Blind Tikki AU one-shot story by Summer Cheng

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      In this story, the kwami Tikki has been blind all her life.  She is not sure what the cause behind her disability could be at all. She just knows, she has never been able to see anything.  Not even once. She tries not to let her lack of sight get her down, but that is not as easy as it seems.

       Tikki is able to hear, feel, smell, and all the other things as everyone else.  She is glad for this as her being in the dark is hard enough  for her.  She has a bit of a crush too.  She is not quite how it all begin.  Then again, perhaps she just might know after all.

      Tikki's  flashback...

       Tikki rushes into the school.  This place is a one for kwami's and only them.  When she first gets through the door, she falls down.  Great she says, now I have no idea where I am.  She hears someone laugh and say,  "Look at the new one, she is no good.  Why is she even here?"  She does not let them see her cry.  This is just to cruel.  She considers the idea to skip school and just head on home.  Then, again she reasons that will only make matters worse.  The others might make fun of me more if I did this, right? 

    "Well, hello there!  Let me see, you must be new!"  Plagg remarks.

    "Yeah."  Tikki remarks.

    "Cool, you seem really nice."  Plagg says.

    "It is nice to meet you, uh?"  Tikki remarks.

    "Oh, I am Plagg!"  Plagg says.

     "Tikki,"  Tikki says in return.

      "Great, I am so glad to have met you, Tikki!"  Plagg says.

    "Yeah, glad to have met you too, Plagg!"  Tikki says.  She knows her mother kwami is not to happy that she goes to a regular school instead of one for those with special needs.  However, she wants to go to this school, so she can prove she can handle it.  She knows she can, why she even made a friend already.

     " What class do have first?"  Plagg ask her.

    "I have History first."  Tikki says.

    "Good, so do I!"  Plagg says.  He grabs her hand and pulls her along with him to the classroom.  Tikki does not mind though as she is grateful for his help.

     Once in the class, Plagg sits down in the front row beside Tikki.  He is glad to see that she does not appear to be as much of an annoyance as Pollen, and Trixx.  Goodness, everyone knows that Pollen might have a crush on Wayzz, but does she have to smother him with kisses every time she sees him though?  He wonders, when if ever there is such a thing as to much pda-as in physical display of  public affection- but who is really to say?

      Pollen comes in next. She sits down behind Plagg. Then, Wayzz sits down across from her.  Trixx sits beside Pollen as those two are best friends.   Sass arrives next.  He scans the room and settles on a seat right behind  Tikki.  He figures why not? 

      Norroo the teacher or professor as some call him seems none to happy to see that the rest of the class is late to class.  He wonders, what is it that keeps them anyway?  It is not like they have anything else to do, right?

    Later after school, everyone heads on home.  As Tikki approaches the steps, someone comes by and knocks the cane from her hands.  It is Trixx.  Turns out she is not happy about her competition -as she sees Tikki-for Plagg.   She thinks, Plagg is mine and will always be mine. 

     Trixx laughs as she heads off  with Pollen not far behind her.  Sass the flirt of the bunch, follows after Trixx and Pollen.  Wayzz does too if not for any other resason, so he can keep an eye on Sass. He wants to make sure this boy knows to leave his girl, Pollen alone.

      "Tikki, are you okay?"  Plagg ask kindly. He helps her back up and hands her cane back to her.

      "Yes, I mean, no. Anyway, thanks for your help.  It was not necessary, but thank you."  Tikki says.

     "It was fine.  Besides, it was the least  I could do for a friend, right?"  Plagg ask.

     "Yes, I suppose so."  Tikki says. She tries not to let on how sad she is that he only sees her as a friend.  Though she can not see him, she already knows she likes him.  That is right she Tikki has a crush!

       End of  Flashback...

        "Well, well, if it isn' t the lack of  vision, girl!"  Trixx says. She laughs a bit as  too.

      "Yeah she can hardly see the effect that the sun has on anything! No wonder she is so red."  Pollen remarks.

      "Hey, you leave her alone!"  Plagg says.  He does not like to see TIkki made fun of by two such rich and horrid girls as these.

        "Fine, we will go!  She is all yours."  Pollen says, clearly angry that Plagg does not pay her attention.  She is the kind of girl who has a double crush.  As in she has a crush on Wayzz, but she also likes Plagg.  No wonder, she has such problems with getting along with others.

       "Tikki are you okay?"  Plagg ask.  His voice full of concern for her.  He is not sure why, but hates to see her being hurt like this.  He thinks, how dare they do this to her?   He notices, Tikki is nice, and cute.

