Sonnet 60: Fair Youth (Guilt 9)

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More Shakespeare's Sonnets
By Fox-Trot-9

Sonnet 60: Fair Youth
(Guilt 9)

Alas, how can I flee the glaring of
This mirror of contempt I hold within me?
How can I find my peace in things I love
When all these things remind, ignore, chagrin me?
And even smiling, screening back the sting
Of self-detesting, earns me only grief
To think on former smiles I used to bring
On faces full of cheer and eyes relief.
Rare in my guilt, how foul I must appear
To all around me in this land of humor;
I have forsaken all I once held dear,
For one man's laughter is another's horror:
      Such grief, now sheltered in the knowing mind,
      Confines me to the darkness of the blind.

(To be continued...)

A/N: I think I'll stop here for a bit... I still have one more sonnet left after this one, but I'm thinking of writing another sonnet that will better tie this sonnet with the sonnet with the one I have left... I don't normally do this in between postings, but I think I can manage one more sonnet for the day... *crosses fingers*

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