🦈🎉 Michelle Angst HCs 🎉🦈

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(Warning: mentions of self-harm, self destructive behavior and ableism.)

-Michelle used to have depression due to her family's abuse, her past of being bullied, her struggles of having bpd and her guilt as a bully. She even once attempted suicide because of that. (Luckily, It wasn't much often, though she did get therapy for it.

-Tyson found her self-harming in the bathroom of Tyson and Tyler's place when they were both having a sleepover. (This was back in high school.)

-Once Michelle told them everything, Tyson was in tears and hugged Michelle, claiming he would never leave her, Tyler started crying and Jasmine was horrified as she was hugging Tyler. (When she told Kenneth about it, He was horrified and apologized a LOT, but Michelle forgave him because he was the only one in her friend group that treated her nicely than her two ex-friends.)

-Amelia likes to bully Michelle a lot and even spread rumors about her in school. This even worsened when she found out she had BPD, and even spread rumors that she was a "Psycho, Clingy yandere who craves for a guy's attention." Which lowered her self-esteem even more.

-She didn't tell her dad about what she went through, (The only who cared for her.) Because she didn't want to ruin his job and ruin his marriage with her mom.

-She felt guilty for bullying a lot of kids in her school and for worrying her dad, just to impress her mom, and She even once attempted to commit suicide for it, but luckily she didn't, and got therapy for it after high school. (She even cut ties with them after she and Tyson graduated.)

-She tried so hard to get her mom's attention by being a bully, hurting other kids, publicly humiliating, competing in beauty pagaents, hosting late night parties and many more just for her mom to love her, but often failed and cried herself to sleep because of that.

-Her friends didn't even treat her much better, and even sided with Amelia whenever there was a rumor spread by her. (They even secretly made ableistic comments about her as well.)

-She never told anyone about her BPD, not even her kids and only her two dads, Tyson, Tyler, Jasmine, Kenneth and Leo only know. (She hid it because she was afraid that people would abandon her and judge her for her past of being bullied like her ex-mom, ex-sister and her two ex-friends.)

-Amelia once got her in trouble in school by framing her for an incident she caused in school, and her mother (Who took Amelia's side.) Slapped her before she was about to explain, and even ripped her favorite squid plushie for that as punishment. After a lot of yelling, she went upstairs to her room and cried herself to sleep.

-After she told her father everything, (Thanks to the encouragement of Tyson, Jasmine, Tyler and Kenneth.) Her father was LIVID about what they did to her, yelled at them for what they did and divorced them on the spot. (He also found out his ex-wife was cheating on him with another woman whenever he was at work, which made him more livid.)

Serious reminder: If you or someone you know is suffering from depression, please tell a loved one or a grownup and call suicide hotline.

Thank you.

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