Lila A Hero! one-shot story

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   Lila is so happy.  At last, someone trust her to be a hero!  Imagine her a real hero alongside Ladybug, Chat Noir, Queen Bee, Rena Rouge, Carapace and all the others!  She is glad that this moment is here now.  She sighs as she receives her miraculous!  It is  a cute little  red squirrel watch that  allows her to transform into the hero  Miss Squirrel!  Her kwami  has the name Nutts.  She thinks this ironic as squirrels eat nuts!   Talk about funny!

   Lila   smirks.   "Nutts, tails  twitch!"   Lila transforms for the first time ever!  She takes a look at herself in the mirror.   Wow, I look so good she thinks.  She sees this awesome red suit complete with a red mask, a red bushy tail, pockets, two red ears, and finally a water pistol that shots out silly string instead of water!   

    Now, to wait for an akuma attack so she can prove she is just as a good as a hero as all the others Master Fu trust for this huge task ahead! 

  BOOM!   Turns out she does not have to wait for long as the newest villian  Socky arrives to take over the world! 

     Socky is  a man who owns a puppet store.  He is upset because he was told his business was no good.  It is a waste of time, as puppets are to old fashioned and everyone is into technology stuff now days such as radios, television, ipods, ipads, laptops, desktops, chromebooks, nook ebook readers, and so on!  He is so mad he can not stand it.

   Ladybug, Chat Noir, Carapace, Queen Bee, Kid Zebra, Dog Damsel and Skunk Dude are already at the scene.  Turns out Rena Rogue could not come as she is home sick.  She woke up with a high fever of  101.2 , and the flu!  Her mother would not let her leave the house.  

    Miss Squirrel is glad to be here!  She knows the others might not trust her yet since she was a villain so many times in the past.  She determines to prove to them she is a hero now and that her villainous days are all over!  She does not intend to harm anyone.  She knows Master Fu has trust in her, so hopefully the others will too soon enough.  

   The group fights long and hard against Socky!  A few minutes later, Carpace and Chat have been caught in a trap and are close to the transformation wearing off!  They panic since their identities are close to being seen by everyone which includes the super villain and their greatest nemesis Hawkmoth! 

  Just as they think all is over, Ladybug does her lucky charm!  Ladybug ends up with a spaghetti spoon.  She throws it and it knocks over the stand Socky has in front of him.  As it falls Socky cries, and his hat falls to the ground!   Miss Squirrel grabs it up and sprays silly string all over it and the villain.    Socky screams, "No, you will never win!  I will defeat you all and get your miraculous!  I will if  it is the last thing, I do!" 

    Dog Damsel  barks a  huge bark which knocks Socky over back wards.  As he gets back on his feet a blast of strong odor from Skunk Dude shows up in front of him.  He gags!  He runs in the opposite direction!  He does not see Queen Bee head his way.

   Queen Bee, paralyzes Socky!   Kid Zebra catches the akuma as Ladybug's  earrings beep.  

  Queen Bee, Kid Zebra,Miss Squirrel, Dog Damsel and Skunk Dude:  Pound it!  

    Ladybug:  "Miraculous  Ladybug!"

         Everything goes back to normal!

        Lila takes a look around her.  Where on earth is she?  Why are there bars around her?  What happened?  Where is her hero suit, miraculous and kwami?  She does not  understand.  What is this all about anyway?  She pinches herself and wakes up in a cold sweat in jail!  Wait, what?

     The work she did as a hero was not real.  It was all a dream, but how?

     Ladybug and Chat Noir shake their heads.  They can not believe they almost feel for the illusion again.  Good thing, Carapace, Queen Bee, Dog Damsel, Skunk Dude, and Kid Zebra where there to help them!  They breath a sigh of relief.  

     *Author's  Note: So what do you think?   Nevermind, Gotcha!  It is a prank!  Ha, ha!  I can not believe you fell for it !  April Fool's!  

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