Super Strong Marinette one-shot story

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           *Author's  note:  This one-shot story  is  based on the youtube video called  "Marinette is strong."

             Kim brags about how strong he is.  First he lifts a heavy bag.   Then, Max lifts an even heavier bag.

           Marinette comes along and smirks at the guys. She laughs at the silliness of the two boys.

    "Oh, yeah that is nothing boys!"  Marinette says, as she lifts two bags ten times the weight of the bags the boys just picked up.

     "I bet you can not lift anything as heavy as this fifty lb. weight right here!"  Kim brags.

      "Fifty pounds?  Haha, that is  like a feather to me."  Alya scoffs.

      Alya picks up a 150 lb.  weight in front of them and their jaws drop.  Everyone thinks, whoa!  Did you see what Alya just did she beat the guys big time!

      "Try to pick up something heavier than that guys! I double dog dare you too!"  Alya says.

         Adrien does not say a word.  He just watches to see what happens next.  He does not have to wait for long to find out the answer.

        Kim attempts to lift a 300 lb. weight, but fails.  Then, Max tries to lift a 400 lb. weight and has success.  So far, this means Max is the one who can lift the most weight out of those in the group who are up for the challenge.

     Alya just pouts as she stands to the side.  She can not believe it!  The guys out bested her, after all.  She is alright furious. Her face turns red from the anger and she clinches her fist at her sides.  Her hair even stands in the air as if to protest the whole entire thing.  

     Just when Adrien was about to leave, he overheard Kim remark, "Pick up your friend!"  

      Adrien turns to see Kim lift Max up into the air, but his shoulders look a bit worn out.  He can tell Kim sweats too.  He feels himself being lifted into the air, but has no idea who could be the one that did such a thing.  He can hear the crowd who has gathered around by this point in time cheer the two competitors on as if they had not another care in the world.  

     He feels something land in his lap.  Does he dare to look to see what it could be?   He looks and sees Nino.  What?  Whoever this is that has managed to lift him and Nino at the same time must be super strong!  Super strong indeed!  The only question is who on earth did such a thing?

    "Oh my goodness, would you look at that Chloe?"  Sabrina remarks.

    Chloe looks to see what Sabrina goes on about and her jaw drops.  For once even Chloe can not come up with anything to say about what she sees before her very eyes!  Why the whole thing is just unbelievable indeed.

    "Whoa, you go girl!  Show em'  whose boss!"  Alya calls out.

   "Wow, she is the strongest person I know!"  Alix says.

  " Big deal, she may be strong, but I am prettier than her!" Lila remarks.

   " What kind of dream world are you in Lila?"  Luka says.

     " I think she  is so cool!"  Manon says.

     "Yeah, Marinette is the best friend ever!"  Alya says.

     "Ladies, Gentlemen, teens and children, we have a winner! May  I present to you one rad and strong girl ever, Marinette Dupain-Cheng?"  Jagged Stone says

   "I  second that sir!"  Miss Bustier says

   " That is our girl!"  Tom and Sabine remarks

     "Marinette, Marinette, Marinette!"   The crowd cheers over and over again. 

         As Kim breaks a sweat and eventually drops Max, Marinette continues to hold on to Adrien and Nino as if it were no big deal.  Adrien begins to blush when he thinks about amazing Marinette is and Nino feels awkward about the entire thing.

     A  few minutes later, Marinette gently sets down Nino.  Then she sets Adrien down as well.  

    "Wow, Marinette you really are something!"  Adrien remarks.

    "Yeah, dudette!  I did not know you work out!"  Nino says.

    "Yes, well uh, you see the thing is strength kinda runs in the family."  Marinette says.

     "She is right.  I mean she did not get this kind of strength for nothing you know."  Tom brags.

      "What Tom means is that Marinette built up muscles that are strong and sturdy over time from all the boxes, bags of flours, and such she has had to lift over the years as she helps him unload the truck of supplies for the bakery."  Sabine points out.

      "I see, well uh, I still think it is amazing how she beat Kim at his own challenge to pick up a friend!  I mean she did lift both myself and Nino for quite awhile there huh?"  Adrien says.

     "Indeed, she did at that and I could not be more prouder of her."  Tom remarks.

     "Same here!" Sabine says.

     "Yes, well I am proud of her too!" Adrien says.  He forgets Marinette stands nearby when he says this.

    "Why thanks for the compliment, A-Adrien!"  Marinette says as she blushes a nice shade of red.

    "Wow, your face is rather red!  Did you get a sunburn?"  Adrien ask.

      Tom laughs as does Sabine.  Nino even chuckles at bit at the obliviousness of Adrien.

       "What?  What did I say?"  Adrien says.

       "Oh, never mind them!  I d-do not have a sunburn, A-Adrien!"  Marinette says.

      "Then why is your face s-so r-red?"  Adrien blutters out!

      "It is because of you!  What I mean is I l-like you!"  Marinette says. 

      "I  like y-you too!" Adrien says.

     "Awe, finally!"  Tom and Sabine, Nino and Alya say together.

     " Come on pretty strong chick, how about me and you go out on a date?" Adrien says.  He winks at her.

      "Well, I uh..." Marinette says.

    "I will not take no for an answer,"  Adrien remarks.

   Marinette grins at him!  Adrien smiles as he grabs her hand and takes her away for a date!  

     the end...Super Strong  Marinette one-shot story fan fiction is written by Summer Cheng.

    *Inspired by "Marinette is strong,"  Youtube comic clip I saw posted by someone else.

        Do not copy it.  Do not copy my wattpad user name, it is just plain rude to do so.

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