Blue Paint AU one-shot story

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         The door to the classroom opens.  Everyone looks at her in amazement.  Marinette just stops.  She can not understand why everyone  just stares at her and talks.  She thinks, did I do something wrong?  Perhaps, it is because I manage to arrive early for once that makes them act the way they do.

        Alya walks over to Marinette and gives her a hug. She tries not to laugh. She hands her a wet wipe.   Marinette looks at her in confusion.

    Alya says, "Here, girl!  This might be helpful in the situation you find yourself in at the moment."  

    "Haha, as if, she will need more than that to get all those funny, blue specks off her face, her clothes and hair!"  Chloe remarks.

    "Yeah, she looks like she went through a paint war!"  Kim says.

    "You look so ridiculous!  Hehe!"  Lila says.

    "Wow, Marinette!  Did you forget to shower or something?"  Max ask.

     "What?  Why is everyone so rude to me?  Stop it!"  Marinette says with tears in her eyes.

    "Awe, what do we have here?  It is a cry baby!  That is all Marinette ever is right, folks!"  Lila remarks.

     "Leave her, alone!"  Adrien says furious now.

    "Oh, and just why should I?"  Lila says rudely.

   "Adrikins, she looks great!  I say it is am improvement for Miss Dupain-Cheng, loser!"  Chloe says.

    "Enough!  Both of you, leave Marinette alone!"  Adrien says.

   "Yeah, she is my best friend!  Cut it out, will ya?"  Alya says.

   Marinette looks at Adrien for answers.  She sees his look of worry in his eyes.  

      "Alya, help her get cleaned up!"  Adrien says.

   "Yes, sir!  Right on it!"  Alya says. She grabs Marinette's hand and yanks her out of the classroom. She drags her into the bathroom.  She gets out a paper towel and wets it.  She uses the wet wipe to clear some of the mess off of Marinette's  face.  She uses the wet paper towel to soak up the blue paint as it drips and tries to get into her eyes.

     "Ah!  Where did all this come from anyway?"  Marinette says.  She can believe it!  Her new outfit is in ruins, her hair a sticky mess, and her face, and arms are all wet and sticky too. 

      "I am sorry!  It appears Lila set up this cruel prank!  Turns out the bucket she put over the door had blue paint inside it instead of the water everyone thought was in there."  Alya remarks.

     "Wait, Lila did this?"  Marinette says. Her eyes red from the tears and her voice shakes a bit.

   "Yes, but do not let it get you down,  Marinette.  I know you are a strong person."  Alya says.

"How could she do this to me?   Why?  The two of us use to be best friends back in second grade.  Then, one day she changes and leaves me behind for all her new friends!  Now years later, she pulls something like this?"  Marinette says.

   "It sure appears to be that way."  Alya says.

  Meanwhile back in the classroom...

      "Lila, that was low even for you!"  Adrien says.

     "Bad form dudette!"  Nino says.

    "Ugh, I think it is about time that loser got what is coming for her!" Chloe says.

   "Yeah, Chloe is so right!  Marinette is just a low life."  Sabrina says.

     "How dare you!  How dare any of you!  Marinette is one of the sweetest girls I know."  Adrien says.

    "What you are on her side?"  Lila says.  She raises one eyebrow as if the dares Adrien to say it to be true that he takes the side of her enemy and ex best friend, Marinette.

     "Yes, I am on Marinette's side!   She is sweet, always stands up for others, and pretty!"  Adrien says.  He blushes a bit too.

    "What?  Adrikins!"  Chloe says at the same time as Lila.

    "I hate that nickname.  So, stop it!"  Adrien says.

    "But Adrikins!"  Chloe says.

    "Enough is enough, Chloe!  Leave Marinette alone, got it!  Also, my name is not Adrikins, it is Adrien!  Get it right!"   Adrien says.  With that he goes back to his seat as he waits for Alya and Marinette to get back to class.

     Miss Bustier turns around.  "Wait, just a minute!   Where did Alya and Marinette go?"  Miss Bustier ask.

     "Oh, well, you see, Alya went to help Marinette get all the paint off her since Lila made it fall on her earlier."  Adrien remarks.

      "Adrien, is right!  Lila is so mean to Marinette!"  Alix agrees

      "Lila, is so cruel!"  Mylene remarks.

      "Yeah, she should leave Marinette alone. For that matter she should leave Adrien alone as well."  Rose says.

       "The girls are right, why I saw the whole thing myself, and must say it is so distasteful."  Nathaniel says.

     "Lila Rossi, go to the principal's  office right now!"  Miss Bustier says.

     "Miss Bustier, it is not true! Everyone is picking on me for no reason!"  Lila protest.

      "Lila, I said to go to the principal's  office and I mean it."  Miss Bustier says.

     "Yes, Miss Bustier!"   Lila says.  She walks off in a scowl, but heads to Mr. Damocles office.

