a good sense of updated/new designs n color schemes

Here's the whole thing:: [I'm sure the quality will die but I'll be zooming in dw]

I used the symmetry tool for most of this bc of course I did

The height differences are a bit exaggerated at certain points, also two shorter than average guys n two taller than average gals,, I had to restrain myself from any more

They all look so surprised pff!! I'm glad I included eye colors though

It's clear that I'm not sure how to make a cohesive cast yet as far as colors go, but hey, no better way to learn than practice! It's all v ambiguous so I'll jus have to see what happens, one day I'll figure it out

Here's my gross sketches, the middle ones are alright but the last ones were jus 'let's get this done already pls'

Ah yes, here we have smol, all legs no dary, thicc, slightly less smol, lolli, twink, less thicc, hips and twig [I regret that entire sentence]

The heads you see are me stylizing how many 'Cody heads' [or any really] tall each of the main five are

Here's the closeups! Time to expose my messy sketching aahjdhdh

Cody, my main boi!! I've been tweaking his outfit a lot n I think I like it,, I'm such a sucker for poofy pants wtf?? I'm also glad I went with the neckline I did for,, reasons,, c; I'll tell ya some other time

He also gets an alt for when he's on earth, I was gon do that for the whole main five but I wanted to actually finish lol

The shoes are probably temporary cause they look like slippers?? I'm not even sure what they were supposed to be, other than that not bad for a relatively old design

Next up is Rita! I love her dulled down color scheme, it suits her [emo] personality, plus she's got legs for dAYS
I dunno if I've mentioned this but while Rita no longer thinks or acts like me and has v different features/colors, her body type and heights are the same as me! This is bc I know she'll be the first gal I'll be drawing constantly n I can reference her perfectly if I need to using my mirror, obviously I usually do that but this won't need any adjustments!

Tabby!! Tabby tabby tabby tabby!! Tall as hell!!!! I love her so much,, hopefully I didn't make her curves too exaggerated, I get so carried away drawing them cause they're so much fun

Her shoes look so silly though lmao, in my defense I did rush them but this feels like the embodiment of 'they are my  c r o c s' [they're not crocs shshh jus wanted to make that clear]

Next up is Carter! His color scheme used to be so gross but while monochromatic [mostly] is still difficult to pull off, I think I did a better job! There's a midtone in there that's bugging me though,,

Update:: while it's actually been in his design for months, this is the first time I've shown his birthmark! It's a port wine stain across his face [I don't know if you can have freckles with that,, probably not maybe not idk?? I can't find anything on it help, I don't want to take away his freckles either]

The hat looks too much like Mickey mouse hhhhhhhh hh

But Bailey yes yes yes!! Her colors have always given me trouble but I like the tertiary hue I picked much better this time. She gives me the right kinda vibes now, super weather inspired, also her cloud pigtails give me lIFE

Also, she has hazel eyes now! She used to but I got rid of it, however I'm bringing them back cause they suit her well

Simon!! He's v fun bc he's possibly the least fantasy of the cast, which fits well with his role in the story for sure. Idk if I've said this before but he's the same height as Rita n they both love that they have that in common,, I love their friendship so much

Myo, or, more specifically, Myo T'aliescii!! So far the reaction has been 'wait, he's bigger than I expected', n yea, I don't think I've drawn his height or body type accurately till now! He's a big buff dad

Also I've always made jokes about how he's discount Aladdin but my dad saw him n that was literally the first thing he said so it's canon now

Pixie yesss!!!! I introduced her fairly recently but I already love her, I've always wanted to have a fairy OC in the main cast and she jus works so well,, no updates here except the wing effects, which I finally got right

Speaking of new faces!

This is the first time I've ever posted Syl's new color scheme!! I don't talk much about her but this is Syl M'aukku, she's that four eyed gal I love to doodle n she used to be someone very different

However, I'll admit something right away: I usually am v careful about taking inspiration from other characters, if one specifically happens to be a big source I always make sure to balance the OC and make them unique. However, while this one's not too bad, it's a bit too similar to another for my liking! Aa!!

I'll be working on it from time to time but if you somehow recognize my obscure inspiration,, first of all don't judge me pls, but also I promise I never consciously copy others! I'll polish her till she's completely my own ^^

I know I say this every time I ramble but if you're still here I love you

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