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It was beautiful seeing the Sunrise, seeing the last one I thought I'll see over my 20 years of being in a gang, well more like a family........ I lived a life, one filled with loyalty, love, friendship, honor ..... but also betrayal

My name is Y/n Morgan, and I'm a outlaw born in 1879, I died on the top of a mountaintop on 1899. You know what? But I did it because I wanted to help the people that needed mine and my dads help, John Marshton and his family. I was definitely not imagining this.............. being back ain't a problem. But being alive in a world we don't belong in. That ain't right

But this world is full of surprises, and these surprises bring me to somewhere I don't belong

But hey, life ain't easier for someone like me

Current day, Arkansas

We now see a figure wearing a duck canvas jacket with some faded black jeans that were going dark gray, wearing a cattleman hat, as he planted a pole in the dirt as he wipes his sweaty head with a bandanna

???: Y/n, that's enough for now

We now see him turn around revealing Y/n Morgan who was sporting some stubble and a mustache

Y/n: yes sir

???: foods ready and it's getting cold

Y/n: okay thanks, I'll be right in

As he went into the western style house as he took off his jacket revealing he wore a denim shirt underneath his duck canvas jacket

He enters as he sees his dad sitting there as he lowered the newspaper down to look at his son

Arthur: hey kiddo, you okay?

Y/n: yeah I'm good

???: here you all go. Chicken stew and some nice cornbread

Y/n: thanks, Henry

Henry Cell was a elderly farmer who hired both Y/n and his dad after they went looking for a job and Henry needed someone to help put up the fence and take care of the land, he did pay a nice sum to their efforts. He was also friendly and easy to talk too, something that Y/n and Arthur appreciated

Henry: no problem, thanks for putting up the poles. Now we can finish that godforsaken fence

Arthur: that fence will put a bull out of commission, Henry. Enough to knock it out and slaughter it up

Henry: let's hope so?

Y/n: thanks for the food

All three of them dug in as they enjoyed a nice meal and a little chit chat as they were laughing and joking around as it was nearing afternoon time as Y/n helped Henry load the chickens into the coop as they were enjoying a chat

Henry: what do you think of those heroines?

Y/n: which one: superwoman, Batwoman, Wonder Woman, powergirl or you know??

Henry: yeah, I mean most men stare at them like brisket on a hot grill, but you simply ignore them

They made their way outside, as Arthur had to do a run for some groceries using his truck

Y/n: it ain't my business, Henry. I only do what I want and that's being a rancher. No more outlawing for me

???: hey Henry!

Henry: oh crap!

They both turn around seeing 6 thugs there as y/n subtly reached for his knife , but Henry simply held his arm out

Henry: what do you want now?

???: money old man, what else. And tell this pretty boy to fuck off

Y/n: how about you go fuck your yourself, partner!

Henry: Y/n, don't stoop to their level....

Suddenly a baseball bat hit y/n's head as he  crumbled down seeing lights flash in his eyes as the men then grabbed Henry and began to wail on him as he crumbled down trying to protect his head as one man then punts Y/n's head feeling his head hit the ground harshly as suddenly he is being attacked as he gritted his teeth as one blow brought lights to his vision. Before he yells out as grabs one man's hand as he breaks it in half causing him to scream as the men stop their wailing on Henry

???: Get him!!

Y/n then gets up as one tried to tackle him, only for y/n to change position and plant his head straight down causing his skull to have a sickening crack, one more tried to attack him as y/n grabs his knife and stabs the man hitting him in the throat as the four men stared shocked seeing their friend holding his throat as blood gushed from it, which stained Y/n's blue denim shirt

???: you're a murderer!

Y/n: come on, them

All 4 of them charge before y/n whipped out his revolver and shot 3 of them in the head as the last one dropped to the ground, as y/n made his way to him

???: wait, I'm sorry please..... don't.....

Y/n: the only thing I wanted was to get away from what I was. I wanted a peaceful life, no killing, no fights. But you had to go ahead and....FUCK IT UP!

Y/n grabs the man's throat as he began to squeeze tightly as a crack is heard his neck is broken, he got up as he goes to Henry who was groaning in pain

Y/n: Henry? Henry?

He noticed that he was unconscious, but there was also a cut on his head that was leaking blood alongside some bruises from the beatdown before a truck was heard as Y/n turned around seeing his dad there

Arthur: what happened? Are you okay, kid?

Y/n: get Henry to a hospital, I'll deal with the bodies

Arthur: okay.... just...

Y/n: I know

He leaves as y/n helped carry Henry to the truck as y/n afterwards stood by a fire, illuminating his blood soaked shirt as he burned and buried the bodies already. He wipes his head but noticed blood as he unbuttons his shirt off revealing his toned and muscular body as he throws it in the fire

Y/n: shit! I fucked up

He made his way back as he had to pack his things along side his dads own. He waited as he smokes a cigarette seeing his dad come on the driveway, with their truck

Arthur: you alright, son?

Y/n: I'm sorry, I fucked up again

Arthur: hey, it ain't your fault. The doctors said if Henry sustained more injury he would have blood in his Brain, he also told me to tell you "thank you" and that he'll miss us

Y/n: what should I do? I mean....

Arthur: follow your heart, and it's never your fault, son

Y/n: thanks dad

Arthur: yeah, guess it's back to the good ol' days?

Y/n: maybe?

Arthur: maybe so, but I know this will turn out different compared to what happened

Y/n: I hope so too

Hours later, unknown motel

Arthur is seen watching the news as it was concerning some villains and some of the super-heroines as the bathroom door was closed. Inside was y/n, as he was rubbing his head with a towel as there was a shaver at the sink as he rubs off the steam off the mirror. Looking at his reflection now showing he shaved his mustache and left a bit of stubble on

Y/n: *sighs*

He went out as he sees his dad there as he glanced at him

Arrhur: you shaved

Y/n: new look, new start

Arthur: makes sense

Y/n: what are you watching?

Arthur: the news! It's about those super ladies we heard so much abiut

Y/n: can you change it to billy and Mandy? There's a marathon going on

Arthur: you read my mind

Y/n: don't I?

Arthur: *chuckles* of course

They sit back as y/n and him watched the show and began to crack up watching the series and laughing at the antics of the three as 2 guns were seen on table, both were Y/n's which were customized

Next to the other side was Arthur's own revolvers, which were customized differently much like his sons

Both men then doze off as We get a look of something of a scope as it zooms out watching the truck outside of the Morgan's motel room 

A/n: hope you all enjoyed it

(Also any crossover girls you all want, no anime guy)

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