Plagg x Camembert Love Story or Disaster? one-shot story by Summer Cheng

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          Once there was a Plagg, this is to say there was a cat kwami who went by Plagg!  He was in love with Camembert cheese.  Yes, cheese was the love of his life!   It seems like everywhere he went he was seen talking to, singing to and eating the stuff.  It was like he could not breathe or do anything without it.

        Tikki was not too happy to see how Plagg would obsess over cheese day after day!  She thought it quite unhealthy. She tried to warn him that it would do him no good to fuss over it.  She told him his love for cheese was just plain crazy and alright unheard of too.

       Plagg would not listen to Tikki's advice!  No, he just kept right on with his fondness for Camembert.  One day, he had a roll of it in his hands.  He just kept on staring right at all day.  He kept this up for many days.   Several days later, he was said to have a special ceremony.

       This is to say he gave the announcement that he and his beloved Camembert were to be wed! Tikki cried at the news!  She was heartbroken for she loved Plagg so very much!  She was jealous of the cheese.  She felt as if it was not fair he should not love her instead!

       Months later the wedding took place!  As in Plagg and the Camembert went to the chapel and were wed!  Now, it was a gigantic event with many guests from far and near.  It seemed that everyone wanted to know was to become of  Plagg and his bride to be Miss Cheese.  The ceremony was full of love, wonder, and lovely decorations!  Since the bride could not pay for these things the groom took care of the music, and such!  

       When the wedding was over everything was swell!  It was rather nice!  So nice that no one seemed to notice how Plagg's stomach begin to growl at the reception!   Plagg, ate some mints, a few crackers with butter, and many other goodies!   He even shared some with his new wife!  The guest thought him to be a very generous husband!

        Tikki just thought him to be out of his mind!  She sat in a corner and sulked.  She cried. She refused to mingle with anyone else. She was at her witts end!  She was so much in love with Plagg, she did not know what to do!

        The photos did not show it, but sooner or later the bride went missing!  The guest panicked and Tikki just laughed.  Plagg smirked with a look of satisfaction!  

          As the others left, Plagg sang a song:  

        Camembert, you and I were good together!  Camembert we are one of a kind!   We walked along the shore, and we came to be a part of the same team!  Camembert it was almost like a dream!  We got engaged, we got married and later I got hungrier than I have been in years!   Oh, my cheese!  I am so sorry, my dearly departed wife!  What have I done?  

       Camembert, I just could not resist tasting apart of you as you were apart of me!  I  took one lick, then I took two and next thing I knew:  I  took a bite out of the top, then another one from the bottom!   Babe, I  did not mean it!  Sweetheart, I was so bad!  I  took a chunk from the sides, and finally the middle!  

      Camembert, I chewed, I ground and swallowed!   That is right, it was such a poor sight to see, for I ate you and no one even knew!    Cheese, I tried so hard to make it work!  It seems I have a weakness for your sweetness!   Oh, what have I done?   What have I done to you?  It seems I ate you all up in barely a gulp!   Oh, goodness!  Goodness me!  I am a cheese killer!   

       It seems to have all ended in a catastrophe!  For I ate you and you just stood there and let me do it!  You did not resist!  You never once tried to getaway!   what more can I say?  I am so bad!  Babe, forgive me!  I am evil!  It is not you, it is me!   I am the one to blame for this all!   Oh, my goodness!  Camembert you are gone!   Camembert you are all gone!

      Plagg finishes his song and begins to walk home.  Tikki joins him.  She feels quite sorry for him actually since he was the one to fall in love with cheese, to marry it only to betray it in the end!

       "Plagg, you know what?"  Tikki ask.

      "No, what is it, Tikki?"  Plagg replies.

      "You are pathetic stinky sock!  You are so dumb!   I  do not know why I ever gave you any attention or why I  ever fell in love with you!  You can forget this friendship of ours!  It is not worth it!  It is all in vain!  I was never the same, the day you fell in love with that silly cheese!  I hope you are happy with yourself!  Happy with the life you made!  Happy with the reality that you ate the so-called love of your life!"  Tikki responds.  She turns and walks away.

       Plagg does not try to follow her!  Why should he?  He knows she is right!  He was the one to fall hard for food!   He is the one to do all those things she said and more!  He feels bad for her, but what can he do?  He cannot change who he loves!  He is not able to stop this irrational love for cheese!  It is nothing that can be done!  He enters his house and takes a look around.  He opens the refrigerator and sees there is more Camembert inside. He grins a huge grin!  He picks it up, sings to it and eats it!   

       Meanwhile, Adrien who owns this silly kwami thinks the flying cat must be hiding something!  He feels Plagg was all too happy when the bride up and left!  He cannot help, but wonder what could it all mean?  He sees Plagg as he eats more cheese and laughs!  He thinks, well it figures!

       the end...Plagg x Camembert Love Story or Disaster?  one-shot story -  Summer Cheng      

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