If Miraculous Characters were Crayons...one-shot story

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        If Miraculous Characters were Crayons, what colors would they be?   Hmm, now let me see...

   I got it!  The colors to them would have to suit their overall personalities, interests, looks,etc. 

        Just imagine the miraculous world full of  color!   This should not be to hard for those who have a keen sense of imagination.  Why even a small child should be able to imagine this!

       Marinette  Dupain-Cheng  is the sort of  girl who is shy, kind- hearted, looks out for others, but still a bit clumsy. She also has a secret crush and  identity.  She cooks well, she dances, sews, makes her own clothes for that matter, and still goes to school like any other typical teen!  She is special!  She hopes to win the heart of her crush, the clueless, model boy, Adrien!  She feel in love with him, after he shares his umbrella with her the second day of school!  She loves him for his personality, not his riches, or his looks.

       If she were in crayon form she would be a blend of  peach, blue, red (for her ribbons), gray and white, for her jacket and shirt, pink(for her other clothes).  This is just the sort of  person, or excuse me crayon character she could be!  Why it has all her traits together in these blend of colors here!  Can you not just see it?

      Then, there is  Tikki, a awesome, small, magic, mythical character, a friend to Marinette as well as the one who assist her into the transformation of Ladybug the heroine of Paris, France!  Tikki is red with black dots with is appropriate as she is the ladybug kwami after all.  This small creature as a crayon would be red and black.

       Ladybug would be a red crayon with black dots to represent her strength, courage, bravery, along with her suit and mask  (that and her yo-yo).   She is the type who puts herself at risk to save her friends, and other people in her community when Hawkmoth strikes against them with his evil minions, the akumas!   She is cool, sweet, and the heroine of Paris!  She is caught the eye of almost every guy in  France, but especially of her partner, Chat Noir!  

     Plagg, the cheese eater, kwami of destruction and helper to Chat Noir the hero of Paris, and partner to Ladybug is a black cat.  So, his crayon would be black! 

    The next character,  Chat Noir,(as a crayon)  would be peach, black, and green, along with just a little bit of yellow.  This is to represent his skin, his suit, his eyes and his hair.  It also, represents his personality, as a flirty, cool, confident sort of fellow!  It represents how he is so brave and shows his willingness to fight along his lady to triumph over evil.  He cares deeply for Ladybug which is biggest  strength, but is also his weakness as she tends to reject his affections towards her a lot!

      Adrien Agreste the civilian form of  Chat (Shh, do not tell Hawkmoth, folks!), would be a nice variety of  crayon colors as well.  His would be yellow (hair),  peach (skin), green (eyes), black (shirt), blue (pants), red (shoes).  This represents his laid back look when he goes to school with his friends, but also shows why everyone swoons over this hot model!  (*Everyone in the Miraculous  crayon world that is!)

       Chloe Bougerious would be the following choice of  crayons:

      peach (skin), blue (eyes), yellow (for her blond hair, sweater, ), white (pants, shoes, sunglasses on top of her head), black (the stripes across her shirt).   This represents not only her looks, but her obbesive  like of bees!  It  also represents her strong temper, her disdain for those outside her group of friends  (or hive), and her alright bossiness.  I mean lets face it she thinks she is a Queen, and does not hesitate to show it!  

      Sabrina Raincomprex, best friend to Chloe, the mayor's daughter would be a simple peach (skin),  orange (hair), white (hair band), multi color (vest), white (shirt), purple (or was it green?/ shirt), and black (for her shoes, and glasses).  This shows how she is a bit of a nerd, but is also gullible as ever.  She allows Chloe to bribe her into staying her friend by giving her gifts!  

      Hawkmoth the villain, would be a  purple and gray .   This would represent his suit, complete with his tie (which is really the moth miraculous, or brooch).   It also seems to go well with his gray hair, along with his stern expression on his face.  Plus, his evil, creepy laugh as he sends out these akumas  (black moths, or butterflies which were originally white, but he turns them dark).  

      Gabriel would be these crayons: gray (hair), white (shirt), red (tie), and white  (pants, socks and shoes).   This shows he is in his mid forties to early fifties.   It is all shows he has a dull, sad, and scary look on his face along with a  strict, over the top manner.    It shows he as a man in pain due to a sad, and hard past.  A man who would do anything to get his wife back!

    Lila Rossi, would be an orange and black crayon.  She is into the color orange, wears orange and black a lot.  She is also mean, untrustworthy,and tells lies.  She does what she can to impress boys, especially, Adrien.   She tends to  be a villain more often than not.  Once she was even a fox villain who went by  the name Volpina.  She is sly, just like a fox, a trickster of sorts.   So, yes, orange suits her well!

  Carpace would be a green crayon as his super suit is made of all green material!  He is the turtle miraculous holder for awhile!  He is strong, brave, strong willed, goes out of the way to rescue his girlfriend when she is in danger.  He shows he is a good guy despite the spite the girl he loves has an older sister, who teases him and does not like him at first.   He is one cool dude!

