Sonnet 96: Fair Youth (Faults 7)

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More Shakespeare's Sonnets
By Fox-Trot-9

Sonnet 96: Fair Youth
(Faults 7)

So farewell love, and with love farewell hope,
As now my heart disintegrates to embers
Upon the altar of her words; I grope
Out of her chambers. Bleak as pride remembers
My humbled station in men's scornful eyes,
Far bleaker now when gentle words confer
Her meek reproach, making me agonize
Over her cruel decision to defer
My hopes upon the blades of cruel surprise.
My love, how can you steal my wayward heart
Only to have it shatter where it lies
Upon the altar your words did impart?
      Love taught my tears in sadder notes to flow
      And turned my heart to elegies of woe.

(To be continued...)

A/N: Here's the 3rd installment... Added a few nods to a few poets, too...

So farewell hope, and with hope farewell fear.
—John Milton

Love taught my tears in sadder notes to flow,
And turn'd my heart to elegies of woe.
—Alexander Pope

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