Sonnet 28: The Poet (Inspiration 17)

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More Shakespeare's Sonnets
By Fox-Trot-9

Sonnet 28: The Poet
(Inspiration 17)

Am I so wrong to overemphasize
Thine excellence, as thou art mortal still,
Composed of mortal flesh, although thine eyes
Divine can move the heart and love instill?
Thine eyes cannot eclipse the brilliant sun,
Nor overcast the moon in rival show;
Thy gleaming eyes, by slow degrees, will run
Away from thee like melting fallen snow.
Thy looks are polished not in ivory,
Nor is thy heart constructed out of gold;
And thus, by slow degrees, thou wilt soon be
A shadow of thyself when thou art old.
       Thou equal'st not their worth, as thou canst see,
       But far exceed'st their worth and weight to me.

(To be continued...)

A/N: Here's the 10th istallment... OMG, you might be saying right now... Well, you havne't seen nothing yet... Just you wait; there's more! ( ^_^ )

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