  Nino would be a brown, and blue crayon to show his DJ  type.  He is really into music, bubbles, and the dance style of life.  He  is a bit of a romantic at heart.  He is faithful to his girlfriend, Alya!  He refuses to leave her alone in Zombieuz  when the others are all crazy, out of it thanks for the zombie kisser villain.  This shows he will last the test of time when it comes to his girlfriend, and friends over all!   He is nice, funny, and an alright guy!

   Alya would be a brown, and orange crayon.  She is into foxes, plaid, and more.  She is kind, outgoing, tends to speak her mind, and hates to  see bullies get away with it!   She is the sort to stick by others, but a bit gullible sometimes too.  She loves to talk about Ladybug, and has her on blog about her.  She is such a huge fan she puts herself at risk just to get her story in!

   Rena Rogue is an orange crayon,  unlike Lila the liar, she has an actual fox miraculous!  She uses it to fight crime with her friends, partners, as part of the miraculous team!  She is sneaky, yet cool!  She is good at her illusions, but only uses them when really necessary.  She does not go out of her way to be unkind, or  mean to anyone.  She just herself!  She is one great asset to Ladybug, Chat Noir, Carapace and Queen Bee!

   Master Fu would be a tan crayon , with a bit of red and white too.  His colors represent his old age, his wisdom beyond his years, along with Hawaiian shirt.  He is the guardian of the miraculous!  He can sense when someone needs extra help, he can tell who gets along best with others, he can spot out a person's soulmate long before they notice it for themselves.  He is might be over a hundred years old,  but he is one sneaky man!  He is cool  and everyone likes him!  

  Nathaniel  Kurtzberg would be a red crayon.  His brings out the red hair, the red shirt he always wears.  It also, shows how he is blushes easily around his first crush, Marinette, and his second one Ladybug.  He is an artist whose pictures show his awesome  imagination across the pages and brings the comics to life!   He is a bit shy, but kind.  He does not take highly to bullies.  He does not seem to like Lila as his desk mate in class.  He appears to be happy to be friends with almost anyone.

   Alix Kubel would be a red and green crayon.  She seems to be into bold, bright colors!  She is kind, athletic, and artistic too.  She loves to draw murals on the wall inside the art room at school.  She skates, and does just about any sport you can imagine.  She is kind, she hates bullies, Nathaniel is her best friend, along with Mylene, Marinette, Rose, Alya, and  Juleka.

     Rose would be a pink crayon.  She wears this color a lot.  Her name is a type of flower which suits her.  She kind, gets along well with others expect for liars like Lila, and she has a crush on Prince Ali!  She wrote him a letter once, and was heartbroken when it was ripped to pieces before her eyes.  She became the villain Princess Fragrance, but was embarrassed when Chat and Ladybug rescued her.  She felt bad for all the trouble she had caused.  She got to go on  a short date with her guy crush for a bit!   Who knows only time will tell if she will become the wife of this guy or not.   Whoever wins her heart will have  a treasure for sure!

   Juleka would be a black and purple crayon. This suits her well since these are her favorite colors!  She  also, has dark, jet black hair!  She is the sister, of Luka!  She is best friends with Mylene, Rose, Alix,  Alya and Marinette!  She is shy, kind, and feels like she is invisible.  She is happy to have the support of her friends though.  Why without them she would have a hard time not being down more often than not.   This is what guides her along her daily life!  

    Mylene would be a green and blue crayon.  She seems to interwine these colors in her outfit a lot!  She is kind, gets along well with others, has a crush on Ivan, her boyfriend, and does not take highly to bullies, or liars.  She is happy to be herself!  She can not imagine her life any other way than the way it is right now !  She tries her best to look at the positive in life thanks to the advice of Marinette, one of her many friends!  

   Ivan would be a peach, and black crayon.  His skin is a light cream color, and he is still kind to everyone regardless of who they are which is great!  He enjoys the color black which is seen by the black band shirt, black shorts, and shoes he wears year round.  He is into heavy metal, and rock music!  He  really likes his girlfriend, Mylene and is glad they are finally together now!  He would do anything to make her happy!  This is how much he really loves her!

   Luka would be torquoise crayon with a bit of black specks mixed in.  This is because he has bright bluish-green hair, plays guitar, wears black nail polish,but is still kind.  He looks like a wild, rebellious sort, who is into Jagged Stone!  He is Juleka's  older brother! He likes Marinette, but backs off once he figures out she has a deep love for Adrien.  He does not want to get in the way of her happiness!  This shows he will be a great guy for whoever he ends up with a some point!   

    Kagami would be a blue crayon. She has short, blue hair, that is shorter than Marinette's hair. She enjoys fencing, but the occasional ice skating is alright too.  She likes the fact she gets to go on a date with Adrien!  Only, she can tell that deep down, he likes Marinette despite his consent denial of his real feelings for her!  She is jealous of  this, but backs away.  She dare not get in the way of them now that she knows his date with her was just an excuse to avoid the truth.  She feels down about it, but is a strong girl!  Somehow, she will pull through,  she will see this to the end, she will be so tough she will not need a man to build her up!  Should she find a man who truly cares about her she would probably feel honored to be swiped off her feet by such a person as this! 

   the end... If Miraculous Characters were Crayons...one-shot story -Summer Cheng





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