Plaggikki AU: Plagg's Proposal? one-shot story by Summer Cheng

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      Plagg has been with Tikki for two years now.  Ever since Ladybug and Chat revealed their identies, the two have been inseparable, and so has Plagg and Tikki.  Plagg can not wait to see the look on Tikki's  face!   Today is the day!

       Plagg feels so nervous.  Tikki sees him sweat!  She thinks, perhaps he is sick with a horrid fever!  She feels sorry for him.

     "Here Plagg, you can have my handkerchief, stinky sock!"  Tikki says as sweetly as she can.

     "Tikki, I am not sick.  I am just a train wreck when it comes to my emotions.  That is all there is to it!"  Plagg remarks.

     "Oh, and why is that exactly?"   Tikki ask.

       "Plagg, who is that you speak too?"  Adrien wants to know.

     "It is just Tikki!"  Plagg responds.

     "Okay, then do carry on Plagg!"  Adrien says. He goes to call Marinette!  As he waits for her to answer the phone, Plagg speaks to Tikki alone.

       "Tikki, we have been together for two years and known each other for way longer!"  Plagg says.

     Tikki looks like she may cry at any moment. She looks at him and thinks, he is so sweet!

       "Sugar cube, will you make me the happiest kwami ever and take this ring as a symbol of my love for you?   This is to say, Tikki, will you marry me?"  Plagg blurts out.  He sees her face brighten.  He thinks, perhaps this is a good sign.

      "Sure, Plagg, I will marry you! "  Tikki says.

     "you will?"  Plagg remarks.

    "Yes, I agree to do so!"  Tikki says.

    "Well, then m'lady, I do believe this is yours!"  Plagg says, as he slides the engagement ring on Tikki's finger.

      "Well, now I know where Adrien gets his flirty side from indeed!  Plagg, you call Tikki your lady!  Oh, how cute!"  Marinette gushes as she fan girls a bit.  She takes a photo of them with her special camera.  It just makes a digital photo of them that shows up in 3 D!  She thinks it to be rather cool indeed.  It is almost as awesome as the fact she finally dates her crush, Adrien Agreste!  Almost, but not quite.

     "I hear that purincess!  Glad you like my puns and flirt behavior!  I only do it for you,m'lady!"  Adrien says.

     Marinette laughs.  Soon Adrien, Tikki and Plagg join her.  It sure is great to laugh sometimes!  

       "Congrats you two!"  Adrien says.

      "Yes, congratulations to Tikki and Plagg!"  Marinette states.

       "Thanks so much!"  Tikki says.

      "Yes, thanks ever so much, you two kids!"  Plagg remarks.

     "Kids, what?  Why you can hardly call us kids!  We are almost adults now!"  Adrien says.

      "I agree with Adrien!"  Marinette says.

      "Haha, what Plagg, means is that you two are kids because well we are both over 1,000 years old!  So, anyone younger than us are kids!  Even Master Fu, the last guardian of the miraculous is younger than us you know."  Tikki states.

     "Tikki is right!"  Plagg says. 

    Pollen come inside.  Wayzz comes close behind her, along with Trixx, and Dusuu.   "Hey, everyone! "  The other kwamis say.

     "Wow, what a pleasant surprise!  Look whose here!"  Tikki says.

    "It is great to see you!"  Plagg says.

     "Is it just me, or does Plagg and Tikki have that certain glow about them?"   Wayzz remarks. 

     "I notice it too."   Pollen says.

   "Same here!"  Dusuu pipes up.

        "So,what brings you here?"  Tikki ask.

      "We came to tell you some good news, bad news, and even worse news!" Trixx says.

      "Dude and Dudette, I am so sorry to tell you this, but you see the thing is that  Hawkmoth is not really dead!"   Wayzz says.

     "Wait, what?"  Tikki says.  Her face turns pale at the news.  She can not process this fully now.

     "Say what now?"  Plagg remarks. He can only hope the statement turns out to be a joke.

