Sonnet 13: The Poet (Inspiration 2)

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More Shakespeare's Sonnets

By Fox-Trot-9

Sonnet 13: The Poet
(Inspiration 2)

When I perceive the world so bright and fair,
And listen to the birds that sing, and smell
Her blooming sweets, I share no more the care
I had for those when underneath his spell.
I see the world in different aspect from
The rest: the rays of sun doth sting each eye,
And flowers stuff my nose, and buzzards dumb
And deaf do screech in notes too harsh and high.
And when I see a couple here or there
Enjoying all of this, I envy both
In my disgust, as they do breathe the air
That makes me sick, and swear a wrongful oath.
       But when my thoughts do drift on thee, dear friend,
       Mine ailments fade and hateful thoughts will end.

(To be continued...)

A/N: This is the 4th and last installment for the day. I'll try to upload another one if inspiration hits me again. Anyway, have faith in me, all you faithfuls. I shall return.

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