Sonnet 42: The Poet (Poetry of Earth: Acrostic 4)

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More Shakespeare's Sonnets
By Fox-Trot-9

Sonnet 42: The Poet
(Poetry of Earth: Acrostic 4)

He lives in purity within mine eyes
If not within the eyes of jealous peers,
Since love subtracts the defects that arise,
Contracting each to less than it appears.
Each lie he tells is pardoned as a jest,
A mere inconsequence of slipping tongues,
Sufficient not to notice with the rest;
Indeed, my love is such that all his wrongs
Need not the sharp reprove of my detest.
Grant I the pardons love can oversee,
Nefarious as lies could ever seem,
Enduring each for love where love should be
Victorious, believing in a dream,
      Endearing all his sins-but when alone,
      Reserve myself for sorrow's sake my moan.

(Quoted) The poetry of earth is ceasing never...
—John Keats

(To be continued...)

A/N: And here's the last installment of this mind-bending little arc... I know, I know, it's insane, but it's possible to do this, folks... Me posting these up here is proof enough... It just takes a lot of axle grease to get it done... So till next time, hope you enjoyed... ( ^_^ )

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