Fudge, A Rose and A Kiss? one-shot story

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        Kendra Lahifee sat around the house.  She just sat there unsure what to do.  Her parents were both out of town.  Her older brother was away at a friends house.  She was in charge.  She did not like this very much.  She felt lonely.

       Morgan Agreste, the adopted grandson to Adrien and Marinette Agreste, and son of  Louis Agreste  rang the door bell to the Lahifee's  place.  He could see it was quiet.  He begin to wonder if anyone were even home.  He knew Kyle had left earlier to stay over night at a friends.  He smiles nervously as he waits to see if anyone else answers the door. 

     Kendra goes downstairs when she hears the doorbell ring.  She looks out the peep hole, and opens the door.  She smiles sweetly at Morgan. She thinks, Wow!  He actually came!  She begins to wonder if he is a mind reader or something. 

    "Oh, do come inside, Morgan!"  Kendra says.

   "Okay."  Morgan says.  He hands a single rose and a box to her.

    "Wait, what is the box?  What is with the rose?"  Kendra ask.

    "Just open it and you will see!"  Morgan says.

      "It is fudge!  Oh, and it is my favorite kind peanut butter fudge."   Kendra remarks.

     "I am glad you like it."  Morgan replies.

      "This was so sweet of you, thanks ever so much, Morgan!"  Kendra says, as she hugs him.

      Morgan looks at her in surprise, but hugs her back.  He smiles as he lets go of her.

         "Do you like the flower too, or is the wrong kind?"  Morgan says.

        "Oh, I love it!  It is my favorite flower, a red rose! "  Kendra says.

         "Kendra, will you be my girlfriend?"  Morgan ask.

       "Yes, I would love too!"  Kendra replies.

      "Great!  Then, put the rose into a vase and let's  go!" Morgan says.

       "Alright then, I will be ready in ten minutes!"  Kendra says.  She puts the rose into a vase and makes sure to add some water to it.  Then, she sets the vase down gently in the center part of the table.  When she finishes, she grabs up some shoes and steps into them.  She grabs her purse and is all set to go.

       "Ready now?"  Morgan ask as he looks at his pretty girlfriend.

       "Yes,are you?" Kendra says as they both step outside where she removes the key from her purse and locks up.  She places the key back inside.

       "Yes, I am ready!"  Morgan says. He grabs her hand and holds it the entire way to the movie theater.  

       Once inside he orders the tickets to see the newest edition of  the movie, Beauty and the Beast!  This theater, tends to play reruns a lot.  It offers the tickets at discount prices too, so that makes it even better.  After this, as he still holds her hand in his, he orders a popcorn and two drinks.  Then, Morgan and Kendra head inside door 6  to see the film.  Morgan finds two empty seats near the back.  The two sit down side by side.

       As the movie begins, they both smile.  Somewhere late into the film, Morgan hears Kendra yawn!  He just smiles at her.  He blushes and looks back at the screen.  During the scene in the kitchen with the cookware, Morgan reaches for some popcorn.  Kendra does the same.  He feels her hand touch his and he gently pulls it to his lips and kisses it.  When Morgan  releases her hand, Kendra has tears in her eyes.  Right at the end, as the beast turns back into a handsome, young prince, Morgan hears someone sigh.  He looks around him and sees Kendra with her head on his shoulder.  She is asleep.  He smiles, and thinks, Wow, she is so cute!  

      The end credits to the movie plays, and Morgan gently taps Kendra on the shoulder to wake her up.   "Come on, Kendra!  It is time to go! The movie is over!"  Morgan says gently.

     Kendra wakes up and looks at him in confusion.  "Morgan, I am so sorry!"  Kendra says and can feel her cheeks burn from embarrassment from the thought of her head on his shoulder.

     "Relax, it is okay, I kinda like it."  Morgan says.

       Kendra stands up, grabs her purse, and Morgan holds her hand as they exit the theater together.  He takes her out to eat.  He can hear her stomach grumble, so he might as well.  He smiles as Kendra  decides what she wants  for her late supper.  

      Morgan orders a baked potato with butter, and sour cream, a cheese burger, and a small chocolate milk shake.  Kendra orders a cheese burger, a small order of fries, and a small strawberry milk shake. The two enjoy the nice time alone together. 

     When they finish, Morgan pays for the food while Kendra grabs up her purse.  As they head outside, a thug tries to steal Kendra's  purse.  Morgan punches the guy and the rotten person gets a black eye.  Morgan walks Kendra back to her house.  He gives her a quick kiss on the top of her hand once more.  As Kendra blushes, Morgan smiles and says, "Good night, my sweet and gorgeous girlfriend!"   Kendra responds, "Good night, my kind, heroic, and handsome boyfriend!"

    Morgan chuckles under his breath as he heads back home.  He arrives there safely.

       Morgan's  POV:  This was one nice evening!  I got to visit my crush, ask her out, and we both had a great time!  Towards the end of our date, some loser tries to take her purse, but I defend her honor purse and all.   I walk her home, and she blushes a cute shade of red as I kiss the lovely damsel across the top of her knuckles.  I sigh, as I head inside my home!  I can hardly wait to see my lovely woman again!

   Kendra's  POV:  Morgan is such a gentleman. He pays for our movie tickets and snacks.  He touches my hand, but I do not mind.  He even kisses it and I blush like a silly girl in love!  Later, he pays for our meal and he protects me from some creep who tries to take my pocket book!  In all it was one adventurous day!  Oh, and he gave me fudge and a romantic, red rose before all this.  He also made sure I got home safely and gave me another surprise kiss on my hand.  Why he makes me feel so happy and so loved!  I can not wait to see him again!  To think, he is my boyfriend.  Wow, just wow!

     the end...Fudge, A Rose, and A Kiss?  one-shot story-Summer Cheng

   Author's  Note  #1:  *Kendra Lahiffe, Morgan Agreste, the ticket lady, the thug, etc. are all characters owned by me, as I made them up all out of my imagination.  So, please do not  copy, repost, etc.  

  Author's Note #2 :  All crude, vulgar, insulting, or other wise  rude and offensive comments will be deleted by the author and the commenter (he or she) will be blocked.  So, please use only clean and polite comments, thanks.

      Sincerely, Summer Cheng


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