Chat Noir Gets Dusty? *Ladynoir* one-shot story

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      Chat Noir fights against the lastest villain alongside his lady as he refers to Ladybug on many occasions.  He smiles as the man runs towards him with his vaccum cleaner.  He wonders what the man is so uptight about anyway.  He thinks, hmm, I suppose it is a dusty situation.

     "Chat, watch out!"  Ladybug calls out.

    "Hmm, what is it, Bugaboo?"  Chat ask.

    Chat is hit from behind and next thing Ladybug knows the vaccum cleaner sucks Chat right up into it.  He is in a tight wad now and looks a bit claustrophobic too.  He does not smile.  He begins to cry as he can not turn around.  He can speak either because if he opens his mouth he might swallow a dusty bunny, a speck of dirt, or any other such mess within this portable monster.  He does not blink an eye either as he can not seem to move a muscle.

   Ladybug looks at him in pity.  She thinks, Awe, poor Kitty really got all filthy!  The poor dude, I must help him out of there!  Let me see, what can I do to help him?

  Chat silently mimes the words, Get me out of here, m'lady!

    Ladybug smiles as she calls out, "Lucky charm!"   She sees a small portable cord fall into her hands.  She thinks, wait what am I to do with this?  She takes a look around her.  She smiles, throws the portal cord towards the villain and it knocks him over.  She runs to him and kicks the vaccum cleaner bag open.  She is glad to see that Chat is free.

      Chat  looks at the villain.  He smirks, calls out  "Catacylsm"  as he sneezes and touches the handle to the item the crook holds in their hand.  It desintegrates in his hands.  He watches to see the villain turn back into  none other than the local vacuum cleaner sales man.   

      Ladybug catches the akuma, "No more evil doing for you little akuma."  She purifies the akuma.   "Miraculous Ladybug!"  She calls out and everything turns back into normal.

     "Uh, where am I?  How did I get here?"  The man, whose name tag reads  "Carl"  ask in confusion.

       Both Ladybug and Chat answers together,  " You were akumantized, sir!"

       Carl looks  at them sadly.  "Oh, sorry  about that it just I was told my vacuums were no good.  That I was a worthless, washed up person whose business was last year.  I was never to amount to anything. "  Carl tells them.

     "Well, those people who told you that are wrong!  I am sure your products are  great!  In fact,  I happen to have one at home and it works wonders on the hard to reach areas in the home.  It also, helps  get the grim off the curtains.  Talk about one good item."   Ladybug remarks.

     "M'lady is right!  It is awesome as ever.  I did manage to reach the dust mites under my bed, and behind the stove with it.  This is more than I can say for that other sales man across town!"  Chat Noir says.

    "Really?  You like it, Ladybug and Chat Noir?"   Carl ask.

   "Yes, Really!"  Ladybug and Chat Noir says together.

    "Thanks so much guys!  I am so happy now!"  Carl says as he leaves. 

       After Carl is long gone,Ladybug and Chat Noir fist bump as they say,  "Pound it!"    Then, Chat's ring beeps right along with Ladybug's  earrings.  Chat hugs Ladybug  while much to his surprise she hugs him back instead of the usual protest. He sneezes and she  starts to blow away from him.

     "M'lady, are you okay?"  Chat remarks.

    "Yes, I am just fine."  Ladybug says.  She uses her yo-yo to climb back up.  She gets out a pal, puts water in it, and pours it over Chat.  Chat whines, but she still manages to get all the dirt and other filthy stuff off him. 

      "Hey, what is with the wet stuff?   You know cats hate water!"  Chat Noir complains.

   "Do not be so upset with me.  I got the mess off you !"  Ladybug says. 

    "Awe, thanks sweetheart!"  Chat says.

      Ladybug  blushes.  Chat blushes too as Ladybug leans in and kisses him right on the lips.  He thinks, is this a dream or is it real?   When he realizes her lips really touch his, he sighs and kisses her back.  

     Ladybug breaks the kiss.  She mutters,  "S-see y-you s-soon, Ch-Chat N-Noir!"

      "See you l-later, m'lady!"  Chat replies.

The next day...

     Chat sees Ladybug on patrol.  Ladybug is glad to see him.  The two are really glad as can be.  

      After the patrol, that evening,  " Bugaboo, will you go out with me?"  Chat ask.  "Yes, Chat!  I will be glad too!"  Ladybug says.  The two go out to see a movie.  Their hands touch as they reach for the nachos and cheese at the same time.  Neither remembers much about the movie, other than the fun they have together with the happy ending to the film and the fact that they are together at last.  

    Both agree as Chat takes Ladybug home that today was one of the best days yet!

     the end  Chat Noir  Gets Dusty? *Ladynoir* one-shot story

    Do not copy this, my username, or other stories here.

-Summer out!

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