Sonnet 74: The Poet (Admonishments 1)

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More Shakespeare's Sonnets
By Fox-Trot-9

Sonnet 74: The Poet
(Admonishments 1)

I steal into the bower of my mistress,
Creep in upon the bed, draw back the drape,
Expecting her asleep upon the mattress . . .
Only to find a youth whose comely shape
Reminds me of my mistress' supple curves,
Scantily hidden 'neath the satin sheets;
What sight is this? The fickle eye observes
A gorgeous woman, yet the mind repeats
The knowledge of my prince to my distress!
My mistress is a cruel and subtle thief,
Leaving here this changeling; nonetheless,
The sight of thee, my love, doth give relief
      To see thee yet unchanged by her desires;
      To see thee well is all my heart requires.

(To be continued...)

A/N: Fear not, my lovelies... I return with another batch of sonnets... A LOT of sonnets... Anyway, hope you're enjoying these pieces... ( ^_^ )

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