Sonnet 76: The Poet (Admonishments 3)

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More Shakespeare's Sonnets
By Fox-Trot-9

Sonnet 76: The Poet
(Admonishments 3)

If looks reveal the truth in every soul,
Thy beauty's more a mirror to thy truth,
Attired in grace and virtue Nature stole
From Adon's looks to mold a better youth; *
If eyes are glimpsing windows to the heart,
I see in thee the spring of love renewed,
Though thine own heart from mine is kept apart,
And thy so eager search for love is skewed.
So turn that mirror t'wards my humble face,
And look into the windows of mine eyes,
And look for that true love without disgrace,
And tell me thy rebuffs were fickle lies:
      For truth's a beauty only thou canst see,
      And truth revealed will set my demons free.

(To be continued...)

A/N: 3rd installment and counting... Hehehe... ( ^_^ )

* Adon = short for Adonis, a handsome youth loved by Aphrodite and Persephone in Greek mythology.

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