Adrienette AU one-shot story by Summer Cheng

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           Marinette  is sad. She is tired of  Adrien not noticing her.  She decides she might as well give up on him.  What is the point in loving him when he always calls her "just a friend."  She feels like there is no need to acknowledge him anymore.  What is the use?   She might as well give someone else a chance.  Who?

          Marinette goes to school, with her hair back in a single ponytail inside of pig tails for a change. She also wears a skirt and a nice shirt, some leggings and a pair of  high heel shoes.  She does not bother with makeup.  She arrives early. She does not say a word to anyone. She just sits at her desk deep in thought.

          Adrien arrives late as usual.  He sits down behind Marinette and Alya.  He notices that Marinette looks different.  He thinks, it is a nice different though.  He smiles.  He says,  "Hi, Marinette you look cute today!"

         Alya notices and teases her.  "Hey, girl !  Did you hear what Adrien told you?  He called you cute!"

         "Alya, I do not care.  Adrien is not the one for me."  Marinette says sadly.

        "What?  Why would you say this when you have only been in love with him for ages?"  Alya ask.

         "He does not see me that way.  He never has and never will Alya.  Lets face it, he only sees me as a friend.  Nothing more."  Marinette says and sighs.

            Adrien overhears the conversation and frowns.  He thinks, what?  She loves me!  He sighs and thinks, why does the fact she does not want to be with me anymore bother me so much?  Why does it hurt?

          Later after school, Adrien finds her!  He decides to admit he was wrong before and he is sorry.  He tries to tell Marinette that he knows for sure he loves her now and plans to ask her to be his girl.  Maybe, then she will be happy!  He walks in her direction to ask her out and sees Luka with her.  His blood boils over with jealousy.  He watches and thinks, she will turn him down I am sure of it.  

           Luka looks at Marinette and smiles.  "Marinette will you be my girlfriend, you know I love you, right?"  Luka says.

           Marinette smiles back and says,  "Luka, I do not know what to say."

             Luka thinks, here is my chance, he pulls her close and tries to kiss her!  Marinette tries to shove him away, but he pins her to a wall and forces his lips against hers.  

              Adrien decides he has had enough of this!  He cannot stand to see Luka do this to her!  How dare he hurt Marinette in this way!  He charges at him, pulls him away and punches him hard.  Luka stands up and fights Adrien.  

               Luka ends up with a bloody nose and Adrien a black eye.  Luka runs off angry!  He cannot believe his plan did not work.  He cannot understand how Marinette could turn him down like this!  He thought for sure she would say yes and they could be happy together.  He does not get it.   

          Adrien goes to her, to Marinette once Luka runs off.  He gently touches her cheek. He whispers,  "Marinette are you all right?  I am sorry.  I should have gotten to you sooner."

          Marinette refuses to look at Adrien.  How can she?  How when Luka just gave her a kiss that was so horrid?  How when she believes Adrien just came to her defense as a friend and nothing more?   How when she told herself that day that Adrien was not worth it anymore?  How?  How can she?

         "Marinette,I am sorry!  You are so beautiful!  Your hair looks nice, but it always has been.  You do not know how much you mean to me.  Please, say that you still love me?  Please!  I cannot loose your love too!"  Adrien says with tears in his eyes.

        Marinette finally looks up at him in surprise.  Did he just confess to her?  Could it be that Adrien does love her?  Is she just mistaken because of the lovely emerald eyes that look into her own?   

          "A-Adrien, I-I..." Marinette mutters.

       "You what?   Please, Mari!  Do not hate me!  I should never have said you were just a friend.  It was lie!  I  thought if I said it enough I could convince myself that you meant nothing to me. However, I  found myself more in love with you the more I try not to love you.  Oh, Mari!  Do you still love me?"  Adrien blurts out.

        Alya who just came around the corner gasp. She heard Adrien Agreste confess to Marinette that he loves her!  She thinks, awe, so he does want to be with her!  She smiles, grabs Nino's arm and says,  "Come on Nino, we should go!  This way they can talk!"

        Nino nods his head in agreement.  He too does know what to make about the events that just took place before his very eyes.  He does love Alya though so he agrees to leave with her.  The two go out for a nice snack!

         Meanwhile, with Adrien and Marinette....

             "Marinette, please tell me?  I have to know, did I confess to late?  Do I even stand a chance with you?  Mari, I love you!  "  Adrien says once more.

            Marinette does not say a word. She pulls out some breath mints. She eats two. Then, she pulls out some mouth wash gargles with it. She grabs Adrien's collar to  his shirt and pulls him close.

            Adrien thinks,wait!  What is she doing?  Is she gonna kill me?  Is that it?  He closes his eyes in confusion unsure what to do next.

            Marinette smiles, puts her hands on his cheeks, and slowly places her lips over his. She feels him respond with a kiss of his own. She hears him moan and moves her tongue through to meet his.  

      Adrien lets her kiss him!  He french kisses her back!  As he does, Marinette sits down and he does the same.   Marinette climbs on his lap, breaks the kiss and says,  "Adrien, I was going to give up on you, but since you love me, how can I?   I love you!  I always have and know that you love me, I always will!"  She kisses him again. 

     It begins to rain. They get all wet!  Neither of them thought to bring an umbrella, and yes that means the one he gave her, she still left at her house.  They do not seem to notice as they share another kiss in the rain.  When they break apart, Marinette is beside Adrien and she lays her head on his shoulder and falls asleep.

        Adrien thinks she is so cute!  He blushes!  He takes a photo of them together!  He picks her up and carries her home. He sets her down on her bed.  He smiles and turns to leave.  

  "See, you soon, my love!"  Adrien says.

   Marinette wakes up!  "Wait, are you forgetting something?" Marinette ask.

    "Oh, like what?"  Adrien ask.

     "I figure since we love each other, you ought to well, you know." Marinette says.

       Adrien smiles, hugs her and ask, "Marinette Dupain-Cheng will you be my girlfriend ?"

          Marinette smiles and says, "Yes, I would love too!"

             Adrien smiles, hugs her, kisses her, breaks the kiss and says,  "See you soon, my lovely girfriend!"

         Marinette smiles,kisses him back, laughs and says, "Yeah, see you soon, my handsome boyfriend!"

             They end up dating for the rest of highschool and all through their college years.  The day after college graduation, Adrien gets down on one knee in the rain, and says,  "Will you marry me?"   

      Marinette smiles, and says,  "Yes, I will!"  

              They kiss, as Adrien slides the ring onto her left ring finger!  The two cannot believe how long their love last and that they are engaged!

           A  year later, they get married!   Six months later, they have a son, Hugo, then later, they have Elizabeth, they adopt Emma, and eventually they adopt Louis too.  Now, they have four children that are grown, a hamster, a nice house, and  most of all they still their love for one another!  

   the end....Adrienette AU one-shot story  -Summer Cheng



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