Moove It AU one-shot story

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      Chloe Bougerious is on her way to work. She is in her new, yellow convertible. She is all ready to make some money. She can not believe on her second week on the job how much traffic seems to pile up. She wonders, what it is that makes traffic so slow this morning.

   Sabrina Raincomprex is right behind Chloe. She is in her old, beat up, orange pick up truck. She too is ready to make some cash. She can not believe on her second day on the job how the traffic seems to stop. She wonders, why is the traffic at such a snail pace anyway?

     Nino Lahiffe is in line behind Sabrina. He is in his new green, jeep. He has the the radio on to his favorite tunes. He does not even seem to notice the traffic jam. He is just happy to have a job and looks forward to the weekend.

    Many others are impatient as ever as they wait in the long line of traffic. None of them seem to be aware of what it is that makes the whole thing so crazy. Why is everything in a sudden stop? All at the same time, even as the light turns green no one moves.

    Suddenly the woman in the front of the line, Chloe gets out of her car. She sees the answer to the whole annoyance. It seems there is a herd of cattle in the middle of the road. As in cows block the street.

"Come on cows, mooove it!" Chloe says to the cows.

     The cows just ignore her and continue to stand in the way. It appears that they will not go anywhere else anytime soon. Talk about one pain the neck!

"Ugh, can you believe this?" Chloe says to no one in particular.

"Hmm, hey, Miss, maybe I can help!" A man with bright red hair, a mustache and a beard says to Chloe.

  The blonde turns around to see who spoke to her and sees herself face to face with an old crush. "Wait, Nathaniel Kurtzberg is that really you?"

" Haha, yes, it is me! You know Chloe you are more kind and much prettier than I remember!" Nathaniel says.

"  Wait, you think I am pretty?" Chloe ask and blushes.

"Well, sure you are Chloe!" Nathaniel remarks.

"Th-thanks, Nathaniel, you look n-nice too." Chloe says.

"Well, it was nice to see you again." Nathaniel says.

"Y-yeah, same here!" Chloe says.

   "Come on animals, move on out!"  Nathaniel says to the cows.  He frowns when they still refuse to budge.

"Here is my phone number, oh and what is yours?" Nathaniel says.

"Oh, here!" Chloe hands him one of her business cards and a slip of paper with her cell phone number on it.

"Thanks, well, see ya!" Nathaniel says.

"Ya, s-see y-ya!" Chloe says.

     The other drives see them interact with one another and most smile. Others just honk their horns at them. They seem rather upset. Soon though everyone honks their horns at the young people in the street.

     The cows hear the noise and can not stand all the commotion and they finally begin to move. They slow scoot over from the middle of the road to one side of it until all the cattle is out oft eh way. The drivers clap as the beast of burden are no longer in there way.

     Chloe gets back inside her car as Nathaniel makes a run for it. He climbs into the front seat of a black sudan with red stripes down the sides. Everyone else takes their cars out of park and puts them back into D for drive. Now, at long last the traffic moves again as if nothing ever odd took place in the first place.

      Chloe arrives at work with ten minutes to spare. She wonders how what with all that took place earlier? She smiles as she sits down at her desk. She sees a text from Nathaniel. She can tell he wants to meet her for coffee at some point.

     Sabrina arrives on time to her work as does Nino to his and everyone else is on time to their jobs, or other destinations as well. Turns out the cow hold up was shorter then they once thought it would be today.

the end...Moove It AU one-shot story-Summer Cheng     

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