        "Y-yeah, t-thanks, P-Plagg!"  Tikki stutters. She thinks, great now I am have to deal with this embarrassment when it comes to my sudden speech complications along with the blindness.

      "Good, you know, I like you!"  Plagg says.

     "Really?"  Tikki says. She blushes, and thinks, good thing I am already red, because otherwise he could see the blush.

      "Yes, really! "  Plagg remarks.

     "Oh, okay.  I l-like you t-too."  Tikki says.  She thinks, was it really just a year ago when we first met.

     "Great, so will you go out with me?"  Plagg says.

       "What?  You want me to g-go o-out with y-you?   You mean on  a d-date?"   Tikki stutters once more.

     "Yes, that is what I mean. " Plagg says.

      "Wow, in that case, sure!"  Tikki says.

     "Good, it is a date then!"  Plagg says. He leans over and holds her hand.  He kisses it and says," I will come to pick you up at 4 pm, will you be ready by then?"

      "Yes, Plagg."  Tikki says.

       "Okay, good! See  ya then!"  Plagg says.  He walks off and leaves Tikki with a look of surprise on her face.  Wow, she thinks he ask me out on a date and he kisses my  hand.  Oh, wow!  

         Later, Plagg picks up Tikki and they go on a walk together.  The two end up   at the beach.  It sure is calm and peaceful like.  Plagg is happy that Tikki has agreed to this.  He thought for sure she would say no.

       "Pl-Plagg, may I t-touch your f-face?"  Tikki mutters. She can feel him blush and thinks, what did I just do?

       "Yes, Tikki!"  Plagg says.  He blushes, and thinks, now why did I blush?  It is not like it is that odd she ask to feel my face when she cannot see me.

      Tikki smiles, she reaches out and gently touches one of his cheeks. She feels his hand as he reaches up and holds the hand that feels his cheek.   She then, takes her other hand and places it on his forehead, then feels around until her finger touches his lips.  She leans in and retraces the area that her finger traces with her mouth until she meets his lips.

      Plagg thinks, what is she gonna do?  He feels her lips brush across his own.  He smiles and thinks, wait, what?  He kisses her back.  He can not help it.  He loves Tikki.  He does.

      "Pl-Plagg, I -I do not know what I just did, but please d-do not be m-mad."  Tikki mutters.

     "Mad?  Are you kidding, it is fine.  Tikki, look, I did kiss you back, so you know what that means?"  Plagg answers.

      "N-no, please explain."  Tikki says.

     "It means, the kiss is good, because I  like you so much!  Wait, scratch that  I do not just like you, I love you!"  Plagg confesses.

       "Really?"  Tikki squeals.

     "Yes, really!"  Plagg says.

      "B-but how?   I mean, how can you -llove m-me when I am b-blind?"  Tikki ask.

      "Tikki, I love you because you are the one to love me for me. All the others are after me for riches, or my looks, but you love me for my personality.  I can tell, so I love you in return.  I just can not help it."  Plagg says.

         "Well, Then are you not gonna ask me?"  Tikki ask.

      "Gonna ask you what?"  Plagg ask.

      Tikki puts her hands on her hips and pouts.  Plagg laughs and teases her a bit.   "You are so cute, when you are angry.  Anyway, will you go to the kwami ball next weekend?"  Plagg responds.

      "Yes, I thought you would never ask."  TIkki ask.

     "Oh, and leave my girl to come alone.  I would not let that happen."  Plagg says.

      "y-your g-girl?"   Tikki says.

     "Well, yes, will you be my girlfriend?"  Plagg ask next.

     "Yes, stinky sock, I will be glad to be your girlfriend!"  Tikki answers.

     "Good, sugarcube! "  Plagg says.

        Tikki  sticks her tongue out at him.  

        Plagg smirks, and places his mouth over her tongue, so now it is inside his mouth.  He also moves his tongue around a bit, so that it meets hers.   Tikki  feels him french kiss her and moans a bit. She thinks, oh, Plagg !  Plagg, stinky sock, I love you!

        A year later, Tikki and Plagg get engaged!  Then, six months after this, they get married!  Turns out Plagg was as serious as can be when he says he loves Tikki!  TIkki in return is happy to be Plagg's  wife.  Trixx and Pollen both watch with pouty faces.  Wayzz  just smiles, as does Sass. 

          the end...Blind Tikki AU one-shot story by Summer Cheng      



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