Motorcyle Gang Boyfriend AU *sad* one-shot story

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   * Author's  note:  This sad  Motorcyle Gang Boyfriend  AU, one-shot  story is based on the song "Leader of the Pack"by The Shangri-Las.  The actual song link is posted above for those who wish to listen to it.

        Characters in story:  Marinette as Betty

                                                 Adrien  as Jimmy/leader of the motorcycle gang

                                                Tom and Sabine: disapproving parents

                                                 Alya as Betty's  best friend

                                                Nino/ crushes on Alya/neighbor to Betty/not in gang

                                                Alix another friend to Betty

                                               Juleka, Mylene: More of Betty's  friends

                                              Ivan/ Mylene's boyfriend, in  Adrien's motorcycle gang

                                             Luka/another member of motorcycle gang

                                             Max/motorcycle gang member

                                           Kim/Alix's boyfriend, motorcycle gang member

                                           Lila/jealous of Betty/ Jimmy's  ex-girlfriend

                                           Kagami/only girl in motorcycle gang/crushes on Luka

                                           Felix/Adrien's brother/in motorcycle gang as well

                                           Richard/new in town/single/crushes on Betty/not in gang


        Motorcycles, helmets


              candy store


             rainy night


        Once there was this girl named Betty (Marinette)  she was in love.  She was head over heals in love with this guy.  To her he was not just any guy, he was the one for her.  She was sure of it as sure as she was of anything!  She was so happy!  She can still hardly believe it.  She was his!  She recalls it well how one day after school, she went into the candy store and that is where she met him-the man of her dreams- Jimmy (Adrien).   She bumps into him.  She apologizes and he just smiles the cutest smile ever at her.  

       Jimmy (Adrien) smiles at her.  "Whoa, are you alright?"  Jimmy ask with concern in his eyes as Betty almost falls after she bumps into him.  "Y-yeah, what about you?  I mean I did bump into you!"  Betty says.  "I am just peachy!  In fact, you can bump into me anytime you like!"  Jimmy says.  He sees her frown and laughs.  "Why so serious?  It was just a joke, Miss?"  Jimmy says. "Oh, the name's  Betty!"  Betty says.  "Wow, nice to meet you Betty!"  Jimmy says.

    Betty forgot all about why she came to the candy store in the first place.  She just grins big at this hunk, of a hot man!  She can barely breath.  She notices his blonde hair,green eyes, big grin, and his dimples. She is smitten at once!  She can not take her eyes off him.  She looks away when he catches her glances at him.

    Jimmy smirks.  "It is okay! Really!"  Jimmy says.

    Betty blushes, "O-okay, what about you?  What is your name?"  Betty ask.

   "Oh, I am Jimmy!  I am not your typical guy."  Jimmy says.

   Betty raises an eyebrow in confusion.  

    Jimmy remarks, "What I mean is I have a motorcycle, and well, I am the leader of the pack.  As I am the leader of this motorcycle gang called Jimmy's  Fire Wheels."  

 "Wow, that is cool!"  Betty says.

 "Betty, I like you!"  Jimmy says.

  "I l-like you too!"  Betty says.

 "Good, then will you go out with me?"  Jimmy ask.

  "S-sure!"  Betty says.

   "Great!  Well, in that case, here you can keep this!"  Jimmy says.  He takes off his class ring and gives it to her.

   Betty blushes even more as she places the ring on her finger.  She can not believe it this man is her boyfriend now and he gave her his ring!  She can hardly wait to tell everyone!  She heads outside after she buys a few peppermint and cinnamon sticks.

   Jimmy watches her as she walks out.  He smiles. He has a great idea!  He just hopes she will agree to it.  He waits til she sits on the sidewalk, he buys a few peppermint sticks and a package of chewing gum.  He heads outside and sees her there.

  "So what do you think?"  Jimmy says as he shows her his motorcycle.

   "It is really something!"  Betty says.

  "No, you are really something!"  Jimmy says.  He blushes.

   "Thanks!"  Betty says.

     "Come on, I will give you a ride home!"  Jimmy says.

     "Okay!" Betty says. She climbs on the back and holds on tight to him.  She manages to tie the candy bag to her skirt with her belt. 

     The other motorcycle gang members whistle in approval!  "Well, Jimmy you have a hot babe there with you!"  Felix his brother calls out!

     "Pipe down, Felix!  She is mine!" Jimmy says.

     Betty smiles.  She waits til Jimmy puts his helmet on and helps her with the extra one.  Then, off they ride together!  She loves it!  The feel of the light breeze as it brushes across her hair and the way it feels to wrap her arms around him, her Jimmy.

    Once they arrive at her place , due to her instructions to him, Jimmy let's her get off first.  He parks the bike.  He gets off and walks her to the door.  He kisses her. "See you soon, my lovely gal!"  Jimmy says.  "Yeah, see you soon!"  Betty says.  She can believe it he actually kissed her! 

     Jimmy smiles, waves bye to her and heads on home. He arrives safe and sound.

      No sooner had he left than her parents gave her a look of disapproval.  "Betty, that guy is up to no good.  What do you think you are doing with him?"  Tom and Sabine says at the same time.

     "What?  How could you say this about him?  Why you did not even give him a chance!  He is my boyfriend and I love him!"  Betty says.  She goes to her room to do her homework.

    The next day...

