OC introductions, part 3:: Myo, Pixie, Syl and Simon

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Me reading the comments on the last two parts

But yea last one!! The reception I've gotten on these has been more than I ever could have imagined, thank you guys so much ;v;

- I've said it before and I'll say it again: d i s c o u n t a l a d d i n
- flirty, cocky, tries to be a smooth talker
- //finger guns//
- in reality, a dorky dad that suddenly became a father to Tabby's screaming children who's trying his best but is very unprepared
- one of a select few people with the ability to piss Tabby off and the only person who can do it and still catch feelings for her
- pick up lines pick up lines pick up lines
- a trader at a local marketplace, doesn't really know who he is or where he came from so he's banded together with some other unknowns
- their leader [name pending, I've drawn him before] is an older brother figure for him
- acts like he doesn't take anything seriously
- not ready for fatherhood

- not very skilled with magic himself but has a passionate connection with mythical creatures, they're rogues just like him after all. If he has to fight he'll either charm/cheat/talk his way out, run for it or get the help of his creatures
- they range in size and species and he does his best to aid them all
- weapon: a dagger made from the fang of an unknown creature [he refuses to reveal it] and his creatures

- deep purple
- Gryffindor

- looks innocent and delicate
- is n o t
- will probably know your deepest secret and have a pet name for you after one conversation
- loves making people flustered
- a real knight in shining armor kinda gal, well rounded and good at what she does, rescuing a princess? no problem
- her name choice is a,, controversial one
- snarky and sarcastic
- practically enjoys making people pissed
- can make Tabby blush in seconds
- wealthy and of high rank
- overconfident and stubborn
- sometimes acts downright permanently drunk
- actually doesn't take anything seriously
- strong connection with nature but a little selective with environments
- loves showing skin
- ,,tit

- obviously she can fly, her wings are sturdier than they appear but are more meant for hovering than long distance
- her magic is extremely hard to master, she can essentially cause things to go her way [make herself lucky] and cause things to go badly for others [make them unlucky]
- something simple and insignificant would be very easy to handle, ie knocking something breakable and having it land on a pillow wouldn't make her break a sweat
- something complex and extreme would be much harder, ie reversing death would probably kill her before it revived anyone
- when in combat, she can grow two extra arms, but they're hard to summon and she uses them sparingly
- weapon: a giant mallet-style hammer adorned with hearts

- saturated green
- Gryffindor

- mystical shaman with uncontrollable, unimaginable powers, only in legend –
- yea no
- a sweetheart and a total goofball
- loves telling stories, especially to Cody
- isn't supposed to live in his kingdom. doesn't seem to care about the weird looks she gets
- she is pretty mysterious though, a bit of an enigma in how she presents herself
- a mentor type, and yes we have a fourth adult in the house!! we did it!!
- she acts a bit messed up in the head, mainly because most of her memories have disappeared
- similar to Cody in how frustratingly dense she can be
- runs a small, rundown shop near where Myo lives, she doesn't hate many people but she's made an exception for him [and the feeling is mutual]
- honestly? just downright adorable

- just like Tabby, I can't go into her powers much, but here's a quick run down
- while she can only see out of one eye, the others function the same way a third eye is often portrayed, able to see magic more than reality
- very skilled with potions! knows a lot about artifacts, too
- her psychic abilities are,, strange, to say the least, even she doesn't really understand them
- weapon: her wares

- warm brown
- Hufflepuff

- oops fifty percent of him is spoilers
- Rita's cousin and basically brother, the two have a very close friendship!
- his mom was adopted, never knew his dad but doesn't let that bother him
- did someone say more self worth issues?? no, that's all I write about?? well here's some more [while I can't get into why his are definitely distinct]
- has,, a lot of pressure on him
- idk how to describe his role except as a Sokka type
- very loyal to his friends
- laid back and relaxed, or so he wants people to believe, generally fairly chill though [something something bmc]
- loves bonding over art with Rita
- bleached that streak in his hair by accident [Rita wait I dunno how to use hair dye – shit fuck fUCK] but kept it anyway
- and yes, he posts his art online. we love a projecting sister!!
- he also adores the ocean and Carter's music, although it's bittersweet because they both remind him of his old home
- your typical hippie artist type

- no magic? no block of explanation
- weapon: whatever he can find

- light orange
- Hufflepuff

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