Love Poem one-shot story

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    "  I want to tell the guy I love that I care about him.  I just have no idea how to tell him."  Alexis whines

     "I know, how about you write him a love poem!"  Her mother suggest.

     " A poem?  How will this help?"  Alexis ask.

   "Well, you do not know how he feels if you never tell him how you feel first."  Alexis mother remarks.

    "I suppose that makes sense.  Thanks, mom!"  Alexis says.

    Her mother goes to the kitchen to fix supper.

       Alexis gets to work on the poetry right away.  She works hard on it.  She wants to make sure it sounds just right.  How else will her crush know she is smitten with him?   She has had this crush for what now, over two years?   Wow, time sure goes by fast that is for sure.

     Here is the poem she has written for her crush.  * Author's  Note: Actual poem written by the author, for this particular story, so please do not copy it in any form or fashion thanks.-Summer Cheng*

  "Love is..."


  Alexis  Megan  Lahiffe

    You are the one,

   Who when I look,

  Around me,

 All i see

is you!

Love is

something hard,

 to describe in words:


 for it 

does not

seem to do 

it justice.

Love is,

a funny thing,

for love in itself,

can be shown,

through hugs,

a kiss, or two,

a blush,

a smile,

 a wave at someone,

as they pass you by,

a  card,

or even a gift.

Love is,

Beautiful on its own,

but is even better,

when is shared:

with someone else!

Love is,

Not something,

you should ever,

take for granted:

for you never know,

when it may,

cease to begin,

or come to an end.

Love is,

a gift,

that we all,

share with our  family,

our friends,

our neighbors,

or our crushes,

and strangers.

Love is,

a beautiful thing,

that is why,

I wrote this poem,

to let you know,

how much,

I love you so!

   Alexis  Meagan Lahiffe looks up from what she has written down, and still has a frown on her face. She wonders now, will my crush even read it?  Will he like it?  Will he hate it?  Will he even care I wrote it for him?  She shrugs her shoulders.

   Two days later, Alexis goes to school, with the poem inside an envelope, with a seal and takes it in her backpack.  She goes inside not sure how to approach the guy she likes.  She can not even figure out how to speak to the guy let alone deliver him this note.  She sees he is not even here yet.  She breaths a sigh of relief, as she approaches his desk.  She pulls out the envelope and places it on top.  She sits down in her own seat four rows back. 

   Jeffery Hanks  Agreste II  sees the funny thing on his desk when he enters the room.  He thinks, wait who could have given this to me?   I am not that popular.  I mean, I am new here, so how could have done this?   He looks around to see if he can find the source to this.  He has no clue who it is at all.  He opens it and blushes when he sees the contents inside. He places it back inside the red envelope and puts it safely inside his backpack.  He zips the bag shut and returns to his seat.  

  Later, after school, Jeffery grabs up his bag and heads out the door.  He can not even look at her.  He has no idea who this Alexis person even is yet.  Already, he feels bad that is not good with names.  He wishes he could recall the sender of such big words in such a small piece of art.  He feels clueless though.  He runs home.

   Meanwhile, Alexis feels down.  She takes the silence as the rejection.  She thinks, why did I even listen to my mother?  What does she know anyway?   The guy does not like me.  That is all there is to it.   Talk about a complete and utter disappoint as in this is the worst day ever!   For  here on out, I want even bother with him.  I should just move on, right?  It is not like he will ever notice  me.  I am just a silly, girl, who tries to hard to get his attention anyways and fails.  Ugh, how did mom ever get dad to notice her?  What about grandparents, great grandparents and so on?

   Alexis POV:  Operation get noticed was a flop.  It turns out the guy hates me!  Why else did he rush off in a hurry just to avoid me after school.  This is not fair!   What did I ever do to him?   I mean besides love him and put my life on the line when I went out of the way to tell him?  Some good that did me!  Yes, some good, indeed!

   Jeffery's  POV:  Who is this Alexis person again?  What does she even look  like?  Have I actually met her?   Is she nice?   I mean how do I know what to expect from her, when I can not say I remember who she is.   Good grief, how do I find her? 

    Jeffery arrives home and goes to his room.  He turns on his computer and goes online.  He goes to and types in the name Alexis Lahifee.   He finds out she does indeed go to the same school as him.  He discovers she is the great granddaughter of  a Alya and Nino Lahiffe, grandaughter to a Kyle and Jessie Lahiffe, and  daughter of  Kevin and Lucy Lahiffe.   It does not say much more about her than this.  He sees a photo of her too. He blushes.  He thinks, she is kinda cute for a  strawberry blonde with freckles, rosy cheeks, brown eyes and is 5 ft.  4 in tall.  He longs to meet this girl.  He falls asleep that night with a huge grin on his face.

  The next day Jeffery arrives early to school for a change.  This surprises him since he usually is the type to oversleep and arrive late.  He goes to the homeroom class and sits down.  Soon he sees a girl that meats Alexis description come inside the room.  Only, he can tell she has her head down.  She does even look his way.   

   Jeffery stands up and offers to help her with her art project as she is about to drop it.

  "Uh, hey, there!"  Jeffery says.

  "Hey!" Alexis says.

  "I am Jeffery!"  Jeffery says.

  "Yes, I know.  I am Alexis."  Alexis says.

   "You are the one who gave me the poem!"  Jeffery says.

   "Yes,look it is okay, I already know..." Alexis says sadly.

    "Huh?  Watch out!  Your art project!"  Jeffery calls out, and grabs it before it crashes to the floor.

    "Th-Thanks, you did not have to do that you know."  Alexis says.  The surprise shown in her eyes.

    "Oh, it was no problem.  Besides, I did not want you to have to do it all over.  I mean you must have worked hard on it already.  Oh, and you never gave me a chance to thank you."  Jeffery says.

   "Thank me, for what?"  Alexis says as she turns up an eyebrow in surprise.

    "For the love poem!  It was amazing!  I really like it.  No one has ever said something like this before and I admit I was surprised.  Also, I am sorry, I did not remember you before today to be honest.  I am kinda bad with names."  Jeffery says.

    "Oh, so you did not think it was bad?"  Alexis ask.

   "No, why would I?  It was great!"  Jeffery says.

    "Oh, uh, I am glad you like it." Alexis says.

     "Alexis, you are so kind, and I know we just met.  I also, can tell you are cute, and I really want to get to know you better.  Will you go with me to hang out after school?   In the park, I mean just the two of us."  Jeffery says.  He feels so shy and nervous, he can hardly think let alone recognize what it was he just told this girl.

   "Sure, I would be happy too!"  Alexis says.  

   "Great, see you then!"  Jeffery says.

    Time skip to after school brought to you by Alya's  Ladyblog  updates...Haha, just kidding!  It is just here by the author...

   Anyways, Alexis and Jeffery goes to the park together.  After a few minutes they find out they have  a lot in common.  They may not have become boyfriend and girlfriend just yet, but at least now they are friends.  For now that is better than it was before for Alexis!  She is just glad it turns out the guy did not hate her after all!

    the end...Love Poem one-shot story-Summer Cheng

*Alexis Lahiffe  and Jeffery  Agreste ,Kyle and Jessie Lahiffe,Kevin and Lucy Lahiffe, are all characters made up by me/Summer Cheng.  Please do not reuse these names or the story in  a repost, reupload, etc.  or for an you tube accounts either, thanks!  Sincerely, Summer Cheng.



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