     "You heard me!  Gabriel Agreste, or rather Hawkmoth as you know him, is alive!"  Wayzz states.

     "What?  How is that even possible?  We saw him fall to his doom years ago!"  Adrien says.

     "Yes, we sure did!"  Marinette responds.

     "I know, I recall this well."  Tikki replies.

    "Same here!"  Plagg replies.

     "Believe it or not, he is alive and he is on the way here!"  Wayzz tells them!

     "Oh, dear me!"  Adrien says.

    "Oh, dear me indeed!"  Marinette says.

        Tikki looks at Plagg and he nods his head in agreement.  Tikki kisses him and he returns the kiss.   

       "Tikki, see you again, soon!"  Plagg says sadly.

    "Yes, darling, I will see you again, soon."  Tikki responds sadly.

       Adrien and Marinette feel sorry for their kwamis!  They are sure this is not quite how Plagg and Tikki,  "Plaggikki"  as Marinette refers to them as, expects the day Plagg proposes to her to go!

      Just the same the kwami's  kiss each other goodbye for the moment!  Now, Plagg flies back to Adrien and Tikki back to Marinette!   The two agree to transform together!  "Ready?"  Marinette ask.

    "Yes, m'lady!"  Adrien says.  

    "Good then, lets transform, kitty!"  Marinette says.

     "Sure thing, Bugaboo!" Adrien says.

       Together:  "Tikki spots on!  Yeah!   Plagg claws out!"   Marinette and Adrien transform.

           Now, Ladybug and Chat Noir fight against the villain,  "Sudsy."   Sudsy attacks with her weapon of choice, the soap bubbles!  She throws them at the hero pair!  She misses.  She is not to happy about this,nor is Hawkmoth.

          Ladybug and Chat manage to save the day as usual!  Ladybug catches the akuma, and purifies it!   "Miraculous Ladybug!"  She calls out.

     Both: " Pound it!"

     Now, some where private, they detransform.  Hawkmoth detransforms too.  This time Adrien hides, retransforms and heads on home.  He jumps into his room through the adjar window, and closes it behind him.  He locks it too.  Now, he heads to the lair Hawkmoth has, and removes his pendant, or moth miraculous.   

       Sure enough, Hawkomth turns into Gabriel Agreste!  He passes out!   Adrien returns the moth miraculous to Master Fu.  He goes back home once more and enters the place through the back door.  He destransforms, walks upstairs and enters his room.

     Hawkmoth is not to happy about this!  He is angry to find himself at the betrayal of his own son!  He leaves the room, enters Adrien's place and pulls out a hatchet on him.  He grins and says,  "Hand over the miraculous nice and easy now, Adrien!"

      Adrien yells, "Never Hawkmoth, or should I say, Traitor!"

     Plagg and Tikki sense he is in danger!  They both arrive just in time.  They use their powers to render Mr.  Agreste unconscious. 

    Adrien calls the police. They arrive and arrest Mr. Agreste in spit of his protest. They lock him up in jail. Mr. Agreste, Gabriel is to stay there for here on out!  He gets charges of attempted murder among other things.

        Now, Tikki and Plagg arrive back at the bakery.  Adrien smiles in approval.  He follows them there and says,  "Now, Plagg you may spend the night! Do not anything I would not do though!"  Adrien remarks.

       "Adrien!"  Marinette says.

     "Relax, honey, I was only teasing him!"  Adrien says.

      "Yes, that maybe,but he still your friend!"  Marinette says.

           Adrien and Marinette kiss.  Adrienette sighs, breaks the kiss for air, and goes to see what their kwamis are up too.

   Plagg finds TIkki, picks her up in his arms and gently sets her down on the sofa.  He kisses her!   She kisses him back!

      "Awe!  Yes!"  Adrienette says.

     the end...PLaggikki  AU"  Plagg's  Proposal?  one-shot story -Summer Cheng

    *Author's  Note:  Do not in any form or fashion copy this.  It is my own personal story line. thanks.  SIncerely, the author, Summer Cheng.

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