    Betty's   friends, Alya, Alix Juleka, Mylene, and Nino,etc.  stop to ask her something.  "Betty, nice ring you have there!  Is that Jimmy's?"  They ask.

    "Yes, it is!"  I am so happy to be with him and he to be with me.

   "Wow, girl it sounds like love at first sight."  Alya says.

    "Yes, I believe it is indeed."  Betty remarks.

         School seems to go by in a blur!  Jimmy arrives to pick her up to give her ride!  She smiles and hopes on it behind him once more.  Betty and Jimmy go to the park. They enjoy a nice picnic together!   

    "Betty, I love you!"  Jimmy confesses. 

     "I love you too!"  Betty confesses.

     The weeks went by fast, and soon turn into months, followed by years!  It seems nothing could separate the pair.  Betty and Jimmy were a well known name in all of Paris, France!  It seems there is no where they could go where others did not identify them as a couple. 

    Everyone was happy for them except for Richard, a new guy in town who made it clear about his crush on Betty, and Betty's  folks.  Betty and Jimmy could care less what others thought about them. They were a couple and very much in love.

     One day, Jimmy ask Betty to marry him!  Betty is so happy, she says yes!  She smiles as he slides the engagement on her hand right next to the class room he gave her years before.  She feels in that moment as if nothing could ever go wrong.  Nothing!  How should it?  She is engaged to her beloved Jimmy and vice versa.

     Jimmy drives her home on his  Harley Davidson motorcycle as usual. He kisses her!  "See you soon!  I can not wait to marry you,my love!"  Jimmy says.  He smiles.

     "I can not wait to marry you, my Jimmy!  Love you!"  Betty kisses him!  She waves as he leaves.

     "Betty we need to talk right now!"  Tom and Sabine say sternly after Jimmy leaves.

     "What is this all about?  I am marrying him!  I getting married to Jimmy!"  Betty announces.

    "Well, that is impossible!  You will never marry him!  He is bad news, from the side of the tracks, ride side of town.  Can you not see, he uses you?  We want to find someone new and better!" Tom says.

    "I agree with your father. "   Sabine says.

   "Please, do not make me do this!  It will ruin everything!  We are in love!  Why can you not just be happy for me, for once?"  Betty says.  She runs to her room in tears. She is heartbroken.  She can not believe her parents hatred for the man she loves.

     The next day...

      "Betty, we will never support you and Jimmy!"  Tom says.

     "You know we only want what is best for you!"  Sabine remarks.

     "No, you want what is best for you!  I love him and you want me to break his heart.  I just can not do it." Betty says.

     Betty goes to school sad. She refuses to say a word about it to her friends.  Later after school, sure enough Jimmy arrives.  She is happy sort of yet sad.  

     "Betty, what is it?  You have been crying?  Cheer up!"  Jimmy says.

        Jimmy drives her to a movie.  They have a great time!  They laugh, smile, cry and laugh some more. They hold hands.  After the movie, Jimmy drives her home. 

       "Now, what is this all about ?"  Jimmy ask once at her place.  

  The sky turns dark, and it begins to rain.  Betty notices and thinks, why now?  Why does it have to rain.  Betty turns to him and sobs.  Jimmy looks at her with concern and hugs her.

     "Jimmy, I am sorry.  We can not be together anymore. My folks want to let me see you again!"  Betty remarks.

     "Oh, Betty!  I can not believe it. You are breaking our engagement off?"  Jimmy says.  His own eyes are full of tears now.

   "Yes,"  she mutters sadly as she takes off the engagement ring and hands it back to him. She tries to give him the other ring.

   Jimmy refuses to take it back.  He leans in and for the last time kisses her on the lips.  It is sorrowful, goodbye kiss for them both!  Betty kisses him back.  

   "Goodbye, forever my love!"  Jimmy calls out sadly. He hops on his motorcycle and begins to drive away.

    Betty looks up in horror as she sees a pickup truck driving to fast down the road.  "Jimmy, Jimmy watch out! "  Betty calls after him.

    Jimmy does not hear her.  That was the day he died.  The day she was broken forever. The day her heart was broken and was never healed.

    "No,no!"  Betty calls out in horror. She sobs and refuses to be consoled.  She never does date again much to the dismay of her parents.

   At Jimmy's funeral, which I might add, Betty had to sneak out in a disguise to attend it as her parents never did approve of him and did not want her to go, she sobs as she places flowers on his grave. She removes the class ring and puts it there too.  She whispers, "Jimmy, I am sorry, I never meant for this to happen, I love you!  I  will never love anyone else.  I promise. My only wish is that I had not broken our engagement off.  Now, it is too late."  

 Everyone else sobs too.  His brother gives her a hug.  He can tell how much she loved Jimmy.  He is furious at her parents for what they did to Betty and Jimmy.

    Betty was never the same.  She never spoke to her parents again.  She refuses to see a counselor.  She sang for the rest of her life about him, about her beloved deceased Jimmy,  about how "...he was the leader of the pack...I fell for the leader of the pack ... just like that he was gone, the leader of the pack, oh, I fell for the leader of the pack."  -quotation from the song "The Leader of the Pack"  song by  The Shangri-Las.  She sang and cried until one day she died from a broken heart.

     the end...Motorcycle  Gang Boyfriend AU *sad*one-shot story-Summer Cheng

   Do not copy this!  Do not copy my wattpad user name either.

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