    "What?  Lila should not have to go away.  It was only a harmless prank."  Chloe says.

     "Chloe, you go to the principal's  office as well!"  Miss Bustier says.

       "What?  I will call my daddy, the mayor!  We will just see about this!" Chloe protest.

       "Chloe, phones are not allow for use in class expect for emergencies.  A  call to the mayor to complain is not one of them."  Miss Bustier says as she confiscates the cell phone, and locks it inside her desk drawer.

       Chloe walks out of the classroom angry, and goes to see Mr. Damocles as well.

      "Is there anyone else who needs to join Lila, and Chloe in Mr. Damocles office?"  Miss Bustier remarks.

    Everyone else is silent even Sabrina.  Miss Bustier smiles in approval.  She announces,  "I will resume the lesson once Alya and Marinette returns to class."    No sooner has she spoken, then Alya returns to class.  

    Alya sits down in her usual desk.  Her face shows an expression full of  concern for her best friend. She is not sure what to do, or how to help her. She just sits there in silence.

    "Alya, glad to see you rejoin us!  May, I ask why Marinette has not come back with you?"  Miss Bustier remarks.

     "I am sure, I do not know.  She refuses to let me help, and all of sudden yells at me to back off. She accuses me of  making the matter worse then it is already! "  Alya says.

     "What?  This does not sound like the Marinette we know!"  Adrien says.  


    Crash!  Boom!  Crash!

      Miss Bustier looks up in horror.  "Class, you may go now!  There is an akuma attack!"  Miss Bustier says.

      Adrien runs and hides.  "Plagg, claws out!"  He transforms.

     Chat Noir  looks around him.  He can  not find Marinette anywhere.  Where on earth is his princess?

      "Hey, Chat!  Looking for me!"  Chat hears a voice behind him.  He turns around and sees her.

     "What is the matter, Chanton?  Cat got your tongue?"   Miss Tear Jerker says with an evil laugh.

      "Marinette is that you?"  Chat says.  He looks at her in horror.  His princess is the villain.  What will he do now?

       "I am not her.  She is gone!  I am Miss Tear Jerker!"  Miss Tear Jerker says.

       "Why?  Why did this happen to  you?"  Chat says.

       "Well, kitty!  That is simple, Lila humiliated me in front of my friends, but especially in front of Adrien!  So any way, here we are now!"  Miss Tear Jerker says.

         "I will not fight you." Chat says.  He does not want to hurt her.

        "Fine, then I will have your miraculous!"  Miss Tear Jerker says.  She pounces on him, knocks him down and reaches for his ring.

        Chat thinks fast, and kisses her on the mouth.  To his surprise, she snaps out of it.  "Wh-what happened?"  Marinette says as she goes back to normal and the akuma flies away.

        "You were akumantized, princess!"  Chat says sadly.

       "Oh, no the akuma!"  Marinette says.  She looks a bit sad, but whispers, "Tikki spots on, yeah!"  She transforms.   Now, Ladybug catches the akuma, purifies it and lets it go!   "Miraculous Ladybug!"  Ladybug says.

         Ladybug runs off and Chat stands there in shock.  His princess is his lady?   Marinette is his Bugaboo?   Chat can not believe it that all this time, she was the sweet, amazing, clumsy, yet brave and helpful, pretty Marinette!

      Chat smiles.  He goes to hide.  He destransforms.

          Adrien goes to the park.  He has a photo shoot.  He arrives early.  He smiles when he sees Marinette. He blushes.  He knows now what he never knew before, Plagg is right and has always been right all alone, he loves Marinette both as her and as his ladybug.  He wishes he could tell her.

      Marinette waves at Adrien. She still feels embarrassed about the paint incident and the akuma getting to her.  She is not sure how to respond.  She blushes.

      Adrien finishes his photo shoot early.  He looks for Marinette.  He sees her under a tree. He smiles and walks over to her.   

"Hey, Marinette!"  Adrien says.

  "Hey, A-Adrien!"  Marinette says.

    " Adorable!"  Adrien says.

     "Wh-what?"  Marinette ask.

    "You are adorable!  Marinette, I need to tell you!"  Adrien says.

     "Tell me what?"  Marinette says.

     "I  like you!  I know you are ladybug! I like you both as you and as her!" Adrien remarks.

     "Oh, Adrien!  I like you too! "  Marinette says.

      Adrien smiles, as he says,  "Marinette will you go out with me?"

    Marinette smiles as she responds,  "Yes, I will!  I will Adrien!"

     "Good princess, I am so happy!"  Adrien remarks.  He kisses her hand.

     "Oh, Adrien!  I am so glad you are my Chat!"  Marinette says.

      "Your chat?  I like the way that sounds."  Adrien remarks.


    Two days later,  Adrien and Marinette arrive to class with hands held.  They announce they date now.  Everyone except for Lila cheers for them!  As for Chloe, she dates Nathaniel now!

    the end...Blue Paint AU one-shot story


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