Sonnet 32: The Poet (Inspiration 21)

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More Shakespeare's Sonnets
By Fox-Trot-9

Sonnet 32: The Poet
(Inspiration 21)

When I do think of days almost forgotten
And cherish every moment long since gone,
The world, it seems to me, has gotten rotten,
So spoiled in every part except the dawn.
The dawn doth rise, and with it rises hope
For all mankind, that man should seize his days
With all the license of his mortal scope,
Ere youth shall fade and with it all his praise.
Such lapse of time-alas!-hath fall'n on me,
Since half my days are spent away already
In chasing after counterfeits of thee,
Consecutively thwarted, never steady.
       But when I placed my hopes in thee to find
       Mine everything, I've left my pains behind.

(To be continued...)

A/N: Here's the 14th and last sonnet for the day... I know it's been a long time coming, but I came through... But sadly, I'll have to end it here for now... Hope you enjoyed these! I promise to come back sooner, but till then, bye bye for now... ( ^_^ )

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