Ladrien AU one-shot story

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       Ladybug sighs.  She sees Adrien as he talks in the library to Lila.  Then she sees him leave to talk to Kagami for a bit.  She can see the excitement in his eyes as he talks to Kagami.  She thinks, wait!  Why can't  he look at me like this?  I really love him!  I do!  It just not fair.

       Ladybug swings away as a tear falls down her cheeks.  She lands on the roof to the Agreste mansion.  She continues to cry.  She thinks, Adrien, oh Adrien!  I love you, yet you love her!  I am not her.  I am not her.

       Hawkmoth senses a negative emotion nearby.  He has no idea who it could be or why they are sad.  He just knows someone is down.  He smirks an evil smirk.  He calls out, "Go my little akuma and evilize her!"   He watches as the akuma flies away and heads on outside.

      The akuma hits  Ladybug's  mask.  "Why hello there, Miss Hateful Bug!"  Hawkmoth says.

      "Hello, Hawkmoth!"  Miss Hateful Bug says.

     "Bring me the Ladybug and Chat Noir miraculous now!"  Hawkmoth says.

     "With pleasure, Hawkmoth!"  Miss Hateful bug replies.

      She jumps off the roof with her yoyo and heads on to the park.  She creates a huge statue that looks like herself.  She smirks and thinks, Wow this looks fabulous!  She takes a few selfies of herself with it.

      Meanwhile with Adrien and Plagg,  "Hey, kid!  Kid!"  Plagg says.

    "Yes, Plagg?"  Adrien says.  He thinks, Plagg just got his cheese, so what is it now?

    "Adrien, Ladybug is evil now!  She has been akumantized by Hawkmoth!"  Plagg says.

    "That is nice. Wait, what?  What did you say about Ladybug?"  Adrien says.

     "She is been akumantized into Miss Hateful Bug!"  Plagg says.

     Adrien shakes his head and laughs.  "Come, on Plagg!  That is not funny!  She is just fine.  She is not evil."  Adrien says.

      "It is not a joke!  She really is!"  Plagg says.

      Adrien turns on the television in his room.  He sees the news and it shows Ladybug as  a villain just like Plagg says.  Adrien's  jaw drops in surprise that his kwami was serious.  

"Whoa, Plagg, we have to rescue her!  No one can purify the akumas expect for her!"  Adrien says.

   "FInally, you woke up to reality!"  Plagg says.

   "Plagg, claws out!"  Adrien says.  He transforms into Chat Noir.  He goes over to the open window and jumps outside.  He runs to the park since this is where the news says Miss Hateful Bug is right now.

     "Bugaboo, stop!"  Chat calls out.

     "Haha, now why would I do that Chat Noir?"  Miss Hateful ask.

   "This is not you.  Stop, you are meant to be a hero just like me, not a villain."  Chat says.

     "Do not listen to him, just grab his miraculous and bring it to me."  Hawkmoth says to her.

      " Chat, give me the miraculous or you die!  Got that you will be one dead, ugly, stupid cat!"  Miss Hateful says.

      "Miss Hateful what happened to make you so angry?"  Chat says.

     "Adrien Agreste is to blame for this!  He is the one who did this to me."  Miss Hateful says.

     "What?  How?  what did he do to you, Ladybug?"  Chat ask.  He thinks, I do not know what I could have to done to her.

    " He broke my heart!  He flirts with Lila in the library. Then later, he has the nerve to do the same with that Kagami girl!  Only when he flirts with the second girl I can tell he does not tease her like he did the other one.  This time he is serious.   It is like he is smitten with Kagami! "  Miss Hateful says her voice full of jealousy, hatred and anger towards Kagami

     "Bugaboo, there must be some misunderstanding!  You see he does not feel anything towards Lila at all.  She is to much of a liar! " Chat says.

     "Duh, I already know that Chat!  It is Kagami that is the problem here!"  Miss Hateful says.

   "Kagami is just a friend."  Chat says.

    "Ha, I could care less what you think about her!  It is what Adrien thinks that counts to me."  Miss Hateful says.

    "Well, he is a good friend of mine and he does not like her."  Chat says.

    "I do not believe you!"  Miss Hateful says.  She tries to attack him.

     "Fine he likes her,  and she likes him.  Only, he likes someone else too."  Chat says.

     "How do you know all this?"  Miss Hateful says.

    "He told me!" Chat says.

    "I still think you lie.  There is no way that could be true. "  Miss Hateful says.

     She attacks him again.  This time he falls down and his face gets bruises all over it along with a few scraps.

     "Ouch, that hurts!  Now, snap out of it!  Please, Bugaboo!" Chat says.

     "I am not your bugaboo!  Not anymore, she is gone for good!  I am Miss Hateful Bug now!"  Miss Hateful says.

    "I hate you!  I hate you, I hate Adrien!  I hate Kagami !  I hate all three of them."  Miss Hateful says.

     Miss Hateful ties him up in her yoyo, reaches out and tries to grab his miraculous. As she approaches him he does not even struggle.  He just smiles.  "Go ahead then, take the ring!  See if I care!"  Chat says.

   "It will be my pleasure!"  Miss Hateful reaches for it, but trips and falls. 

    Chat breaks free and grabs her before she can slip off the building.  She looks at him in surprise.  Her eyes are full of tears.

      Chat feels weak.  He destransforms and passes out.  Miss Hateful turns to him to thank him for saving her and gasps.  She sees Adrien unconscious.  

"No!  Adrien!"  Miss Hateful says.

  Miss Hateful cries, "What have I done?" 

    She kisses Adrien and the akuma comes out of her mask.

      "Adrien, please be okay! I love you!"  She turns back into Ladybug, catches the akuma and purifies it.

     "Miraculous Ladybug!"  She calls out and everything goes back to normal.

   Adrien opens his eyes.

  "Ladybug?"  Adrien says.

   "I am so sorry, Adrien!"  Ladybug says.

     Ladybug picks him up and carries him to Master Fu.  Master Fu heals him.  Then, Ladybug takes him home and puts him in his bed.  She covers him up.

     "Good night, my love!"  Ladybug says and turns to go.

    "Wait, Ladybug!  I need to tell you something!"  Adrien says.

     "Okay, what is it?"  Ladybug ask.

     "I do not love her!"  Adrien says,.

     "What are you talking about Adrien?"  Ladybug says.

     "I do not love Kagami."  Adrien says.

    " It is okay."  Ladybug says.

     "Yes, I know it is now." Adrien says. He catches her by surprise, when he reaches up, and pulls her closer to him.

     Ladybug thinks, wait what is happening?  Adrien kisses her on the mouth.  As he does, Ladybug can feel his love for her.  She smiles as she thinks, so he does love me after all. Oh, Adrien!   She kisses him back.  She does wish for the moment to ever end.  She hears her miraculous beep.  She smiles at him.

    "Good night, my l-love!  See you soon, A-Adrien!"  Ladybug says and swings away into the night.

    Adrien smiles as she goes.  He thinks, wow! I got to kiss her and she kissed me back!  He smirks as he realizes this could only mean one thing, Ladybug loves him as Adrien.

   the end...Ladrien AU one-shot story-Summer Cheng

    *Author's  Note:  So, what did you think?   Let me know in the comments below.  Oh, and do not copy, repost, make into a video,etc.  This is my own original story line, so there!- Summer Cheng*


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