Sonnet 90: Fair Youth (Faults 1)

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More Shakespeare's Sonnets
By Fox-Trot-9

Sonnet 90: Fair Youth
(Faults 1)

I cannot help but think on days of yore
When princes ruled the waters of the sea;
Such gallant princes, which we still adore,
Were filled with honest sins that set them free
To roam the distant waters of the main
Westward beyond the ken of lesser men,
Compared to now when no such things remain
To redefine my station with my pen.
This prince, so far removed from such examples,
Is but the shadow of their high estate;
And so condemned a blasted fiend that tramples
Upon the title (prince), I'll share my state
      With kindred outcasts, dead to foe and friend,
      And only then shall these sins ever mend.

(To be continued...)

A/N: Here's the first of the few sonnets I'll be posting over the next few days... It's nice to be back in the sonnet-writing groove... ( ^_^ )

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